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Glaciological Literature

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  02 May 2017

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Copyright © International Glaciological Society 1975

This is a selected list of glaciological literature on the scientific study of snow and ice and of their effects on the Earth; for the literature on polar expeditions, and also on the “applied” aspects of glaciology, such as snow ploughs, readers should consult the bibliographics in each issue of Recent Polar Literature (supplement to the Polar Record). For Russian material the System of transliteration used is that agreed by the U.S. Board on Geographic Naines and the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use in 1947. Readers can greatly assist by sending reprints of their publications to the Society, or by informing Dr J. W. Glen of publications of glaciological interest. It should be noted that the Society does not necessarily hold copies of the items in this list, and also that the Society does not possess facilities for microfilming or photocopying.



[Ice: Isotopic Composition: China.] Distribution of isotopes in some natural waters in the region north of Mt. Jolmo Lungma. Scientia Sinica, Vol. 16, No. 4, 1973, p. 56064. [Samples from glacier ice and snow-pack as well as other waters at 4550-7 029 in a.s.l. near Mt Everest show less D2Q and than SMOW, although D20 is less depleted in solid phase samples.]Google Scholar
Lesca, C. La rappresentazione cartografica delle aree glaciali: procedimento fotografico per la realizzazione di ortofolografie al tratto. Bolletlino della Associazione Mineraria Subalpina, An. 9, Nos. 3–4, 1972, p. 10714. Ideals with problems of presenting glacial features on maps.|Google Scholar
Swithinbank, C. W. M. An international glaciological programme for the Antarctic Peninsula: report of a meeting held in Cambridge, England, 27-30 April 1973. Polar Record, Vol. 17, No, 106, 1974, p. 8698. |Presents in some detail the objects of this meeting to co-ordinate glaciological research in this area.]Google Scholar

Glaciological Instruments And Methods

Adey, A. W. Field tests of a UHF radiometer for determining ice thickness, [by] Adey, A.W.,Barrington, R. E.,Hartz, T. R. (In White, D.ed. Resources satellites and remote airborne sensing for Canada. Proceedings of the first Canadian Symposium on remote sensing, Ottawa, February 1972. Vol.1. Ottawa, Dept. of Energy, Mincs and Resources. Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, 1972, p. 28792) [Presents results of tests conducted at Resolute, Cornwallis Island, Northwest Territories, Canada, using radiometer operating at frcquencies in ränge 0.4 to 2.3 GHz.]Google Scholar
Benestad, O. M. TeledybdemÄling. Frost i Jord, Nr. 7, 1972, p. 3542. [Describes instrument for measuring depth of frozen soil, English summary, p. 42.]Google Scholar
Chkrepanov, N. V., Vasjl’yev, A. G. Stanok dlya izgotovleniya shlifov l’da [Apparalus for preparing a section office], Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki, Vyp. 42, 1973, p. 9293.Google Scholar
Glazyrin, G. YE., Shantykova, L. N. Dva metoda opredeleniya sredney mnogoletney snegovoy linii na lednikakh [Two methods of determining the mean snow-line on glaciers], Izvestiya Akademii jVauk SSSR. Seriya Geograficheskaya, 1973, No. 5, p. 12835.Google Scholar
Grasty, R. L., Holman, P. B. The measurement of snow water equivalent using natural gamma radiation. (In White, D. ed. Resources satellites and remote airborne sensing for Canada. Proceedings of the first Canadian Symposium on remote sensing, Ottawa, February 1972. Vol. 2. Ottawa, Dept, of Energy, Mines and Resources. Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, 1972, p. 63345.) [Possible to measure water equivalent snow depth of 18 cm±2 cm by monitoring absorption in potassium, uranium, thorium and total count channels.]Google Scholar
Johansen, Ø. Beregningsmetode for varmeledningscvne av fuktige og frosnejordarter. Del 1. Teoretisk grunnlag. Frost iford, Nr. 7, 1972, p. 1725. [Theorctical discussion of methods for calculating thermal conductivity of frozen soüs. English summary, p. 2425.]Google Scholar
Mackay, J. R. Performance of a heat transfer device, Garry Island, N.W.T. Project 680047. Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 74-1, Pt. B, 1974, p. 25254. [Cooling effect of device studied for one year, and found to be limited.]Google Scholar
Ostbye, E. A portable device for rneasuring temperature profiles in snow. Norwegian Journal of %oology, Vol. 21 , No. 3, 1973, p. 26366. [Battery operated device consisting of electric thermometer connected to rneasuring probe 180 cm long, with ten thermocouples placed along the probe.]Google Scholar
Sinha, A. Determination of sea-ice thickness by electromagnetic means. Project 730004. Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 74-1, Pt, B, 1974, p. 11112. [Theoretical study shows that the two Systems investigated are capablc of thickness rneasurements up to 6-7 m.]Google Scholar

