Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 June 2009
Adult stages of Euclinostomum heterostomum (Rudolphi, 1809) were collected from the oral cavity and oesophagus of Bulbicus ibis in Liberia, West Africa. Structural relationships within the trematodes are clarified. A prepharynx from the oral sucker leads to a well developed pharynx to which the intestinal caeca communicate via a bulb-shaped oesophagus. The origin and extent of gonadal ducts are described including a Laurer's canal, whose aperture is dorsal. A discussion of the characters previously used to differentiate species of Euclinostomum corroborates the views expressed by Ukoli (1996) that the genus consists of two distinct species, E. heterostomum (Rudolphi, 1809) and E. multacaecum Tubangui and Maslungan, 1935. E. shrjabini Kurashvili, 1948 is proposed as a synonym of E. heterostomum. A compilation of the range in measurements of the adult and metacercarial stages of E. heterostomum is presented in the form of a table.