Prosser, H.,
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Influences on GPs’ Decision to Prescribe New Drugs—The Importance of Who Says What”
Family Practice 20, no.
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68. Other examples of recent publications include: M.A. Erdek, “What Clinicians and Health Professions Students Should Learn About How Pharmaceutical Marketing Influences Opioid Prescribing and Patient Outcomes,”
AMA Journal of Ethics 22, no. 8 (2020): E681-686; F. Fickweiler and W. Fickweiler, and E. Urbach, “Interactions between Physicians and the Pharmaceutical Industry Generally and Sales Representatives Specifically and Their Association with Physicians’ Attitudes and Prescribing Habits: A Systematic Review,”
BMJ Open 7 (2017): e016408; A. Fugh-Berman and N. Homedes, “How Drug Companies Manipulate Prescribing Behavior,”
Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology 46 (2018): 317-321; M. Khazzaka, “Pharmaceutical Marketing Strategies’ Influence on Physicians’ Prescribing Pattern in Lebanon: Ethics, Gifts, and Samples,”
BMC Health Services Research 19 (2019): 80; C.A. Marco, J.C. Moskop, R.C. Solomon, J.M. Geiderman, and G.L. Larkin, “Gifts to Physicians from the Pharmaceutical Industry: An Ethical Analysis,”
Annals of Emergency Medicine 48, no. 5 (2006): 513-21; S.M. Price, A.C. O’Donoghue, L. Rizzo S. Sapru, and K.J. Aikin, “What Influences Healthcare Providers’ Prescribing Decisions? Results from a National Survey,”
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 17, no. 10 (2021): 1770-1779.
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