Physics of Ice

Bocorodskiy, V. V., Vnutrenneyc treniye l'da (obzor) [Internal friction ofice (a review)]. [By] Bogorodskiy, V.V.,Gavrilo, V. P.,Grigor’yev, V.S. Akusticheskiy £hurnal, Tom 19, Vyp. 4, 1973, p. 47885 [Temperature Variation follows Arrhenius law with activation energy of 13.2 kcal/mole.]Google Scholar
Bryson, C.E. III, Levenson, L. L. Critical duster size determination from sticking coefficient and flash desorption rneasurements. Surface Science, Vol. 43, No. 1, 1974, p. 2943. [Sticking coefficient of CO, molecules on icc between 72.4 and 74.4 K.JGoogle Scholar
Crowe, R. W., Santry, D. P. Molecular orbital theory for infinite molecular aggregates: application to idealized hexagonal and cubic ices. Chemical Physics, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1974, p. 30420. [Calculations for ordered ice Ih and Ic. Hexagonal is found to be more stable. |Google Scholar
Falabella, B. J., Vanpee, M. Experimental determination of gas hydrate equilibrium below the ice point. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Fundamentals, Vol. 13, No. 3,1974, p. 22831. [Experimental determina-tion at pressurcs bclow 1 atm and temperaturcs down to 148 K for methane and ethanc HydratesGoogle Scholar
Feng, Da-Fei. I. A semicontinuum model for solvated and trapped electrons in polar liquids and solids. II. Electron-electron double resonance study of trapped electrons in alkaline ice and 2-methyltetrahydrofuran. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 34. No. 12, Pt. 1, 1974, p. 5926-B27-B. [Results support tetrahedral model of oriented water dipoles around trapped electron in alkaline ice. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, Wayne State University, 1973. University Microfilms order no. 74-11097.]Google Scholar
Garabedian, H. Stricklano-Constable, R. F, Collision breeding of ice crystals. Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 22, No. 3, 1974, p. 18892. [Measurement of number of crystals produced when a single ice crystal is introduced into supercooled water with or without stirring.)Google Scholar
Genadievn., P., Evkov, L. Ice formation on CuS particles. Doklady Bolgarskoy Akademii Tom. 27, No. 4, 1974, p. 47173. [Observations of conditions under which CuS can nucleate supercooled water.]Google Scholar
Gilra, N. K. Non-basal glide in ice. Physics Status Solidi, A, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1974, p. 32327. [Non-basal glide explained as due to splitting of basal dislocations into partial dislocations. Energy to constrict partials deduced from non-basal glide data agrees with that deduced from electron microscope observations.]Google Scholar
Gosar, P. Theory of anelastic relaxation of cubic and hexagonal ice. Philosophical Magazine, Eighth Ser Vol. 29, No. 2, 1974, p. 22140. [Elastic properties of an ice crystal with frozen hydrogen disorder and thermodynamic calculation of anelastic relaxation.]Google Scholar
Gough, S. R. Ordering of guest-molecule dipoles in the structure I clathrate hydrate ol trimethylene oxide, [by] Gough, S R., Garg, S.K., Davidson., D.W. Chemical Physics, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1974, p. 23947. [Rotational mobility of this molecule studied down to 1.8 K by sub-MHz dielectric measurements of H2O clathrate and proton magnetic resonance of D2O clathrate. Transition occurs at c. 105 K]Google Scholar
Ham, J. S., Rose, D. N. Hall mobility measurements in hydrogen fluoride doped ice. Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 60, No. 12, 1974, p. 477879. [Double frequency method used on Mendenhall Glacier ice doped with HF gives very small signal indicating a mobility of 4.8±2.8 x 10−3 cm 2 V −1 at –5 C.]Google Scholar
Huangt, T. Electron drift and Hall mobility in α-irradiated 10 M NaOH glassy alkaline ice [by] Huang, T., Eisele, I., Kevan., L. Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 59, No. 12, 1973, p. 633449. [Determination of these parameters which indicate electron transport is well characterized by a band model.]Google Scholar
Kell, G. S. Distribution function and angular deformations of a model related to vitreous ice and liquid water. Carnean Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 52, No. 10, 1974. p. 194553. [Plastic and wire model of non-cryslailographic tetrahedral structure with constant nearest neighbour distance used to deduce variations from tetrahedral angle.]Google Scholar
Kloubek, J. Calculation of surface free energy components of ice according to its weitability by water, chlorobenzene, and carbon disulfide. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 46, No. 2, 1974, p. 18590. [Qualitative difference found between water and ice surface, ice being predominantly non-polar. Both liquids change nature of ice surface.]Google Scholar
Kobayashi, T., Ohtake, T. Hexagonal twin prisms of ice. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 31, No. 5, 1974, p. 137783. [Grooves observed when prismatic ice crystals are evaporating disappear when they are growing. Explanation proposed suggesting interface contains rotation twinning.]Google Scholar
Mizuno, Y. Shimo no kesshõ no X-sen topogurafu [X-ray topografic observation of hoar crystals.] kagaku: Low Temperature Science, Ser. A, [No.] 31, 1973- p. 27982. [Lang technique used to reveal internal dislocations in hoar crystals.] Google Scholar
Mizuno, Y. Shimo no kesshõ no kekkan no kenkyū. 1 [Studies on ice crystal imperfections by X-rays. 1.] Teion -kagaku: Low Temperature Science, Ser. A, [No.] 31, 1973, p. 1731. [Divergent X-ray technique used to study dislocations in Mendenhall Glacier ice. Small extensions caused dislocations to disappear. Movement near bubbles and rock fragments also studied. English summary, p. 29– 31.]Google Scholar
Montmoky, R. Sur un mode de formation des cristaux de glace à partir de la phase vapeur. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’ Accdédemie des Sciences (Paris), Sér. B. Tom. 278, No. 14, 1974; p. 67577. [Formation of ice from the vapour phase may be explained by a mechanism involving the liquid phase even though its macroscopic appearance is a direct vapour-solid condensation.]Google Scholar
Nechayev, E. A. Ivanov, I. A. Izucheniye dvoynogo elekmcheskogo sloya na granitse razdela led-rastvor elekirolita [Investigation of the electric double layer at the ice-electrolyte solution interface], holloidnyy Zhurnal, Tom 36, Vyp. 3, 1974, p. 18385. [Adsorption of H+ and OH ions on snow surface studied by titration method. Results imply surface can only have a negative charge. English summary p. 585.Google Scholar
Nishibata, K., Whalley, E. Thermal effects of the transformation ice III IX. Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 60, No. 8, 1974, p. 318994. [Heat and entropy of transformation measured and found to be smaller than expected values if ice IX were fully ordered.]Google Scholar
Novikov, P. A. Issledovaniye raspiedeleniya davleniya mezhdu parallel’nyini plastinami pri molckulyarno-vyazkostnom rezhime lecheniya para v protscsse sublimatsii 1’da [Distribution of pressure between parallel plates during molecular-viscous vapour flow during ice sublimation process]. [By] Novikov, P. A. Malenko%., G. L,, Lyubin., L. Ya. Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, Tom 26, No. 1, 1974, p. 5863. [Equations derived and tested against vapour pressure as measured with a thermocouple manometer. English summary, p. 63.]Google Scholar
Peahson, R. T. Derbyshire,, W. Nmr studies of water adsorbed on a number of silica surfaces. Journal of Colloid and Interlace Science, Vol. 46, No. 2, 1974, p. 23248. [Freezing of water adsorbed on four types of amorphous silica studied between - 196 and + 30° C.]Google Scholar
Shewchuk, S. R. Electrification associated with the collision of drops with ice particles. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 34, No. 10, 1974, p. 5122-B. [Experiments en electrification when drops of pure or salt water impact on ice with or without applied electric field. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, University of Toronto, 1972. Microfilm copies from National Library of Canada, Ottawa.]Google Scholar
Shiraishi, H. Electron spin polarization effects in a study of transient hydrogen atoms in acidic ices under electron irradiation, [by] H., Shiraishi,H., Kadoi,,Y., Katsumura,Y., Tabata,K., Oshima. Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 78, No. 13, 1974, p. 133637. [Observations of electron spin resonance of H atoms in H2SO4, and HCI doped ice to indicate chemically induced dynamic electron polarization.]Google Scholar
Stow, C. D. Syms,, P. H. On the measurement of the thermoelectric effect on ice. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. 100, No. 425, 1974, p. 47275. [Criticism of experiment of Latham, J., ibid., Vol. 90, No. 385, 1964, p. 26674, with reply by Latham, p. 475–76.]Google Scholar
Suzuki, Y. Hanjidõ takesshö-hyõ kőjiku kaisekiki no kaihatsu [On a semi-automatic optical analyser for poly-crystalline ice]. Teion-kagaku; Low Temperature Science, Ser. A, [No.] 31, 1973, p. 4556. [Description of a device to determine f-axis orientation of a crystal in a thin section of ice. English summary, p. 54-56.]|Google Scholar
Suzuki, S., Kuroivva, D. Kõrí no teimen ni arawareru ten’i shokuzõ no seichõ to undo [Growth of etch pits and movement of etch channels on the basal plane of ice]. Teion-kagaku; Low Temperature Science, Ser. A, [No.] 31, 1973, p. 115. [Observation of development of etch pits and of etch channels which grow from etch pits in unstressed ice crystals, English summary, p. 14-15.]Google Scholar
Tusima[i. e. Tsushima] ,, K., FUJI, T. Köri no sendan kyõdu no sokutei [Measurements of shear strength of ice]. Teion-kagaku: Low Temperature Science, Ser. A, [No.] 31, 1973, p. 33 43. [Measurements of shear strength of single crystals and polycrystalline ice by two different methods. English summary, p. 42 -43.]Google Scholar
Walrafen, G. E. Raman spectra from partially deuterated water and ice VI to 10.1 kbar at at 28° C. Journal of Solution Chemistry, Vol. 2, Nos. 2–3, 1973, p. 15971. [Data and interpretation. Discussion by Franck., E. U,, Frank., H. S,, Pitzer., K. S,, Giguère,, P.A., Kell, G.S. and the author, p. 168–71.]Google Scholar

