1 Introduction
Null pointers are infamous for causing software errors. Hoare (Reference Hoare2009) characterized them as “The Billion Dollar Mistake.”
One way to tame the danger of nulls is via types. Whereas older languages, such as Pascal and Java, permit nulls at any reference type, more recent designs, including Kotlin, Scala, C#, and Swift, adopt type systems that track whether a reference may be null. (In Scala, the type system with explicit nulls (Reference Nieto, Zhao, Lhoták, Chang, Pu, Hirschfeld and PapeNieto et al., 2020b) is available in versions 3.0.0 and later and is enabled is enabled by the compiler flag -Yexplicit-nulls.) How do we permit code in older and newer languages to interact while preserving the type guarantees of the newer languages?
Gradual typing provides a sound theoretical basis for answering such questions, where a legacy language with a less precise type system (such as Java) interacts with a newer language with a more precise type system (such as Kotlin or Scala). Important early systems include those by Siek and Taha (Reference Siek and Taha2006) and Matthews and Findler (Reference Matthews, Findler, Hofmann and Felleisen2007). They introduce casts to model monitoring the barrier between the two languages. A cast is introduced at every place where the boundary is crossed. Each cast checks at runtime whether values passed from the less-precisely typed language violate guarantees expected by the more-precisely typed language.
A key innovation, introduced by Findler and Felleisen (Reference Findler, Felleisen, Wand and Peyton Jones2002), is that when a cast fails blame is attributed to either the source or the target of the cast. Tobin-Hochstadt and Felleisen (Reference Tobin-Hochstadt and Felleisen2006) and Matthews and Findler (Reference Matthews, Findler, Hofmann and Felleisen2007) exploit this innovation to prove that when a cast fails, blame always lies with the less-precisely typed side of the cast. Though the fact is obvious, their proof is not, depending on observational equivalence. Wadler and Findler (Reference Wadler and Findler2009) introduced the blame calculus as an abstraction of the earlier models and offered a simpler proof of the obvious fact based on a simple syntactic notion of blame safety and a straightforward proof based on progress and preservation.
Reference Nieto, Rapoport, Richards, Lhoták, Hirschfeld and PapeNieto et al. (2020a
) applied gradual typing and blame to the case of type systems that track null references. Their
calculus supports three function types, which vary in the guarantees they provide about whether a variable or field of that type could hold the null value instead of a function value:
$\#(S \to T)$ is a non-nullable function type, corresponding to a non-nullable object reference type such as String in Scala or Kotlin. Values of this type cannot be null. (There are technical exceptions where the value can be null, as explained in that paper.)
$?(S \to T)$ is a safe nullable function type, corresponding to a nullable object reference type such as String|Null in Scala or String? in Kotlin. Values of this type can be null, and the type system ensures nulls are properly handled.
$!(S \to T)$ is an unsafe nullable function type, corresponding to an object reference type such as String in Java. Values of this type can be null, but the type system guarantees nothing about proper handling of such nulls.
Their system also supports two forms of application, normal application
$s\ t$
and safe application
. Both apply s to t when the function is not null, but when the function is null the former gets stuck, while the latter returns u. The two forms of application align with the three function types as follows. Consider the type of a function term s.
$\#(S \to T)$ can be applied using standard application
$s\ t$ .
$?(S \to T)$ can be applied using safe application
$\textit{app}(s,t,u)$ .
$!(S \to T)$ can be applied using either standard application
$s\ t$ or safe application
$\textit{app}(s,t,u)$ .
Casts may be used to convert the types of terms and in particular to convert functions between these various types. At runtime, if a cast attempts to convert null from one of the latter two types to the first type the cast will fail, assigning blame appropriately to one side or the other of the cast.
On top of
, that paper also defines
, a calculus representing two languages, one where nulls are implicitly permitted everywhere (like Java) and one with nulls reflected explicitly in its types (like Scala or Kotlin). The syntax of the two languages is mutually recursive with an import construct that makes it possible to embed a term of one of the languages within a term of the other, modeling that it is possible to call either language from the other. The typing rules require each such embedded term to be closed, so it cannot have free variables bound in the other language. Thus, a closure in one language cannot close over bindings from the other language. The semantics of
is defined by translation to
, with import constructs translated to corresponding casts. The key result is that if any of these casts fails, the blame is always assigned to code from the less-precisely typed implicit language, where nulls are implicitly permitted everywhere.
The metatheory of Reference Nieto, Rapoport, Richards, Lhoták, Hirschfeld and PapeNieto et al. (2020a ) was mechanized in Coq in an accompanying artifact (Reference Nieto, Zhao, Lhoták, Chang and PuNieto et al., 2020c ). The Coq mechanization closely follows the development as presented in that paper.
This paper reiterates the development of the earlier paper, but using a simpler system and one that is closer to the standard development of blame calculus.
• Instead of three variants of function types, our design is more orthogonal. There is a function type
, and there is a nullable type
, which adds nulls to an existing type
. Here,
range over all types, while
is restricted to definite types that do not already admit nulls. (This syntax rules out potentially confusing types such as
.) The values of type
are either
or of the form
, where
is a value of type
. The angle brackets designate lifting from type
• Instead of two forms of application, one safe and one unsafe, our orthogonal system of types leads to a corresponding orthogonal system of terms, based on standard forms of application for functions (
) and case analysis for nullable values
• Instead of a high-level language
$\lambda_\texttt{null}^s$ with explicit and implicit sublanguages that translates into a core language
$\lambda_\texttt{null}$ , we define an explicit language
that fulfills the role of both
$\lambda_\texttt{null}$ and the explicit half of
$\lambda_\texttt{null}^s$ and we define an implicit language
that fulfills the role of the implicit half of
$\lambda_\texttt{null}^s$ .
• The implicit language
is given a semantics by translation into the explicit language
, making it easy to assign a semantics to arbitrary nesting of explicit and implicit terms. There is no longer a requirement that nested terms be closed; free variables of a term in one language can be bound in the other language.
• The resulting development is simpler and more standard than the previous development. In particular, we adapt the Tangram Lemma of Wadler and Findler (Reference Wadler and Findler2009) to prove that blame is always assigned to the less-precisely typed language. The previous development did not use the Tangram Lemma, relying instead on a more convoluted argument.
Thus, our system can serve as a simpler and more canonical foundation for formal models of the interaction between languages with explicit and implicit nulls.
Our development extends the simply typed lambda calculus with only those features that are motivated by adding nulls. Thus, it is an initial foundation to which other language features can be added in future work to study any hypothetical feature interactions. While our theoretical results can guide the design of full programming languages, a caveat of all work on core language calculi is that it is possible for larger language to violate properties established on a core calculus. For example, although Featherweight Java was proven sound (Igarashi et al., Reference Igarashi, Pierce and Wadler2001), the presence of null values in the full Java language was found to undermine that soundness (Amin and Tate, Reference Amin, Tate, Visser and Smaragdakis2016). There is value both in more complete semantics, in which feature interactions can be explored, and in featherweight calculi, which elucidate the essence of a feature. The value of featherweight calculi was discussed further by Griesemer et al. (Reference Griesemer, Hu, Kokke, Lange, Taylor, Toninho, Wadler and Yoshida2020), who as evidence compare citations counts for the paper on Featherweight Java, Igarashi et al. (Reference Igarashi, Pierce and Wadler2001), with the four most-cited papers on more complete models, Flatt et al. (Reference Flatt, Krishnamurthi, Felleisen, MacQueen and Cardelli1998), Nipkow and von Oheimb (Reference Nipkow, von Oheimb, MacQueen and Cardelli1998), Drossopoulou and Eisenbach (Reference Drossopoulou, Eisenbach, Aksit and Matsuoka1997), and Syme (Reference Syme1999): 1226 as compared with 592, 270, 188, and 172, respectively (Google Scholar, May 2024).
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 defines the explicit language . Section 3 proves its key properties: type safety, blame safety, and the Tangram Lemma. Section 4 defines the implicit language
and its translation to
and proves that the translation preserves types. Section 5 explores interoperability of the two languages: we show how terms of each language can be embedded in the other, define the casts needed to mediate between the two, and prove that any failure of these casts always blames the implicit language
. Section 6 further compares our calculi to those of Reference Nieto, Rapoport, Richards, Lhoták, Hirschfeld and PapeNieto et al. (2020a
) and discusses connections to full languages such as Scala and Java. Section 7 surveys related work. Section 8 concludes.
We have mechanized all of our lemmas and propositions in Coq and included the mechanization with the paper as additional material. The mechanization follows the locally nameless approach of Aydemir et al. (Reference Aydemir, Charguéraud, Pierce, Pollack, Weirich, G. C. and Wadler2008) and uses the Ott (Sewell et al., Reference Sewell, Nardelli, Owens, Peskine, Ridge, Sarkar and Strnisa2010) and LNGen (Aydemir and Weirich, Reference Aydemir and Weirich2010) tools to automatically generate the associated Coq infrastructure and lemmas from a file of definitions that directly follow those in the paper. Aside from the use of a locally nameless representation, the mechanization directly follows the development as it is presented in the paper.
2 The explicit language 
In this section, we introduce a language that tracks the possibility of null references explicitly in types. We call it for short. Following the advice of Patrignani (Reference Patrignani2021), we use a
for elements of
to distinguish them from those of another language that we will introduce in Section 4. In this section, we define syntax and typing rules, a reduction relation, and four blame subtyping relations for
. In Section 3, we prove standard type safety and blame safety properties.
The syntax of is shown in Figure 1. The basic values are constants
of a base type
, function abstractions
of a function type
, and the null constant
. In addition to the two definite types
, the type system includes nullable types
, where
is any definite type. The constructors of
are the null constant
and the lift operation
, where
is a term of type
. When
is a value,
is also considered a value, and when
is a function value, the cast
is also a function value.

