Published online by Cambridge University Press: 19 February 2018
∗ Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, volume of 1851.>>Google Scholar
∗ According to the last Return of the Registrar-General, “1,038 suicides were returned annually so as to be distinguishable in the register, which is probably less by a tenth than the number actually distinguished. Hanging is the most ciminion form of suicide; cut-throat and drowning stand next in the order of frequency. Eight-tenths of the suicides are committed in one of these three ways.”>>Google Scholar
∗ Die Pathologie und Therapie der psychischen Krankheiten.—Stuttgart, 1845.>>Google Scholar
∗ Dr. Blount's Translation, Part I. When may we hope for Part II. of this well-executed undertaking?>' href='s+Translation,+Part+I.+When+may+we+hope+for+Part+II.+of+this+well-executed+undertaking?>>Google Scholar
∗ The following remark of Dr. Thurnam's is curious, and worth reprinting in this place:—“When the proportion of recoveries per cent, are given for periods of life of twenty years duration each, the rate of the decrease in the recoveries will be seen not to be the same for different ages but to be a progressively accelerating one:— Google Scholar
“So remarkable a result, perhaps, merits the supposition that the decrease in the number of recoveries with age may observe some regular geometrical proportion. May not some extended researches shew the recoveries to be invershely as the square of the age?>>Google Scholar
“The only important exceptions to the general law of the recoveries de creasing with age is found amongst women, in whom the recoveries at 10 to 20, and 40 to 50, were less numerous than at the succeeding periods uf 20 to 30, attributed to the peculiarity of the sex.”>>Google Scholar
∗ The Retreat, York.>>Google Scholar
† When mar we hope for a second edition of this standard work, brought up to the present time?>>Google Scholar
∗ See Dr. Hood's Decennial Report of Bethlehem Hospital, 1846–55.>' href='s+Decennial+Report+of+Bethlehem+Hospital,+1846–55.>>Google Scholar
∗ See Dr. Harrington Tuke's excellent papers on forced alimentation: Journal of Mental Science, April and July, 1858.>' href='s+excellent+papers+on+forced+alimentation:+Journal+of+Mental+Science,+April+and+July,+1858.>>Google Scholar
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