Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 June 2009
Allocreadium sudanensis sp. nov. is described from a cyprinid fish (Barbus bynni) from the White Nile in the Sudan. The new species is compared with other related species of Allocreadium.
A key for identification of five African species of the genus Allocreadium is given.
The present material was collected by the senior author in January, 1969 from the intestine of a cyprinid fish, Barbus bynni (Forskal), caught from the White Nile at Rabag near Kosti (about 200 miles to the south of Khartoum) in the Sudan. Eighteen trematodes, collected from a single infected fish, were fixed in hot 70% alcohol. Examination of these specimens in whole mounts stained in aceto-alum carmine and in sectioned material revealed that they belong to a hitherto unknown species of trematodes belonging to the genus Allocreadium, Looss (1900) which is described here as Allocreadium sudanensis sp.