Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 December 2012
Nine cases of paragonimiasis have been reported from cats (4), dogs (2) and children (3) in South Africa, with an additional suspected case in an adult female patient. Details of these cases are reviewed. All nine cases, and perhaps the adult case as well, were from the province of KwaZulu-Natal but locality data are only available for six of them. These six cases represent four localities which all lie below 100 m above sea level in the province's lowlands, suggesting that there may be a focus of transmission here. The molluscan first intermediate host must be one of the two prosobranch snail species present in the area, Melanoides tuberculata or Tomichia natalensis, and the decapod second intermediate host the common river crab Potamonautes sidneyi. All infected cats and dogs had pulmonary infections, while two human cases for which there is sufficient information had extrapulmonary infections. Transmission appears to be ongoing but the invasive snail Tarebia granifera may be competing with both M. tuberculata and T. natalensis. If so, this may bring transmission to an end.