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Paper of the Year award

About The Gordon E. Pike Prize for the JMR Paper of the Year

The Gordon E. Pike Prize for the JMR Paper of the Year recognizes excellence in advancing materials knowledge through written scholarship.

It is intended to honor the outstanding paper published in JMR in a specific volume year.

The annual prize consists of a $500 honorarium, awarded to the corresponding author of the JMR Paper of the Year.

Rules and Eligibility
Original research published in JMR in the award year (the prior volume year) can be nominated for The Gordon E. Pike Prize for the JMR Paper of the Year.

Consideration is not limited by topic or format/length. The recipient must be listed as a coauthor on the published paper.

A nominee need not be a member of the Materials Research Society. Note: Papers published by current members of the JMR Editorial Board, JMR Advisory Board, current members of the MRS Board of Directors, and recipients of the JMR Paper of the Year within the past 10 years are not eligible.

A panel comprised of the JMR Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors will select the annual recipient of The Gordon E. Pike Prize for the JMR Paper of the Year. The decision of the JMR leadership is final. The Prize honors all authors of the winning paper.  It is presented to the corresponding author at the annual MRS Spring Meeting. 

Nomination Package Requirements

The following is required for nomination for the award:

  • Completed Nomination Form. The nomination should include the name of the nominator(s), JMR issue date, paper title and authors, and a couple of sentences identifying the nominator.
  • Proposed citation (<40 words). Summarize the advances in materials research upon which the nomination is based, avoiding flowery descriptors.
  • A statement, 250 words or less, by the nominator specifically addressing how the paper advances and impacts the field of materials science.

Self-nominations are not permitted.

Submission Procedure and Deadline 

All materials comprising a nomination package should be sent as a single file document, preferably in PDF format. Incomplete and late nominations will not be accepted. It is the responsibility of the nominators to ensure legibility of the PDF or Word document. Please send the file by January 18, 2021 via email to [email protected].  

The Materials Research Society is grateful to Steven C. Moss for his generous endowment of The Gordon E. Pike Prize for the JMR Paper of the Year.  For more information on contributing to the JMR prize endowment, click here.  

2019 Gordon E. Pike JMR Paper of the Year Award

Journal of Materials Research is pleased to announce the winner of the 2019 Gordon E. Pike JMR Paper of the Year Award.

Congratulations to: 
Yongchao Liu, Mugilan Narayanasamy, Minjie Shi, Hanzhao Wu, Chao Yan, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
Cheng Yang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Wei Xie, Changsha University of Science and Technology
Hua Hou, North University of China
Zhanhu Guo, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

for their paper “High-performance coaxial wire-shaped supercapacitors using ionogel electrolyte toward sustainable energy system” (Published September 16, 2019 - JMR volume 34, issue 17) published in the JMR Focus Issue on Building Advanced Materials via Particle Aggregation and Molecular Self-Assembly.

The paper was awarded "For the development of high performance co-axial supercapacitors with a novel ionogel electrolyte for portable and wearable energy harvesting electronics."

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