Uruguay and New Zealand Compared
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 January 2018
The argument advanced by Bordaberry … by the United States and Brazilian embassies, and by the cattle and meat interests, is that Uruguay does not have a viable independent economy. It is smaller, on most terms of reference, than the southernmost state of Brazil–Rio Grande do Sul–and would, they say, be far better off if its economy were “rationalized” and integrated with the more “modern” large-scale Brazilian economy.
Latin America, Vol. VIII, No. 31, August 3 ,1973Leaving aside the obvious self-interest of the various proponents (although one is tempted to speculate whether President Bordaberry argues on behalf of his country or his own ranching interests), their conclusion follows logically on much of the analysis which has focused on the causes of Uruguay's stagnation. Since the mid-1950s, the growth of the economy has barely kept pace with the small population increase of 1.2 percent per annum.