Early Career Scholars in Materials Science 2019
Publication Date: January 2019
Submission deadline: June 1, 2018
The Fourth Annual JMR Issue to promote outstanding research by future leaders in materials science
This fourth Annual Issue invites full length research and review articles by materials researchers, who have completed their Ph.D but not yet achieved the level of full professor or senior scientist at the time of submission, for peer review and publication in the January 2019 issue. Ph.D students are not eligible to submit. The Annual Issue provides a unique opportunity to be highlighted and promoted early in one’s research career. To increase attention to these papers, this issue will be published on an open access basis. Although some papers may have multiple authors, only the Early Career Scholar submitting the paper will be identified with a photo and brief bio when the paper is published. Authors from around the world are invited to submit papers that span the topical coverage of JMR including advanced ceramics, metals, polymers, composites, and combinations thereof related to energy, electrical, magnetic, optical, and structural properties and related applications and reporting on:
Guest Editors
Gary L. Messing, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Susmita Bose, Washington State University, USA
Jürgen Eckert, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria
Linda S. Schadler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Manuscript Submission
To be considered for the issue, the Early Career Scholar must not yet be a full professor at the time of submission. Also, the manuscript must report new and previously unpublished results. Review articles are invited but must be approved by the issue editors before submission (see www.mrs.org/jmr-manuscript-types/ regarding review articles). Manuscripts must be submitted via the JMR electronic submission system by June 1, 2018. Manuscripts submitted after this deadline will not be considered for the issue due to time constraints on the review process. Submission instructions can be found at www.mrs.org/jmr-instructions. Please select “ANNUAL ISSUE: 2019 Early Career Scholars in Materials Science” as the manuscript type. Note our manuscript submission minimum length of 3250 words, with at least 6 and no more than 10 figures and tables. (Additional figures and tables may be submitted as supplemental material.). All manuscripts will be reviewed in a normal but expedited fashion. Papers submitted by the deadline and subsequently accepted will be published in the Special Issue. Other manuscripts that are acceptable but cannot be included in the issue will be scheduled for publication in a subsequent issue of JMR.
Papers must be accompanied by a photo (uploaded separately as a high resolution TIF or EPS file) and 200-300 word bio of the Early Career Scholar only. These materials must be submitted along with the original submission of the paper.
Please contact [email protected] for any questions