Land Ice. Glaciers. Ice Shelves

Agnew of lochnaw, C. H. jr. Map making on the Patagonian ice-cap. Geographical Magazine, Vol. 46, No. 12, 1974, p. 70913. [Short account of survey activities of the British Joint Services Expedition, 1972-73, on Hielo Patagonia del Norte, Chile.]Google Scholar
Artem’yev, A. N. Godovoy i sutochnyy khod soslavlyayushchikh teplovogo balansa podstilayushehcy poverkhnosti na antarktirhcskom plato [Annual and daily variations of heat balance components of the underlying surface on the Antarctic plateau]. Informatsionnyy Byullelen’ Sovetskoy Antarklichtskoy Ekspeditsii, No. 87, 1973. p. 4448. [Compares conditions at Amundsen-Scott and Vostok stations.]Google Scholar
Autenboer Van, T., Decieir, H. Mass transport measurements in the Sφr-Rondane, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Preliminary report. Bruxelles, Ministère des Affaires Économiques et de l’Énergie. Administration des Mines. Service Géologique de Belgique, 1974. [40] leaves. (Professional Paper 1974, No. 6.) [Earlier observations allow calculation of discharge of all major glaciers in area and evaluation of mass transport through 220 km long section at right angles to main flow from polar plateau.]Google Scholar
Baker, G. Supraglacial meander channels on Storbreen and Storjuvbreen. Horizon. Journal of King’s College and the London School of Economics Geographical Association, Vol. 21, 1972, p. 5760. [Jotunheimen, south Norway.]Google Scholar
Barkov, N. I. Pervyye resul’laty izucheniya ledyanogo kerna skvazhiny so stantsii Vostok (Antarktida) isotopno-kislorodnym metodom [First results of studying an ice core from the Vostok station bore hole (Antarctica) by an oxygen-isotope method]. [By] Barkov, N. I., Gordiyenko, F. G., Korotkcvich, Ye. S ,Kotlyakov, V.M. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Tom 214, No. 6, 1974, p. 138386.Google Scholar
Cherepanov, N. V., Kozlovskiy, A. M. Migratsiya rassola cherez gletchernyy led [Migration of brine through glacier ice]. Informatsionnyy Byulleten’ Sovetskoy Antarktichskoy Ekspeditsii, No. 87, 1973, p. 5254. [Observations on fast ice at Mirny.] Google Scholar
Dolgushin, L. D., OSIPOVA, G. B. Pul’siruyushchiye ledniki [Glacier surges.] Priroda, 1974, [No.] 2, p. 8599. [Describes some recent surges from the Northern Hemisphere, particularly Lednik Medvezhiy in 1964-68 and 1972-73.]Google Scholar
Fahl, C. B. Some relationships between glaciers and climate in Alaska. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 34, No. 4, 1973, p. 1681-B. [Discusses use of mean pressure maps constructed for McCall, Gulkana and Wolverine glaciers for particular seasons and climatic conditions that contributed to glacier growth and decay. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, University of Alaska, 1973. University Microfilms order no. 73-24063.]Google Scholar
Kluga, A. M. Nekotoryye rezul’laty radiolokatsioiuiogo zondirovaniya lednikov v Antarktide letom W 1970/71 g. [Some results of radio echo sounding of Antarctic glaciers in summer 1970-71], [By] Kluga, A. M,Trepov, G. V,Fedorov, B. A,Khokhlov, G.P.. Trudy Sovetskoy Antarkticheskuy Ekspeditsii, Tom 61, 1973, p. 15163. [Studies in area of “Molodezhnaya” station.]Google Scholar
Kozarski, S., SzupryczyŃSki, J. Studianad genezą stożków ablacyjnych na czole lodowca Sidu (Islandia) [Studies of origin of ablation cones at snout of Sioujokull]. (Iceland)]. Przegląd Geograficzny, Tom 45, Zeszyt 2, 1973, p. 30925. [Describes cones and discusses possible modes of formation. English summary, p. 323–25.]Google Scholar
Leigh, C. Short-term studies of the Storbreen glacier snout sub-system. Horizon. Journal of King’s College and the London School of Economics Geographical Association, Vol. 21, 1972, p. 7477. [Reports measurement of fluctuations of snout, vertically and horizontally, over periods of several days during summer 1970 and 1971. Jotunheimen, south Norway.]Google Scholar
Maksimov, YE. V. Dinamika lednikov ostrova Paramushir [Dynamics of the glaciers of Ostrov Paramushir]. Izeestiya Vsesoyuznogo Geograficheskogo Obshcestva, Tom 105, Vyp. 6, 1973, p. 499506. [Kuril’skiye Ostrova.]Google Scholar
Marshall, P., Brown, M. G. Ice in Coulthard Cave, Alberta. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 4, 1974, p. 51018. [Describes crystallographic studies on oriented ice samples from cave and suggests mode of origin. Although temperatures in cave never exceed 0° C, slow erosion by sublimation at rate of 3 mm/yr takes place.]Google Scholar
Ommanney, C. S. L., CLARKSON, J. W. Information booklet for ICEREF, the bibliography of Canadian glaciers. Ottawa, Environment Canada. Inland Waters Directorate. Water Resources Branch, 1973. Ix, 123 p. [Glacier Inventory Note No. 8; Inland Waters Directorate. Report Series No. 27.) [Describes Procedures to be followed in listing references for inclusion in bibliography.]Google Scholar
Prew, R. D., Leggb, J. An unusual freezing phenomenon. Weather, Vol. 29, No. 6, 1974, p. 217, 219. [Hollow triangular ice column, 5 cm tall, formed on ice covering soil in bucket. Minimum temperature for previous night was — 4.5 ° C.]Google Scholar
Röthlisberger,, H. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Gletscheruberüachung. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1974, Nr. 196, 15 p. [Discusses specific case histories of glacier catastrophes, and considers chances of predicting or preventing similar events.]Google Scholar
Satow, K. and others. Distribution of firn temperatures in Mizuho plateau and west Enderby Land, east Antarctica, [by] Satow, K.,Watanabe, O.,Nakajima, C..>Nankyoku Shiryō Antarctic Record, [No.] 48,1974, p. 5269. [Presents results of measurements made at 2 m and 10 m depths, and discusses relationships between these and topographical and c1imatological features of region.]Google Scholar
Thomas, R. H. The dynamics of the Brunt Ice Shelf, Coats Land, Antarctica. British Antarctic Survey. Scientific Reports, No. 79, 1973, 45 p. [Observations along 70 km flow line show that 1 m of ice is melted per year from beneath the ice shelf and suggest that bottom melting is widespread. Discusses effects of Dalgliesh ice stream and McDonald ice rumples on behaviour of ice shelf.]Google Scholar
Veyret, P. Les glaciers du Massif du Mont Blanc (versant nord) durant les étés 1971, 1972, 1973. Revue de Géographic Alpine, Tom. 62, Fasc. 2, 1974, p. 13751. [Reports further observations on the glaciers of the Arvc and Trient valleys, dealing with glacier movements, problems of the ice itself, moraines, and glacial erosion.]Google Scholar
Wakahama, G. and others. Hyōga-nai shintōsui no kansoku [Observations of permeating water through a glacier body]. [By] Wakahama, G. [and 6 others]. Teion-kagaku: Low Temperature Science, Ser. A, [No.] 31, 1973, p. 20920. [Describes field studies on Mendenhall Glacier, Alaska, and discusses results on water permeability, speed of flow of melt water through the glacier during ablation, and the nature of water tubes formed within the glacier. English summary, p. 217- 19.]Google Scholar
Yamada, T. Mizuho kansoku kyoten yori saishu sareta deiipu koā no P-ha S-ha denpa sokudo. 1 [P and S wave velocity of 75 m deep core sample at Mizuho camp, Mizuho plateau, east Antarctica. I]. Teion-kagaku: Low Temperature Science, Ser. A, [No.] 31, 1973, p. 291 94.Google Scholar

