Reference Rose and LetzerRose and Letzer (1975) emphasize the importance of reliable maps in order to obtain meaningful morphometric data from individual drumlins. Equally necessary is accurate representation of regional distributions. For example, current speculation concerning drumlin genesis requires such information. Criticism of the model proposed by Reference Smalley and UnwinSmalley and Unwin (1968) includes comment on the distribution of drumlins in relation to ice margins (Reference Boulton, Boulton, Jones, Clayton, Kenning and ShottonBoulton and others, 1977). But there exists no map of drumlin distributions in Great Britain suitable for discussion of theories of drumlin formation.
Four recent attempts to record drumlin distributions in Great Britain are shown in Figure 1. A number of points concerning the sources for this figure should be noted.
(1) In Figure la only the “main drumlin areas” of Reference Embleton and KingEmbleton and King (1975) and not “isolated drumlins” are reproduced. This map appears to be a generalized form of a Clarendon Atlas map (Reference Blackman, Blackman, Caesar, Gullick, Steers and WorswickBlackman and others, 1963, p. 19) though this source is not acknowledged.
(2) The source maps for Figure 1b and c claim only to show main or major drumlin fields.
(3) Some detail has been lost in Figure 1d due to reduction in scale from the original: drumlin fields of less than 4 km2 are omitted.

Fig. 1. Distribution of drumlins in Great Britain according to four recent sources: (a) Reference Embleton and KingEmbleton and King (1975), (b) Reference Derbyshire and HooleDerbyshire (1978), (c) I.G.S. (1977), (d) Reference BrownBrown (1976), Reference WatersWaters (1976), Reference CullingfordCullingford (1976).
Many published maps are based on one of the four sources used to draw Figure 1. For example, Reference Boulton, Boulton, Jones, Clayton, Kenning and ShottonBoulton and others (1977) used, and Reference Sugden and JohnSugden and John (1976) use a.
Detailed analysis of the differences between the maps is unnecessary. There is consensus on the fact that small areas around Glasgow, Carlisle, Morecambe Bay and the Tweed Basin possess drumlins. There are profound disagreements over areas such as Galloway, Kirkcudbright, West Cumberland Lowland. East Lothian, Fylde, Vale of York, Wensleydale, parts of Denbigh, and the Newtown area of Wales. A clear difference of opinion concerns Anglesey and Lleyn where perceptions vary from total cover to no drumlins. The exclusion of drumlins from south-west Scotland in Figure 1d contrasts with the other maps.
Objective assessment of the maps is difficult since the problem partly concerns the definition or “drumlin” and “major held”. Opinions vary as to the merits of detailed field mapping as against air photographs in the compilation of drumlin maps and no published assessment of the relative reliability of these techniques is known to the author. In the absence of such data, reliance on a combination of field mapping and air photographs would seem desirable.
Information provided with the originals of the Figure 1 maps does not include details of the methods of compilation. Use of either field mapping or air photographs must in some cases be doubted. For example, the widely reproduced photograph of drumlins at New Galloway, Kirkcudbright (e.g. Reference Curtis, Curtis, Courtney and TrudgillCurtis and others, 1976, p. 41; Reference SissonsSissons, 1967. plate IX) is taken in an area in which, according to Figure Id, no drumlins exist. It is also worth noting that Figure Id is derived from the largest-scale map of the four: increase in scale does not appear to guarantee an increase in accuracy.
In the four maps here considered, it could he claimed in mitigation that what is being mapped is, in each case, subtly different. However, future attempts to map drumlin distributions should be mindful of the need for clear definitions of what is being recorded (Reference Evans and CoxEvans and Cox, 1976) as well as adequate and clearly described mapping techniques (Reference Rose and LetzerRose and Letzer, 1975). Lack of precise definition will hamper progress on drumlin genesis and their significance as glacier bedforms (Reference Rose and LetzerRose and Letzer, 1977).
The author wishes to thank Mr J. Rose and Dr J. T. Andrews for critical appraisal of the manuscript. Mr S. Frampton drew Figure 1.