Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by
The British Rhinological Society multidisciplinary consensus recommendations on the hospital management of epistaxis.
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology,
Vol. 131,
Issue. 12,
Mcleod, R W J
Price, A
Williams, R J
Smith, M E
Smith, M
Owens, D
Intranasal cautery for the management of adult epistaxis: systematic review.
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology,
Vol. 131,
Issue. 12,
Yaneza, May MC.
Amiraraghi, Natasha
Surgery (Oxford),
Vol. 36,
Issue. 10,
London, Nyall R.
Ramanathan, Murugappan
Sinuses and Common Rhinologic Conditions.
Medical Clinics of North America,
Vol. 102,
Issue. 6,
Runyon, Michael S.
Burton, John H.
Topical Tranexamic Acid for Epistaxis in Patients on Antiplatelet Drugs: A New Use for an Old Drug.
Academic Emergency Medicine,
Vol. 25,
Issue. 3,
Epistaxis and mortality.
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology,
Vol. 132,
Issue. 12,
Hussain, Musheer
Fishman, Jonathan
Fisher, Edward
Diagnostic accuracy of intra-operative assessment of de-epithelisation of the malleus, mortality and epistaxis, the left-sidedness of Zenker's diverticulae, and laryngeal stenosis and three-dimensional printing.
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology,
Vol. 133,
Issue. 06,
Abdul‐Hamid, Ayeshah
Qureishi, Ali
Martinez‐Devesa, Pablo
Almeyda, Robert
Giving epistaxis two fingers.
Clinical Otolaryngology,
Vol. 44,
Issue. 5,
Ruiz, Marta Mesalles
Llull, Gabriel Huguet
Brunet, Clàudia Gilart
Compta, Xavier González
Tratamiento de la epistaxis en atención primaria.
FMC - Formación Médica Continuada en Atención Primaria,
Vol. 26,
Issue. 5,
Tunkel, David E.
Anne, Samantha
Payne, Spencer C.
Ishman, Stacey L.
Rosenfeld, Richard M.
Abramson, Peter J.
Alikhaani, Jacqueline D.
Benoit, Margo McKenna
Bercovitz, Rachel S.
Brown, Michael D.
Chernobilsky, Boris
Feldstein, David A.
Hackell, Jesse M.
Holbrook, Eric H.
Holdsworth, Sarah M.
Lin, Kenneth W.
Lind, Meredith Merz
Poetker, David M.
Riley, Charles A.
Schneider, John S.
Seidman, Michael D.
Vadlamudi, Venu
Valdez, Tulio A.
Nnacheta, Lorraine C.
Monjur, Taskin M.
Clinical Practice Guideline: Nosebleed (Epistaxis) Executive Summary.
Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery,
Vol. 162,
Issue. 1,
Tunkel, David E.
Anne, Samantha
Payne, Spencer C.
Ishman, Stacey L.
Rosenfeld, Richard M.
Abramson, Peter J.
Alikhaani, Jacqueline D.
Benoit, Margo McKenna
Bercovitz, Rachel S.
Brown, Michael D.
Chernobilsky, Boris
Feldstein, David A.
Hackell, Jesse M.
Holbrook, Eric H.
Holdsworth, Sarah M.
Lin, Kenneth W.
Lind, Meredith Merz
Poetker, David M.
Riley, Charles A.
Schneider, John S.
Seidman, Michael D.
Vadlamudi, Venu
Valdez, Tulio A.
Nnacheta, Lorraine C.
Monjur, Taskin M.
Clinical Practice Guideline: Nosebleed (Epistaxis).
Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery,
Vol. 162,
Issue. S1,
Berry, David
Carlson, Jestin N
Singletary, Eunice
Zideman, David A
Ring, Jennifer
Use of Cryotherapy for Managing Epistaxis in the First Aid Setting: A Scoping Review.
Liao, Zhenpeng
Guo, Jianling
Mi, Jiaoping
Liao, Wei
Chen, Shulin
Huang, Yili
Xu, Yingxiang
Zhang, Jun
Yang, Qintai
Hong, Haiyu
Analysis of Bleeding Site to Identify Associated Risk Factors of Intractable Epistaxis.
Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management,
Vol. Volume 17,
Issue. ,
Thangavelu, Kruthika
Köhnlein, Sabine
Eivazi, Behfar
Gurschi, Mariana
Stuck, Boris A.
Geisthoff, Urban
Epistaxis – Übersicht und aktuelle Aspekte.
Vol. 69,
Issue. 11,
Wyckoff, Myra H.
Singletary, Eunice M.
Soar, Jasmeet
Olasveengen, Theresa M.
Greif, Robert
Liley, Helen G.
Zideman, David
Bhanji, Farhan
Andersen, Lars W.
Avis, Suzanne R.
Aziz, Khalid
Bendall, Jason C.
Berry, David C.
Borra, Vere
Böttiger, Bernd W.
