The earliest account of the Strongylid parasites of the rhinoceros is given by von Linstow (1907) where he describes the only form under the name Deletrocephalus stylosus. His description of this type is brief and now inadequate and the illustrations are very few. This form, however, does not show any generic characters in common with the type species, Deletrocephalus dimidiatus, Diesing, of the genus. It was, hence, removed by Skriabin (1916) into a new genus, Kiluluma, created by him for its reception. Thus the form, D. stylosus, von Linstow, was transferred to the genus under the title K. stylosa. It may, however, be mentioned that Skriabin in his account suggests that von Linstow's Deletrocephalus brachylaimus from rock-rabbit is the probable, second species of this new genus, Kiluluma.