Icebergssea, River and Lake Ice

Aalekseyevg., V., Buzuyev, A. Ya. Bokovoye tayaniye l’da v razvod’yakh [Lateral melting of ice in polynyas]. Trudy Arktichesko i Antarkticheskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel’ Instituta, Tom 307, 1973, p.16978. [Arctic Ocean.]Google Scholar
Alekseyev, G. V., Buzuyev, A. Ya. Ob evolyutsii sistemy Ied-poverkhnostnyy sloy okeana v rayone dreyfa stantsii “Severnyy Polyus-16” [On the evolution of the ice- ocean surface system in the drift area of “North Pole-16” drifting station]. Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki, Vyp. 42, 1973, p. 3743. [Arctic basin.]Google Scholar
Arikaynen, A. I. Nekotoryye osobennosti kolebaniy ledovitosti Arkticheskikh morey i ispol’zovaniye ikh dlya fonovogo prognoza [Peculiarities of variability of ice concentration of Arctic seas and their utilization for forecasting]. Trudy Arkticheskogo i Antarkticheskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel’skogo Instituta, Tom 307, 1973; p. 97102.Google Scholar
Asvall, R. P., formerly Pytte,, R., Roen,, S. Experiences showing how increased winter flow through inland lakes influences ice conditions. Hydrological Sciences Bulletin, Vol. 19, No. 1, 1974, p. 5361. [Deals with aspects of changes in temperature distribution in, and ice conditions on, lakes when subjected to increased winter flow, especially when inflowing water has high temperature (1 to 3° C).]Google Scholar
Bgorodsxiy, V. V., Tripol’nikov,, V. P. O. kontraste e1ektromagnitnykh kharakteristik na granitse morskoy led-voda [Contrast of electromagnetic characteristics of the sea-ice-water boundary]. Zhumal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, Tom 44, Vyp. 4, 1974, p. 83538. [Observations on pack ice and one-year ice. English translation in Soviet Physics — Technical Physics] Google Scholar
Bulavkin, V. M. Ob effektivnosti ledovoy aviatsionnoy razvedki v arkticheskom moreplavanii [On the effectiveness of air ice reconnaissance in Arctic navigation]. Trudy Arkticheskogo i Antarkticheskogo Nauchno-Issledovalel’skogo Instituta, Tom 307, 1973, p. 19498.Google Scholar
Buynitskiy, V. K. Morskiye l’dy i aysbergi Antarktiki [Sea ice and icebergs of the Anlarctic]. Leningrad, Izdatel’stvo Leningradskog o Universiteta, 1973. 255 p. [General survey of current knowledge.]Google Scholar
Buzuyev, A. YA.,, Fedorov, K. N. O skhodstve termicheskikh struktur v razvod’yakh sredi arkticheskikh l’dov i v presnovodnykh ozerakh [On similarities of thermal structure in leads between Arctic ice and in fresh water lakes]. Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki, Vyp. 41, 1973, p. 99101. [Effects of salinity on water temperature.]Google Scholar
Campbell, K. J., Orange, A. S. A continuous profile of sea ice and freshwater ice thickness by impulse radar. Polar Record, Vol. 17, No. 106, 1974, p. 3141. [Describes electromagnetic sub-surface profiling (ESP) technique, tested in the Canadian Arctic by towing a sledge-mounted antenna behind a tracked vehicle containing the impulse system.]Google Scholar
Cherepanov, N. V. Osnovnyye rezul’taty issledovaniya kristallicheskoy struktury morskikh l’dov [Main results of research in sea ice crystal structure]. Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki, Vyp. 41, 1973, p. 4354.Google Scholar
Chrrepanov, N. V., Kozlovskiy, A. M. Tipizatsiya morskikh Antarkticheskikh l’dov po usloviyam ikh obrazovaniya [Antarctic sea ice types according to conditions of their formation]. Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki, Vyp. 42, 1973, p. 4958. [Eight types of ice described.] Google Scholar
Correns, M. Eisverhältnisse des Peenestrom-Haffgebietes — ein Beitrag zur Hydrographie der Gewässer an der südlichen Ostseeküste. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, Jahrg. 117, Quartalsht, 4, 1973, p. 26878. [Study of sea ice conditions along the Baltic coast of East Germany, in the Usedom region.]Google Scholar
Dunbar, MOIRA. Winter ice reconnaissance in Nares Strait, 1972-73. Ottawa, Defence Research Board. Defence Research Establishment Ottawa, 1974. iii 1., 23 p. (DREO Technical Note No. 73-26.) [Ice consolidated even earlier than in previous year in response to another winter of comparatively calm winds.]Google Scholar
Dunbar, MOIRA. Winter régime of the North Water, Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Ser. 4, Vol. 11, 1973. p. 27581. [Airborne observations made during recent winters confirm that the North Water (in Smith Sound and north Baffin Bay) persists throughout the winter.]Google Scholar
Ferguson, H. L., H. K. , CORK The use of satellite photographs to determine the time of freeze-up and breakup of Canadian lakes. (In White, D., ed. Resources satellites and remole airborne.sensing for Canada. Proceedings of the first Canadian symposium on remote sensing, Ottawa, February 1972. Vol. 1. Ottawa, Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, 1972, p. 36980.) [ESSA satellites for 1967-70 were analysed for 27 lakes. Results tor break-up were in better agreement with ground observations than those for freeze-up because of insufficient solar lighting.]Google Scholar
Frederkinr, R. Downdrag loads developed by a floating ice cover: field experiments. Canadian Geotechnicat Journal, Vol. II, No. 3, 1974, p. 33947. [Information obtained on dependence of pile displacement rate on applied stress for snow ice at temperature within 10° C of melting point.]Google Scholar
Friend, P. F. Ice conditions in the Arctic Ocean over the last 3 million years. Polar Record, Vol. 16, No. 100, 1972, p. 94. [Brief account of information provided by recently completed programme or research on Arctic Ocean sediment cores.]Google Scholar
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Miles, M. K. An index of pack-ice severity off Newfoundland and its secular variation. Meteorological Magazine, Vol. 103, No. 1222, 1974, p. 12125. [From observations of edge of pack ice, index was formed for each year since 1920 in attempt to represent area of maximum extent, usually reached in April. Interpretations discussed.]Google Scholar
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Moskal’, T. N. Ledovitost’ rayona Zemli Frantsa-Iosifa v letniye mesyatsy [Ice concentration in the Zemlya Frantsa-Iosifa region in summer]. Trudy Arkticheskogo i Anlarktickeskogo Nauchno-lssledovalel’skogo Instituta, Tom 307, 1973, p. 733—75.Google Scholar
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Nikolayev, Yu. V., Sahukhanyan, E. I Primeneniye metoda glavnykh komponent v izuchenii mnogoletnikh kolebaniy ledovitosti Arkticheskikh morey [Use of the main component method in studying long-term ice concentration variation of Arctic seas]. Trudy Arkticheskogo i Antarkticheskogo Nauchno-Issledovat’skogo Instituta, Tom 307, 1973, p. 10311.Google Scholar
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Ono, N., Tanuma, K. Seimitsu sokkyogi ni yoru ryühyõya no yugami no kansoku [Strain measurements on pack ice flow with infra-red distancer]. Teion-kagaku: Low Temperature Science, Ser. A, [No.] 31, [973, p. 22129. [Results presented and discussed. English summary, p. 229.]Google Scholar
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Glacial Geology

