Earlier studies comparing ice outflow with the replenishment by new snow accumulation show that the velocities are about 20% faster than those needed to balance the accumulation. The warming effect is therefore a sufficient explanation for the imbalance and it is not necessary to suggest that there were also changes in accumulation-rate or in sea-level that affected this part of the ice sheet.
The increased ice outflow resulting from the warming, propagates down-glacier and causes marginal thickening and advance. In the case of the Laurentide and Scandinavian ice sheets, a major increase in net ablation and a decrease in total ice volume is expected, by this mechanism, to lag behind a climatic warming by many thousands of years.
The paper has been published in full in Science, Vol. 201, No. 4360, 1978, p. 1014–16.
D. A. Yuen [written question]: Your analysis of the effect on the velocity of ice sheets due to sudden perturbation of surficial temperature does not include the feed-back of the u .∇T term on the resultant energy equation. In a stability analysis, where dynamical effects are included, the effects of the temperature and velocity on one another are fully coupled, and must be solved in a fully self-consistent manner. How do you make a posteriori estimates of the perturbed velocity field from your approach?
I. M. Whillans: I am concerned here only with the first effects of the warming on ice flow. Calculations of later effects should include this feed-back.