Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 March 2011
Particulate composites of magnetostrictive Terfenol-D were prepared with polyamine and anhydride cured epoxy polymer matrices with the presence or the absence of a strong magnetic field. These composites were studied to investigate (i) the influence of magnetic field that is applied during specimen preparation in strain output levels, (ii) performance loss at high temperatures, and (iii) the influence of matrix material in magnetostrictive strain performance. A six-way comparison is made of materials processed under magnetic field with materials processed under no magnetic field, and magnetostrictive strain performance at glass transition finish temperature with magnetostrictive strain performance at glass transition start temperature, and magnetostrictive strain performance in low modulus matrix systems with magnetostrictive strain performance in high modulus matrix systems. A four-way comparison is also made between the micrographs for strain-cycled and non-strain-cycled samples and relative damage incurred by samples prepared using high and low modulus matrix systems.