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Barnett, D, M.,, HOLDSWORTH, G. Origin, morphology, and chronology of sublarustrine moraines, Generator Lake, Baffin Island, Northwest Territories, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 3, 1974, p. 380408. Google Scholar
Blake, W.,jr. Studies of glacial history in Arctic Canada. 11. Interglacial peat deposits on Bathurst Island. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 8, 1974, p. 102542. [Discusses possible reasons for absence of organic materials dating between 50 000 and 20 000 years.]Google Scholar
Bluemle, J. p. Early history of Lake Agassiz in southeast North Dakota. Geological Society of America. Bulletin, Vol. 85, No. 5, 1974, p. 81114. [Presents evidence indicating that ice-dammed lakes existed on top of stagnant glacial ice while Lake Agassiz was developing, and discusses implications.]Google Scholar
Burrows, C. J. Studies on some glacial moraines in New Zealand— 2. Ages of moraines of the Mueller, Hooker and Tasman glaciers (S79). New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, Vol. 16, No. 4, 1973, p. 83156. [Results of lichen-growth measurements suggest chronologies for glacial expansions occurring at glaciers during last 700-800 years.]Google Scholar
Calkin, p. E. Bull,, G. B.B. The glacial history of the ice-free area, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Polar Record, Vol. 17, No. 107, 1974, p. 12937. [Review, outlining present knowledge.]Google Scholar
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Dreimanisa., A. Mid-Wisconsin of the eastern Great Lakes and St. Lawrence region, North America. Eiszeitalter and Gegenwart Bd 23-24 1973, p. 37779. [Mid-Wisconsin glacial stage began 55 000 - 65 000 years B.P.and ended about 23 000 B.P.Comprised two major interstadials, separated by glacial readadvance for about 600 km into Ontario and Eric basins.]Google Scholar
Drozdowski, E. Podł ó czwartorzędu i jego wplyw na rozwój procesów glacjalnych w środkowej części do nego, Powiśla [The Quaternary substratum and its effect upon the evolution of glacial processes in the central part of the lower Vistula valley], Przegląd Geograficzny, Tom 45, Zeszyt 3, 1973. p. 51733. [English summary, p. 532–33.]Google Scholar
Duphron, K. and others. State of research on the (Quaternary of the Federal Republic of Germany. A. Area of Scandinavian glaciation, I. Pleistocene and Holocene, by Duphorn, K.,Grube, F.,Meyer, K.-D.,Streif, H.,Vinken, R.. Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, Bd. 23-24, 1973. p. 22250. [Deals with the north-west part of Federal Republic.]Google Scholar
Durand, M., Ballivy, G. Particularités rencontrées dans la région de Montréal résultant de l’arrachement d’ écailles de roc par la glaciation. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol.. II, N0. 2, 1974, p. 30206. [One cause of abrupt changes in bedrock topography encountered during excavations may have been horizontal forces exerted during glaciation of this area.]Google Scholar
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German, R. Sedimente und Formen der glazialen Serie. Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, Bd. 23-24. 1973, p. 4958. [Reports instigations of layers of glacial series in Germany and Switzerland, and suggests new terms for these, based on their origins.]Google Scholar
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Graul, H. State of research on the Quaternary of the Federal Republic of Germany. B. Foreland of the Alp Lithostratigraphy. s. I, palaeopedology and geomorphology. Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, Bd. 23-24, 1973, p 26880 [Deals with the northern Alpine foreland as far as it belongs to the drainage systems of the Danube and the Lake Constance-Rhine rivers and within the Federal Republic]Google Scholar
Grimmel, E. Bemerkungen zum Geschiebedecksand. Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart Bd. 23-24, 1973, p. 1625. [Describes this stony sand, derived from ground moraine and found in northern Germany.]Google Scholar
Grimmel,, E. Überlegungen zur Morphogenese des Norddeutschen Flachlandes dargestellt am Beispiel des unteren Elbtales . Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, Bd. 23-24, 1973. p. 76-88. [Discusses subglacial processes responsible for shaping landforms of the north German lowland.]Google Scholar
Hannss, C. Das Ausmass der würmzeitlichen Isèretalvergletscherung im Lichte neuer Datierungen. Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, Bd. 23-24, 1973, p. 10006. [Carbon-14 dating of fossil wood suggests a new data for Würmian glaciation in the Isère valley, France.]Google Scholar
Harrris, I. M., Jollymore,, P. G. Iceberg furrow marks on the continental shelf northeast of Belle Isle, Newfoundland. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1974. p. 43-52. [Average width 30 m, maximum depth 6.5 m, maximum length 3 km. North-south trend probably reflects general southerly drift of icebergs in the Labrador Current.] Google Scholar
Heine, K. Die jungpleistozä.nen und holozänen Gletschervorstösse am Malinche-Vulkan, Mexiko. Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, Bd. 23-24, 1973. p.4642. [Describes four systems of moraines found on this volcano, discusses their origins and compares with moraines in Mexico and Colombia.]Google Scholar
Hillaire-Marcel,, C . État actuel des connaissances sur le relèvement glacio-isostatique dans la région de Montréal (Québec) entre moins 13 000 et moins 9 000 ans. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’ Académie des Sciences (Paris), Sér. D, Tom. 278, No. 15, 1974, p. 193942. Presents recalculation of the glacio-isostatic uplift which accompanied the retreat of the Wisconsin ice sheet in the low ground of Saint-Laurent on the basis of new stratigraphic and radiochronological data.]Google Scholar
Karrowp., F. Till stratigraphy in parts of southwestern Ontario. Geological Society of America. Bulletin, Vol. 85. No 5, 1974, p. 76168. [New names proposed to replace previous informal names and some further names suggested.]Google Scholar
Kirkland, J. T. Glacial geology of the western Catskills. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 34 No. 3. 1973, p. 1152-B. [Presents evidence showing that ice flow on Appalachian Plateau, central New York, was from the Adirondack Mountains, and that the east and west branches of the Delaware River had different styles of deglaciation. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1973- University Microfilms order no. 73-21195.]Google Scholar
Knoll, K, M. Chronology of alpine glacier Stillstands, east-central Lcmhi Range, Idaho. Dissertation Abstracts International, B, Vol. 34, No. 6, 1973, p. 2716-B. [Description of these deposits and landforms and development of local chronology. Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, University of Kansas, 1973. University Microfilms order no. 73-30831.]Google Scholar
Krüger,, J. Traditionelle ledeblokkes egnethed til brug i kvantitative analyser. Dansk Geologisk Forening. Årsskrift,1973, [pub.] 1974, p. 4958. Discusses problems arising from sampling of rocks as indicators of ice sheet movements, these rocks having been incorporated into the ice mass during previous glaciation of the area.] Google Scholar
LindströM,, E. Deglaciation, sediment och högsta kustlinje i nordvästra Ångermanland. Uppsala Universitet. Naturgeografiska Institutionen, Rapport 26, 1973, 372 p.+ 2 p. errata, [Studies in north-west Ångermanland, central Sweden, since 1967 of deglaciation and genesis, form and texture of sedimentary deposits above and below estimated highest late-glacial shoreline. English summary, p, 357-59,]Google Scholar
Mangerud, J. Isfrie refugier i Norge under istidene. Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse, Nr, 297, Skrifter 7, 1973, 23 p. [Reviews historical development of theory regarding areas that remained unglaciated in Norway. English abstract, p. 1.] Google Scholar
Merrington, O. Pioneer stage soil development on deglaciated terrain in front of Storbreen. Horizon. Journal of King’s College and the London School of Economics Geographical Association, Vol. 21, 1972, p. 7879. [Study on first 12 years of development of soil and vegetation succession. Jotunheimen, south Norway.]Google Scholar
Moriwaki, K. Lützow-Holm wan tōgan no ryūki teisen to kaikaseki no 14C nendai [Radiocarbon datings of fossil shells on raised beaches on the easl coast of Lützow-Holm Bay, east Antarctica]. Nankyoku Shiryō Antarctic Record, [No.] 48, 1974, p. 8290. [Discusses eustatic changes in this region.]Google Scholar
Mottershead, D. N. White,, I. D. Lichen growth in Tunsbergdal—-a confirmation. Geografiska Annaler, Vol. 55A, Nos. 3-4, 1973, p. 14345. [Answer to criticism by Worsley, P., ibid., p. 137-41, of original theory presented by authors, ibid., Vol. 54A, No. 2, 1972, p. 47–52.]Google Scholar
Persson, T. Isälvsavlagringarnas morfologi. NÅgra exempel frÅn sodra och mellersta delen av Sydsvenska höglandet. Svensk Geografisk Årsbok, AÅrg. 49, 1973, p. 17189. [Discusses morphology of the glacio-fluvial deposits in southern and central parts of the south Swedish highlands. English abstract, p. 171.]Google Scholar
Radhakrishna, H. S. Klym,, T. W. Gcotechnical properties of a very dense glacial till. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 11, No. 3, 1974, p. 396408. | Pressuremeter tests, vertical and lateral plate load tests and shear box tests were carried out.]Google Scholar
Schaefer, I. Das Grönenbaeher Feld. Ein beispiel für Wandel und Fortschritt der Eiszeitforschung seit Albrecht Penck, Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, Bd. 23-24, 1973, p. 168200. [Discusses Mindel glaciation of this area of south-western Germany.] Google Scholar
Schmidt-thomÉ,, P. Neue, niedrig gelegene Zeugen einer würmeiszeitlichen Vergletscherung im Nordteil der Iberischen Halbinsel (Prov. Vizcaya und Orense in Nordspanien; Minho-Distrikt in Nordportugatl), Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, Bd. 23-24, 1973, p. 38489. [Presents evidence on the Würm glaciation of northern Spain and Portugal.]Google Scholar
Semmel, A. State of research on the Quaternary of the Federal Republic of Germany. C. Area between the Scandinavian and the Alpine glaciation. I. Periglacial sediments and their stratigraphy. Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, Bd. 23-24, 1973, p. 293305. [Deals with area of Federal Republic which was neither covered by ice nor affected by glacio-fluvial processes.]Google Scholar
Seraphim, E. T. Eine saaleeiszeitliche Mittelmoräne zwischen Teutoburger Wald und Wiehengebirge. Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, Bd. 23-24, 1973, p. 11629. [Describes middle moraine formed during the Saalian glaciation in north-western Germany.]Google Scholar
Shchukin, I. S. Byli li naledi na rekakh zapadnoy Yevropy v periody chetvertichnykh oledeneniy? [Were there icings on western European rivers during the Quaternary glaciation?]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. 5, Geografiya, 1973, No. 4, p. 8587. [Author doubts their existence. English summary, p. 87.]Google Scholar
Egota, T. Radiocarbon measurements and the Holocene and late Würm sealevel rise. Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart, Bd. 23-24, 1973, p. 10715. [Suggests that sea-level was at lowest (96.4 m below present level) about 25 000 years ago and was 31 m below present level about 10 000 years ago at the beginning of the Holocene.]Google Scholar
Sissons, J. B., WALKER, M. J.C. Late glacial site in the central Grampian Highlands. Nature, Vol. 249, No. 5460, 1974, p. 82224. [Presents evidence from Loch Etteridge suggesting that the last British ice sheet had wasted away by 12 500 B.P.]Google Scholar
Stearns, H. T. Submerged shorelines and shelves in the Hawaiian Islands and a revision of some of the eustatic shorelines. Geological Society of America. Bulletin, Vol. 85, No. 5, 1974, p. 795804. [Presents new C 14 and uranium series dates on Oahu and discusses their bearing on the dating of fluctuations of sea-level due to glacioeustatism during Wisconsin glaciation.]Google Scholar
SzupryczyńSKI, J. Poglądy na rozwój zlodowaceń plejstoccńskich na szelfie Morza Barentsa [Pleistocene glaciation on the Barents continental shelf]. Przegląd Geograficzny, Tom 45, Zeszyt 4, 1973, p. 72738. [Review of opinions. English summary, p. 738.] Google Scholar
Van Der Linden, W. J. M. The surficial geology of Hamilton Bank and periphery. Project 730076.Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 74-1, Pt. B, 1974, p. 15760. Study of effect of Pleistocene glaciation on Labrador Sea bottom, including scouring by icebergs.]Google Scholar
Whalley, W. B. The mechanics of high-magnitude, low-frequency rock failure and its importance in a mountainous area. University of Reading. Dept. of Geography. Geographical Papers, No. 27, 1974, [i], 48 p. [Discusses. how mountain denudation may occur without the aid of exogenic processes such as glacial erosion, but also shows how glaciers may affect endogenic weathering. Appendix on frost-shattering of rock.]Google Scholar
Worsley, P. An evaluation of the attempt to date the recession of Tunsbergdalsbreen, southern Norway, by lichenometry. Geografiska Annaler, Vol. 55A, Nos. 3-4, 1973, p. 13741. [Critical comment on paper by D. N. Mottershead and White., I. D, ibid., Vol. 54A, No. 2, 1972, p. 47–52.]Google Scholar
Worsley, P. On the significance of the age of a buried tree stump by Engabreen, Svartisen. Norsk Polarinstitutt Årbak,1972, [pub.] 1974, p. 11117. [Revision of radiocarbon age of Betula odorata stump found in north Norway suggests glacier advance early in the first millennium A.D. or possibly catastrophic advance.]Google Scholar
Zinderenbakker Van, E. M. ed. Palaeoecology of Africa and of the surrounding islands and Antarctica, vol.8. International Council of Scientific Unions. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research. Conference on Quaternary Studies held at the Australian Academy of Science, Canberra, 9th, 10th and 12th August, 1972. Cape Town, A.A. Balkema, 1973. x 198 p. [Contents: U. Radok, “Reconstruction of polar ice sheet histories by modelling calculations” p 1-4; W. F. Budd and Morgan., V. I, “Isotope measurements as indicators of ice flow and palaeoclimates” p. 5-22; Wilson., A. T, “The great antiquity of some Antarctic landforms—evidence for an Eocene temperate glaciation in the McMurdo region”, p. 23-35; H. Flohn, “Antarctica and the global Cenozoic evolution: a geophysical model”, p. 37-53; C. B.B. Bull and Webb., P. N, “Some recent developments in the investigation of the glacial history and glaciology of Antarctica, p. 55-84; Mercer, J.H., “Cainozoic temperature trends in the southern hemisphere: Antarctic and Andean glacial evidence, p. 85-114; Wilson, A.T.,Hendy., C. H, “Climatic implications of the isotope ratio profiles through the polar ice caps”, p. 115-24; Galloway., R. W,, Hope., G. S, E. Löffler and Peterson., J. A, “Late Quaternary glaciation and periglacial phenomena in Australia and New Guinea”, p. 125-38; Sugden, D.T.,John, B.S. “The ages of glacier fluctuations in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica”, p. 139-59; Zinderen Bakker van, E.M., Sr., “The glaciation(s) of Marion Island (sub-Antarctic)”, p. 161-78; Moar., N. T, Late Pleistocene vegetation and environment in southern New Zealand”, p. 17998.]Google Scholar

