The circumstances under which a find of impressed clay nodules was made in a Mycenaean house at Kato Zakro, in East Crete, in May 1901, are related in the Annual of the British School at Athens vii. p. 133. The nodules are of a fine clay baked, probably intentionally and not by the conflagration which destroyed the house, to varying shades of red. A great number are broken, but the more perfect, including many bearing two and three impressions, show a groove on one edge, about an eighth of an inch deep and a little more wide, scored with straight and oblique scratches. This is the impress of something Cylindrical, to which the nodule was pressed while still wet. The appearance of the clay in the grooves shows that this object was not textile, and it may most reasonably be supposed to have been a reed, perhaps a papyrus stalk. The number of nodules is in all about 500.
page 76 note 1 Abbreviations used in this article:— A.G. = Antike Gemmen, vol. i. by A. Furtwängler.
T.P.C. = Mycenaean Tree and Pillar Cult, by A. J. Evans, in J.H.S. xxi.
B. M..= British Museum Gem Catalogue.
P.C.=Hist. de l'Art, vol. vi. by Perrot and Chipiez.
B.S.A. = Annual of the British School at Athens.
P.P. = Primitive Pictographs, &c., by A. J. Evans, in J.H.S. xiv.
F.D. = Further Discoveries, &c., by A. J. Evans, in J.H.S. xvii.
page 91 note 1 Jahrbuch, 1890, p. 108.
page 93 note 1 v. especially p. 54.
page 93 note 2 Gerhard, , Auserles. Vasenbildcr III. 237Google Scholar.