Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 June 2009
A hclminthological survey of 149 house rats in Jodhpur during the year 1975 revealed infection with 8 helminth species: 4 cestodes, Vampirolepis fraterna, Hymenolepis diminuta, Mathevotaenia symmetrica and Taenia taenlaeformis (larval stage); 3 nematodes, Aspiculuris pakistanica, Rictularia ratti and Syphacia sp. and one acanthocephalan, Moniliformis sp. Vampirolepis fratema, H. diminuta and A.pakistanica were most common, R.ratti and M. symmetrica less frequent, and T. taeniaeformis, Syphacia sp. and Moniliformis sp. of occasional occurrence. Multiple infections were more frequent among male than female hosts.