Bradley, Richard
Bray, Janet E.
Breckwoldt, Jan
Carlson, Jestin N.
Cassan, Pascal
Castrén, Maaret
Chang, Wei-Tien
Charlton, Nathan P.
Cheng, Adam
Chung, Sung Phil
Considine, Julie
Costa-Nobre, Daniela T.
Couper, Keith
Dainty, Katie N.
Davis, Peter G.
de Almeida, Maria Fernanda
de Caen, Allan R.
de Paiva, Edison F.
Deakin, Charles D.
Djärv, Therese
Douma, Matthew J.
Drennan, Ian R.
Duff, Jonathan P.
Eastwood, Kathryn J.
El-Naggar, Walid
Epstein, Jonathan L.
Escalante, Raffo
Fabres, Jorge G.
Fawke, Joe
Finn, Judith C.
Foglia, Elizabeth E.
Folke, Fredrik
Freeman, Karoline
Gilfoyle, Elaine
Goolsby, Craig A.
Grove, Amy
Guinsburg, Ruth
Hatanaka, Tetsuo
Hazinski, Mary Fran
Heriot, George S.
Hirsch, Karen G.
Holmberg, Mathias J.
Hosono, Shigeharu
Hsieh, Ming-Ju
Hung, Kevin K.C.
Hsu, Cindy H.
Ikeyama, Takanari
Isayama, Tetsuya
Kapadia, Vishal S.
Kawakami, Mandira Daripa
Kim, Han-Suk
Kloeck, David A.
Kudenchuk, Peter J.
Lagina, Anthony T.
Lauridsen, Kasper G.
Lavonas, Eric J.
Lockey, Andrew S.
Malta Hansen, Carolina
Markenson, David
Matsuyama, Tasuku
McKinlay, Christopher J.D.
Mehrabian, Amin
Merchant, Raina M.
Meyran, Daniel
Morley, Peter T.
Morrison, Laurie J.
Nation, Kevin J.
Nemeth, Michael
Neumar, Robert W.
Nicholson, Tonia
Niermeyer, Susan
Nikolaou, Nikolaos
Nishiyama, Chika
O’Neil, Brian J.
Orkin, Aaron M.
Osemeke, Osokogu
Parr, Michael J.
Patocka, Catherine
Pellegrino, Jeffrey L.
Perkins, Gavin D.
Perlman, Jeffrey M.
Rabi, Yacov
Reynolds, Joshua C.
Ristagno, Giuseppe
Roehr, Charles C.
Sakamoto, Tetsuya
Sandroni, Claudio
Sawyer, Taylor
Schmölzer, Georg M.
Schnaubelt, Sebastian
Semeraro, Federico
Skrifvars, Markus B.
Smith, Christopher M.
Smyth, Michael A.
Soll, Roger F.
Sugiura, Takahiro
Taylor-Phillips, Sian
Trevisanuto, Daniele
Vaillancourt, Christian
Wang, Tzong-Luen
Weiner, Gary M.
Welsford, Michelle
Wigginton, Jane
Wyllie, Jonathan P.
Yeung, Joyce
Nolan, Jerry P.
Berg, Katherine M.
Abelairas-Gómez, Cristian
Barcala-Furelos, Roberto
Beerman, Stephen B.
Bierens, Joost
Cacciola, Sofia
Cellini, Jacqueline
Claesson, Andreas
Court, Rachael
D'Arrigo, Sonia
De Brier, Niels
Dunne, Cody L.
Elsenga, Hylmar E.
Johnson, Samantha
Kleven, Gunn
Maconochie, Ian
Mecrow, Tom
Morgan, Patrick
Otto, Quentin
Palmieri, Tina L.
Parnia, Sam
Pawar, Rahul
Pereira, João
Rudd, Sarah
Scapigliati, Andrea
Schmidt, Andrew
Seesink, Jeroen
Sempsrott, Justin R.
Szpilman, David
Warner, David S.
Webber, Jonathon B.
West, Rebecca L.
2021 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations.
Vol. 169,
Issue. ,
Wyckoff, Myra H.
Singletary, Eunice M.
Soar, Jasmeet
Olasveengen, Theresa M.
Greif, Robert
Liley, Helen G.
Zideman, David
Bhanji, Farhan
Andersen, Lars W.
Avis, Suzanne R.
Aziz, Khalid
Bendall, Jason C.
Berry, David C.
Borra, Vere
Böttiger, Bernd W.
Bradley, Richard
Bray, Janet E.
Breckwoldt, Jan
Carlson, Jestin N.
Cassan, Pascal
Castrén, Maaret
Chang, Wei-Tien
Charlton, Nathan P.
Cheng, Adam
Chung, Sung Phil
Considine, Julie
Costa-Nobre, Daniela T.
Couper, Keith
Dainty, Katie N.
Davis, Peter G.
de Almeida, Maria Fernanda
de Caen, Allan R.
de Paiva, Edison F.