Frost Action On Rocks And Soil. Frozen Ground. Ermafrost

Åhman,, R. Pingos i Adventdalen och Reindalen på Spetsbergen. Svensk Geografisk Årsbok, Årg. 49, 1973, p. 19097. [Study of pingos in Adventdalen and Reindalen, Spitsbergen, 1972. English abstract, p. 190.]Google Scholar
Are, F. E. ed. Ozera kriolitozony Sibiri [Lakes of the permafrost zone of Siberia]. Novosibirsk, Izdatel’stvo “Nauka”, 1974. 159 p. [Formation and characteristics.]Google Scholar
Bberg;,, R. L. The use of thermal insulating materials in highway construction in the United States, Frost i Jord, No 6, 1972, p. 1923. [Discusses various materials, chiefly extruded polystyrene boards.]Google Scholar
Blakew.,, jr. Periglacial features and landscape evolution, central Bathurst Island, District of Franklin. project 630005. Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 74-1, Pt. B, 1974. p. 23544. [Includes descriptions of tundra polygons, beaded drainage, marginal drainage channels and a peat mound or miniature pingo.]Google Scholar
Brownr., J. E. Some aspects of airphoto interpretation of permafrost in Canada. Canada. National Research Council. Division of Building Research. Technical Paper No. 409, 1974, [iv], [35] p. [Deals with black and white panchromatic air photographs and their application to problems of interpreting permafrost conditions northern Canada.]Google Scholar
Brownr., J. E. ed. Proceedings of a seminar on the thermal regime and measurements in permalfrost, 2 and 3 May 1972 Canada. National Research Council. Associate Committee on Geotechnical Research. Technical Memorandum No 108 1973 iii 85 p [Includes the following papers: Johnston., G. H, “Ground temperature measurements using thermocouples”, p. 1-12 (discussion, p. 11-12); Judge., A. S, “Ground temperature measurements using thermistors”, p. 13-25 (further presentation by Rich., J. D, p. 23 25); A. S. Judge The measurement of thermal conductivity of earth materials”, p. 26-33 (further presentation by G. Lock., S. H, p. 32-33); Slusarchuk., W. A, “Thermal conductivity probe”, p. 34-46 (further presentation by Penner, E.S. p. 44-46); Williams, P.J. “Thermal properties of freezing soils: their importance and assessment”, p. 47-50 (discussion, p. 50); Jessop., A. M, “Terrestrial heat flow and permafrost”, p. 51-53; Judge, A.S. (comp.), (“Heat flow easurements and subsurface temperatures in the Canadian Arctic and Alaska—bibliography”, p. 54-59; R. Brown., J. E, “Influence of climatic and terrain factors on ground temperatures at three locations in the permafrost region of Canada”, p. 60-66; Heginbottorn, J.A., “Ihe thermal regime of the permafrost active layer at lnuvik N W.T.”, p. 68-75; Garg, O.,Stacey, P., “Techniques used in the delineation of perma frost in the Schefferville, area”, P.Q., p. 76-83; Rempel, G., “Industry observations of ground temperatures in permafrost” [title only], p. 84; Goodrich., L. E, “A one-dimensional numerical model for the thermal regime in permafrost” [title only], p. 85.]Google Scholar
Cramptonc., B. Studies of vegetation, landform and permafrost in the Mackenzie valley: landscape survey in the upper and central Mackenzie valley.Canada. Task Force on Northern Oil Development. Environmental-Social Committee, Northern Pipelines. Report No. 73-8, 1973, 67 p. [Landscape of upper and central reaches of Mackenzie River valley mapped, using air photographs and ground inspection.]Google Scholar
Faheyb., D., Thompson, R.D., ed. Research in polar and alpine geomorphology. Proceedings: 3rd Guelph symposium on Geomorphology, 1973. Norwich, University of East Anglia, Geo Abstracts Ltd.; Guelph, Ontario, University of Guelph, Dept. of Geography, “Geomorphology Symposium”, [’1973]. [x], 206 p. (University of Guelph, Dept. of Geography, Geographical Publication No. 3.) [Includes the following papers: Ives, J.D., “Arctic and alpine geomorphology—a review of current outlook and notable gaps in knowledge, p. 1-10; Black, R.F., “Cryomorphic processes and micro-relief features, Victoria Land, Antarctica”, p. 11-24; Brown, R.J.E. “Ground ice as an initiator of landforms in permafrost regions”, p. 25-42; Rampton., V. N, “The influence of ground ice and thermokarst upon the geomorphology of the Mackenzie-Beaufort region”, p 43-59; Kerfoot., D. E, “Thermokarst features produced by man-made disturbances to the tundra terrain”, p. 60-72; Tallman, A.E., “Resistivity methodology for permafrost delineation”, p. 73-83; Johnson., J. P, “Some problems in the study of rock glaciers”, p. 84-94; Gardner., J. S, “The nature of talus shift on alpine talus slopes: an example from the Canadian Rocky Mountains”, p. 95-106; Gray., J. T, “Geomorphic effects of avalanches and rock-falls on steep mountain slopes in the central Yukon Territory”, p. 101-17; McCann, S.B.,Cogley., J. G, “The geomorphic significance of fluvial activity at high latitudes”, p. 118-35; Miller., M. M, “Entropy and self-regulation of glaciers in the Arctic”, p. 136-58; Goldthwait, R.P., “Till deposition versus glacial erosion”, p. 159-66; Calkin%., P. E, “Glacial processes in the ice-free valleys of southern Victoria Land, Antarctica”, p. 167- 86; C. Holdsworth, “Ice deformation and moraine formation at the margin of an ice cap adjacent to a proglaciallake”, p. 18799.]Google Scholar
French, H. M. Active thermokarst processes, eastern Banks Island, western Canadian Arctic. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. II, No. 6, 1974, p. 78594. [Describes features in this area of continuous permafrost, remarking on numerous ground ice slumps in area west of Johnson Point.]Google Scholar
Fukuda, M. Inoue, M. Tōdo no dōteki seishitsu ni tsuile. I [On the dynamic moduli of frozen soils. I]. Teion-kagaku: Low Temperature Science, Ser. A, [No.] 31, 1973, p. 24559. [Measurement of velocities of compressive and shear waves through frozen soil under different temperature and moisture conditions. English summary, p. 259.]Google Scholar
Gell, A. A contact between massive ice and wedge ice, Tuktoyaktuk coast, District of Mackenzie (107C). Project 680047. Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 74-1, Pt. B, 1974, p. 24546. [Petrologic characteristics of massive and wedge ice are described to aid recognition of ice type from limited core samples or from poor exposure.]Google Scholar
Halstead, C. A. Soil freeze-thaw recording in the southern uplands of Scotland. Weather, Vol. 29, No. 7, 1974, p. 26165. [Measurement of soil temperatures in the Lowther Hills.]Google Scholar
Hannell, F. G. The thickness of the active layer on some of Canada’s Arctic slopes. Geografiska Annaler, Vol. 55A, Nos. 3-4, 1973, p. 17784. [Presents results of sub-surface temperature measurements down to a depth of 1 m, made near south-west coast of Devon Island, and discusses implications of these.]Google Scholar
Hartman, C. W., CARLSON, R. F. Water balance of a small lake in a permafrost region. Fairbanks, Alaska, University of Alaska. Institute of Water Resources, 1973. iv, 23 p. (Report No. IWR-42.) [By pumping water from the lake, it was possible to study the dynamics of the active layer surrounding the lake and to determine the amount of ground water recharge and interconnection with other lakes in area.]Google Scholar
Helldén, U., PALMéR,, O. Ett termokarstområde på Spetsbergen. Svensk Geografisk Årsbok, Årg. 49, 1973, p. 22225. [Study of thermokarst area on Bellsund, Spitsbergen.]Google Scholar
Horiguchi, K. Tōdo no netsubōchō no tsuite (johō) [On the thermal expansion of frozen soil (preliminary report)]. Teion-kagaku: Low Temperature Science, Ser. A, [No.] 31, 1973, p. 295 98.Google Scholar
Howarth, P. J. Film and filter combinations for the study of the periglacial landscape of the high Arctic. (In White, D., ed. Resources satellites and remote airborne sensing for Canada. Proceedings of the first Canadian symposium on remote sensing, Ottawa, February 1972. Vol. 2. Ottawa, Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, 1972, p. 37986.) [Assesses results of vertical air photography using four film and filter combinations in Resolute Bay area, Cornwallis Island, N.W.T.]Google Scholar
Hunter, J. A. Seismic up.hole wavefront experiments in permafrost, Schefferville, Quebec. Project 730006. Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 74-1, Pt. B, 1974, p. 8386. [Describes tests to determine seismic velocity section circumjacent to bore holes and relates velocities with existing geology and temperature information.]Google Scholar
Hunter, J. A. Seismic velocity measurements in permafrost, Fox Tunnel, Fairbanks, Alaska. Project 730006. Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 74-1, Pt. B, 1974, p. 8990. [Trend towards higher seismic velocities with increasing ice content in silts was evident.]Google Scholar
Hunter, J. A. A shallow seismic experiment—Beaufort Sea, March 1974. Project 730006. Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 74-1, Pt. B, 1974, p. 8788. [Attempt to detect sub-sea bottom permafrost in presence of thick ice cover (2 m).]Google Scholar
Hunter, J. A., Mereur., F. Computer model studies of seismic reflection coefficients for the base of the permafrost layer. Project 730006.Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 74-1, Pt. B, 1974, p. 9596. [Study undertaken to determine relative effects of various physical parameters on reflection coefficients.]Google Scholar
Hunter, J. A. and others. Mapping the occurrence of sub-sea bottom permafrost in the Beaufort Sea by shallow refraction techniques. Project 730006, [by] Hunter., J. A,Good, R.L. and Hobson, G.D..Canada. Geological Survey, Paper 74-1, Pt. B, 1974, p. 9194. [Permafrost detected below sea bottom in Mackenzie Delta– Beaufort Sea area, but detailed extent unknown.]Google Scholar
