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Open Access

Open Access is the practice of making published research freely accessible to all. Whilst there are a number of mechanisms for making this content freely available, the Gold open access model used by the Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology requires that the published 'version of record' be made freely available to all immediately upon publication, with additional usage rights. As no subscriptions are sold to view the content, such open access journals are typically financially supported through an article processing charge (APC) levied on the submitting author's institution or funding body.

Benefits of open access with the Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology:

  • Visibility: Articles are freely available online immediately upon publication, giving the potential for increased exposure and dissemination.
  • Accessibility: Gold open access allows all readers with internet access around the world to access published research without having to pay for a subscription.
  • Quality: All submissions will be fully peer-reviewed, with acceptance decisions being made by an international Editorial Board independently of the Publisher.

There are many stakeholders in the publication of research: the researchers, the users and the funders. Different stakeholders have different views but many accept the fact that if you want, for example, validation, proper copyediting, presentation, sustainability, functionality (usability, reference linking, usage information, discoverability, etc), then all this has to be paid for. Traditionally this payment has been made via subscriptions. In open access publishing, the payment is made up-front, via article processing charges (APCs). APCs can be seen as a fairer payment mechanism, provided that the costs on which the charges are based reflect accurately the services offered, and provided that the acceptance process is based on peer review, rather than financial considerations.

Open access can therefore provide an opportunity to relate costs more directly to the means of publication, and it can provide a mechanism for publication that preserves the best aspects of traditional publishing whilst offering greater ease of use and more liberal copyright and ownership. Moreover, APCs mean that costs are not being met by an ever-decreasing number of libraries that are willing to subscribe, and that the costs of publication are therefore being shared more fairly, while at the same time maximizing dissemination.

Finally, publishing is competitive: authors compete for journal space, publishers compete for papers and for library budgets. Open access and APCs are a viable alternative for those authors who want to bring closer together the decisions about where to publish and how to pay, decisions that are divorced in the traditional subscription-based model.

For more information about Open Access at Cambridge University Press, see our Cambridge Open pages.

Currently Open Access fees to publish in the Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology are being paid by Beijing Normal University on behalf of authors.

Copyright Information

The author will retain the copyright of published articles.

Authors will be able to post the final published version of their article in any noncommercial location (e.g. personal webpage, institutional repository), using any form of the CC-BY license, as well as any commercial location if using the non-derivative CC BY license (CC-BY). We note however that we can currently only track usage statistics for article views and downloads from our own site, and we encourage all authors, regardless of chosen license, to make use of Cambridge Core Share when promoting their work.


Authors will be able to post the final published version of their article in any noncommercial location (e.g. personal webpage, institutional repository), using any form of the CC-BY license, as well as any commercial location if using the non-derivative CC BY license (CC-BY). We note however that we can currently only track usage statistics for article views and downloads from our own site, and we encourage all authors, regardless of chosen license, to make use of Cambridge Core Share when promoting their work.

Articles will be published, by default, under a creative commons attribution licence (CC-BY). Authors will, however, have the option to publish under a CC-BY Non-Commercial Share Alike (CC-BY-NC-SA) licence or a CC-BY Non-Commercial No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) licence if so desired.

Find out more about creative commons licences here