Published online by Cambridge University Press: 18 November 2009
Histochemical techniques were used to study the chemical composition of Mehlis’ gland secretion in Ceylonocotyle scoliocoelium. The results suggest the secretion to be lipoproteinous in nature, containing several hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes. In tests for nine hydrolytic enzymes only seven were detected in relation to gland cells, ihe two enzymes not showing any reactivity being glucose-6-phosphatase and 5-Nucleotidase. Alkaline phosphatase and ATPase have been associated with the permeability and transport of precursors of synthetic material from the surrounding parenchyma and with eliminating the waste products from the gland: ACPase in (i) generating a favourable milieu in the gland for the synthesis of secretory material and (ii) in regulating secretion and its over production; TPPase in elaborating the secretion, esterases in the metabolism of the gland. Intense SDH and MAO activities were related to high synthetic activity of the gland cells. Phenol oxidase—a key enzyme involved in tanning was absent.