Johnston, G. H., Ladanyi, B. Field tests of deep power-installed screw anchors in permafrost. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 11, No. 3, 1974, p. 34858. [Evaluates creep behaviour and load capacity of anchors of various diameters embedded in frozen stratified silts and clays containing ice at 0.3° C.]Google Scholar
Kay, B. D. Specific heats of components of frozen soil. Research agreement 1135-D13-4-199/72. Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 74-1, Pt. B, 1974, p. 203. [Measured over temperature range −70° C to + 30° C.]Google Scholar
Kinosita[i.e. Kinosiuta],, S. Tōdo no ichijiku asshuku kriipu [Creep property of frozen soil]. Teion-kagaku: Low Temperature Science, Ser. A, [No.] 31, 1973, p. 26169. [Describes and discusses laboratory experiments. English summary, p. 269.] Google Scholar
Kinosita[i.e. Kinoshita],, S., SUZUKI, Y. Shiberia Vakūtsuku noeikyū tōdo chōsa [Researches on permafrost at Yakutsk, Siberia]. Teion-kagaku: Low Temperature Science, Ser. A, [No.] 31, 1973, p. 27177. [Some observations made in August 1972 in north-eastern Siberia. English summary, p. 276–77.]Google Scholar
Mackay, J. R. Measurement of upward freezing above permafrost with a self-positioning thermistor probe. Project 680047. Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 74-1, Pt. B, 1974,p.25051. [Satisfactory results obtained.]Google Scholar
Mackay, J. R. Reticulate ice veins in permafrost, northern Canada. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, 1974, p. 23037. [Field observations suggest veins grew in vertical and horizontal shrinkage cracks in a semi-enclosed freezing system, rather than from the upward migration of water in an open system. Discusses this in relation to engineering problems.]Google Scholar
Mackay, J. R., Lavkulich, L. M. Ionic and oxygen isotopic fractionation in permafrost growth. Project 680047 Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 74-1, Pt. B, 1974, p. 25556. [Shows that fractionation profiles may be helpful in interpreting history of permafrost sites.] Google Scholar
Mathieu, D., Petiot, R. Essai d’une typologie des dépōts périglaciaires de versants dans le Jura bisontin. Revue de Géomorphologie Dynamique, 22e An., No. 4, 1973, p. 17987. [Presents attempt to classify different types of periglacial slope deposits.]Google Scholar
Orama, R. Värmeisolering på finska vägar och flygfält. Frost i Jord, No. 6, 1972, p. 517. [Discusses principally use of polystyrenes for thermal insulation in roads and airfields in Finland. English summary, p. 1617.]Google Scholar
Penner, E. Uplift forces on foundations in frost heaving soils. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 11, No. 3, 1974, p. 32338. [Unit adfreeze strengths and maximum uplift forces were highest for steel columns, followed by concrete and wood; the lowest values were for a block concrete wall. Unit adfreeze strengths were highest for small diameter columns, and lowest for large columns.]Google Scholar
PÉWÉ,, T. L. Permafrost conference in Siberia. Geotimes, Vol. 18, No. 12, 1973, p. 2326. [Short account of the second International Conference on Permafrost, held in Yakutsk, 13-28 July 1973.]Google Scholar
Ristiluoma, S. Fossiilisia jääkiiloja Tornionjokilssksossa [Fossil ice wedges in the Tornio river valley, north Finland]. Terra, Vol. 86, No. 1, 1974, p. 36. [Found in glacio-fluvial deposits and till. Suggests formation during middle Weichselian interstadial in a periglacial climate.]Google Scholar
Sinha, A. Electromagnetic sounding in permafrost regions. Project 730004. Canada. Geological Survey. Paper 74-1, Pt. B, 1974, p. 10910. [Theoretical study.]Google Scholar
Solbraa, K. Barkens bestandighet i veifundamenter. Laboratorieforsøk. Frost i Jord, No. 6, 1972, p. 2531. [Presents results of experiments designed to show correlations between rate of bark decomposition and temperature, water content and concentration of gaseous O2 and C02 in bark from various trees intended for use as frost protection layers in road construction.]Google Scholar
Svensson, H. Distribution and chronology of relict polygon patterns on the Laholm plain, the Swedish west coast. Geogrofiska Annaler, Vol. 55A, Nos. 3-4, 1973, p. 15975. [Presents results of air photography studies.] Google Scholar
Svensson, H. Isfȧilt, “naledi”, i Cherskiybergen. Svensk Geografisk Arsbok, Arg. 49, 1973, p.22527. [Observations of icings in Khrebet Cherskogo, Yakutskaya A.S.S.R., made during the second International Permafrost Conference in 1973.]Google Scholar
Tarnocai, C. The use of remote sensing techniques to study peatland and vegetation types, organic soils and permafrost in the boreal region of Manitoba. (In White, D., ed. Resources satellites and remote airborne sensing for Canada. Proceedings of the first Canc dian symposium on remote sensing, Ottatta, February 1972. Vol. 1. Ottawa, Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources. Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, 1972, p. 28792.) [Detectable differences were found in multispectral response patterns obtained from several kinds of photographs of various terrain types. Area of permafrost decreased at rate of 1% per year over 25-year period studies.]Google Scholar
Thompson, R. D. Climate and permafrost in Canada. Weather, Vol. 29, No. 8, 1974, p. 298305. [Discusses relationship with reference to changes caused by economic exploitation of tundra on permafrost level.]Google Scholar
UniongÉographiqueinternationale. Colloque international de géomorphclogie, Liège-Caen 1971. Étude des phénomènes périglaciaires en laboratoire. Textes des communications suivis des discussions et comptesrendus des excursions en Normandie. Caen, 5-9 juillet 1971. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Centre de Géomorphologie de Caen. Bulletin Trimestriel, Nos. 13-15, 1972, 207 p. [Includes the following papers: A Pissart, “Variations de volume de sols gelés subissant des fluctuations de température sous 0° C”, p. 17-33; Journaux, A., Coutard,, J.-p. “Étude en simulation de l’action du gel sur des grands modèles de sols”, p. 35-62; Lautridou., J. P, “Bilan des recherches de gélifraction expérimentale effectuées au Centre de Géomorphologie”, p. 63-73; Philippe, A.,Aguirre-Puente, J.,Bertouille, H., “Etude en simulation des effets du gel sur les structures routières et leurs sols supports”, p. 75-99; Ploey, J. de, “Quelques expériences en rapport avec le rôle éventuel de l’érosion pluviale en milieu périglaciaire”, p. 101-15; Corte, A.E. and Higashi, A., “Growth and development of perturbations on the soil surface due to the repetition of freezing and thawing”, p. 117 - 29; Bertouille, H., “Théories physiques appliquées à quelques phénomènes de cryergie”, p. 131-55; Corte., A. E, “Laboratory formation of extrusion features by multicyclic freeze-thaw in soils”, p. 157–82.]Google Scholar
UniongÉOgraphiqueinternationale. Symposium international de géomorphologie consacré à l’étude des processus périglaciaires pour l’expérimentation en laboratoire et la mesure de la dynamique sur le terrain. Liège-Caen, 1er-9 juillet 1971. Première partie. Séances tenues à Liège et excursions en Belgique. Processus périglaciaires étudiés sur le terrain. [Liège], Université de Liège, 1972. 339 p. [Includes the following papers: M. Baumgart-Kotarba, “Les formes cryonivales sur les crêtes carpathiques flyschcuses”, p. 29-42; Corte, A.E.,Poulin., A.O. “Field experiments on freezing and thawing at 3,350 meters a.s.l. in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Boulder, U.S.A.”, p. 43-56; Gerlach, T., “Contribution à la connaissance du développement actuel des buttes gazonnées (thufurs) dans les Tatras polonaises”, p. 37-74; Gil, E.,Slupik, J., “Hydroclimatic conditions of slope wash during snow melt in the Flysch Carpathians”, p. 75 90; Gullentops, F.,Geurts, M.-A., “Une inondation würmienne de la Meuse”, p. 107-12; Jahn, A., “Some regularities in thermokarst development”, p. 167-76; Klimek, K., “Fluvial processes on the direct glacier foreland”, p. 177-85; Kocsis-Szücs,, F. “Climatic changes and landscape development in Moraine State Park, Pennsylvania”, p. 187-204; Péwé, T.L.,Sellmann., P. V, “Geochemistry of permafrost and Quaternary stratigraphy”, p. 231-33; Pippan, T., “Studies in the Pleistocene periglacial area in the western upper Austrian alpine foreland”, p. 235-49; A. Pissart, “Vitesse des mouvements de pierres dans des sols et sur des versants périglaciaires au Chambeyron (Basses Alpes)”, p. 251-68; O. Slaymaker and Gilbert., R. E, “Geomorphic process and land use changes in the Coast Mountains of British Columbia: a case study”s, p. 269–79.]Google Scholar
Whalley, W. B. Rock glaciers and their formation as part of a glacier debris-transport system. University of Reading. Dept. of Geography. Geographical Papers, No. 24, 1974, [i], 60 p. [Describes and discusses rock glaciers and suggests hypothesis of their formation and the mechanics of their flow.]Google Scholar
Yosida, Z. [i.e. Yoshida, J.] ’Tōjōryoku ni tsuite no rirontcki kōsatsu [A theoretical study on the heaving force of freezing soil]. Teion-kagaku: Low Temperature Science, Ser. A, [No.] 31, 1973, p. 23144. [English summary, p. 24244.]Google Scholar
Zoltai, S. C., Pettapiece, W. W, Studies of vegetation, landform and permafrost in the Mackenzie valley: terrain, vegetation and permafrost relationships in the northern part of the Mackenzie valley and northern Yukon. Canada. Task Force on Northern Oil Development. Environmental-Social Committee, Northern Pipelines. Report No. 73-4,1973, v, 105 p. [Identifies some basic relationships between landform, vegetation and near-surface permafrost.]Google Scholar