Deakin, Charles D.
Djärv, Therese
Douma, Matthew J.
Drennan, Ian R.
Duff, Jonathan P.
Eastwood, Kathryn J.
El-Naggar, Walid
Epstein, Jonathan L.
Escalante, Raffo
Fabres, Jorge G.
Fawke, Joe
Finn, Judith C.
Foglia, Elizabeth E.
Folke, Fredrik
Freeman, Karoline
Gilfoyle, Elaine
Goolsby, Craig A.
Grove, Amy
Guinsburg, Ruth
Hatanaka, Tetsuo
Hazinski, Mary Fran
Heriot, George S.
Hirsch, Karen G.
Holmberg, Mathias J.
Hosono, Shigeharu
Hsieh, Ming-Ju
Hung, Kevin K.C.
Hsu, Cindy H.
Ikeyama, Takanari
Isayama, Tetsuya
Kapadia, Vishal S.
Kawakami, Mandira Daripa
Kim, Han-Suk
Kloeck, David A.
Kudenchuk, Peter J.
Lagina, Anthony T.
Lauridsen, Kasper G.
Lavonas, Eric J.
Lockey, Andrew S.
Malta Hansen, Carolina
Markenson, David
Matsuyama, Tasuku
McKinlay, Christopher J.D.
Mehrabian, Amin
Merchant, Raina M.
Meyran, Daniel
Morley, Peter T.
Morrison, Laurie J.
Nation, Kevin J.
Nemeth, Michael
Neumar, Robert W.
Nicholson, Tonia
Niermeyer, Susan
Nikolaou, Nikolaos
Nishiyama, Chika
O’Neil, Brian J.
Orkin, Aaron M.
Osemeke, Osokogu
Parr, Michael J.
Patocka, Catherine
Pellegrino, Jeffrey L.
Perkins, Gavin D.
Perlman, Jeffrey M.
Rabi, Yacov
Reynolds, Joshua C.
Ristagno, Giuseppe
Roehr, Charles C.
Sakamoto, Tetsuya
Sandroni, Claudio
Sawyer, Taylor
Schmölzer, Georg M.
Schnaubelt, Sebastian
Semeraro, Federico
Skrifvars, Markus B.
Smith, Christopher M.
Smyth, Michael A.
Soll, Roger F.
Sugiura, Takahiro
Taylor-Phillips, Sian
Trevisanuto, Daniele
Vaillancourt, Christian
Wang, Tzong-Luen
Weiner, Gary M.
Welsford, Michelle
Wigginton, Jane
Wyllie, Jonathan P.
Yeung, Joyce
Nolan, Jerry P.
Berg, Katherine M.
Abelairas-Gómez, Cristian
Barcala-Furelos, Roberto
Beerman, Stephen B.
Bierens, Joost
Cacciola, Sofia
Cellini, Jacqueline
Claesson, Andreas
Court, Rachael
D’Arrigo, Sonia
De Brier, Niels
Dunne, Cody L.
Elsenga, Hylmar E.
Johnson, Samantha
Kleven, Gunn
Maconochie, Ian
Mecrow, Tom
Morgan, Patrick
Otto, Quentin
Palmieri, Tina L.
Parnia, Sam
Pawar, Rahul
Pereira, João
Rudd, Sarah
Scapigliati, Andrea
Schmidt, Andrew
Seesink, Jeroen
Sempsrott, Justin R.
Szpilman, David
Warner, David S.
Webber, Jonathon B.
West, Rebecca L
2021 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations: Summary From the Basic Life Support; Advanced Life Support; Neonatal Life Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; First Aid Task Forces; and the COVID-19 Working Group.
Vol. 145,
Issue. 9,
Donaldson, Gavin
Goh, Kwee Yen
Tiwari, Puneet
Maini, Sangeeta
Ram, Bhaskar
Dwivedi, Raghav C.
Anti-thrombotics and their impact on inpatient epistaxis management: a tertiary centre experience.
Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -),
Vol. 191,
Issue. 4,
Ross, Andrew
Engebretsen, Steven
Mahoney, Rebecca
Bathula, Samba
Risk Factors and Management for Epistaxis in a Hospitalized Adult Sample.
Spartan Medical Research Journal,
Vol. 7,
Issue. 2,
Mylonas, Stylianos
Skoulakis, Charalampos
Nikolaidis, Vasileios
Hajiioannou, Jiannis
Epistaxis Treatment Options: Literature Review.
Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery,
Vol. 75,
Issue. 3,
Footner, Lauren
Woods, Charmaine M.
Huang, Lucy
Ooi, Eng Hooi
Hospital-avoidance with Outpatient Management of Epistaxis (HOME): which epistaxis patients packed with a Rapid RhinoTM are potentially appropriate for outpatient management?.
Australian Journal of Otolaryngology,
Vol. 6,
Issue. ,