Meteorological And Climatological Claciology

Bader, M. and others. The production of sub-micron ice fragments by water droplets freezing in free fall or on accretion upon an ice surface, by Bader, M.,Gloster, J.,Brownscombe, J.L.,Goldsmith, P. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. 100, No. 425, 1974, p. 42026. [Experiments show not enough particles are produced in free fall to explain nucleus concentration in some clouds, but number ejected during riming can help to explain this.]Google Scholar
Chisnell, R. F., Latham, J. A stochastic model of ice particle multiplication by drop splintering. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Vol. 100, No. 425, 1974, p. 296308. [Develops stochastic model based on splinter ejection when supercooled droplets freeze on nucleation by ice splinter.]Google Scholar
Chong, Shu-Lin,, Chen, C. S. Water shells on ice pellets and hailstones. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 31, No. 5, 1974, p. 138491. [Numerical model of water film over a pellet of ice indicates that if radius <o.45 cm a water film all over the ice is possible during free fall in air.]Google Scholar
Gray, B. M. Early Japanese winter temperatures. Weather, Vol. 29, No. 3, 1974, p. 10307. [Long series of freezing dates of Lake Suwa used to set up approximate winter temperature series for 1440-1953 for Japan, where the winter of any given year is taken to start in December of that year.]Google Scholar
Hallett, J., Mossop,, S. C. Production of secondary ice particles during the riming process. Nature, Vol. 249, No. 5452, 1974, p. 2628. [Experimental observation of large number of secondary ice particles thrown off during riming on metal rod provided cloud temperature is close to −5° C.]Google Scholar
Kukla, G. J., Kukla, H. J. Increased surface albedo in the Northern Hemisphere. Did satellites warn of the weather troubles of 1972 and 1973? Science, Vol. 183, No. 4126, 1974, p. 70914. [Data from satellites show that snow and pack ice formed earlier in the year and covered a larger area in the past three years than it did seven years ago; this has probably produced a significant shift in the hemispheric heat balance.]Google Scholar
Loewe, F. Die tägliche Windschwankung über dem Innern von Inlandeisen im Sommer. Archiv für Meteorologie, Geophysik und Bioklimatologie, Ser. B, Vol. 22, No. 3, 1974, p. 21932. [Explanation of why wind in inner parts of ice sheets is frequently stronger near midday in summer. English and French abstracts, p. 21920.]Google Scholar
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Shimizu, H. and others. Kurobe Kyökoku kõsoku nadare no kenkyû.II [Study on high-speed avalanches of Kurobe canyon. II].[By] Shimizu, H.,Akitaya, E.,Huzioka, T. [i.e. Fujioka], Nakagawa, M.,Kawada, K.. Teion-kagaku: Low Temperature Science, Ser. A, [No.] 31, 1973, p. 17989. [Presents observations made during winter 1972—73 in this canyon in Honshü, Japan. English summary, p. 189.]Google Scholar
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