Fig. 1.
In addition to values, the calculus includes terms for function application , casts
, a case construct
that destructs terms of nullable types
, and a failure result
. As is standard in gradual type systems, each cast has a blame label
so that the result of a failing computation can be traced to the cast that failed. A cast with blame label
may fail at run time, yielding either
is positive blame and indicates that fault lies with the term contained in the cast, while
is negative blame and indicates that fault lies with the context containing the cast. The overbar is an involutive operator on blame labels:
As an example of positive blame, consider the term:

During reduction, the function will be applied to a constant of type
, yielding
, causing a cast failure because
is not a value of the definite type
given as the return type of the function in the target type
of the cast. The fault lies with the function within the cast, which returned
although the cast promised that it would return a non-
value. This example term evaluates to positive
As an example of negative blame, consider the similar term:

During reduction, the function will be applied to , causing a cast failure because
is not a value of the definite type
specified as the parameter type of the function. The fault lies with the context containing the cast, namely the
value to which the cast term is being applied. This example term evaluates to negative
The typing rules of are shown in Figure 2. The rules for variables, base type constants and operations, and function abstraction and application are standard. The Null and Lift rules identify the null constant
and the lift operation
as the constructors of a nullable type
. The Case rule specifies that
destructs terms of a nullable type
. The Cast rule allows casts from type
to type
as long as
are compatible, written
. Informally, two types are compatible if they have the same structure but differ only in the nullability of their components. Finally, the Blame rule specifies that a failure result
is possible at any type

Fig. 2.
typing rules.
The operational semantics of is shown in Figure 3. The Binop rule reduces a base operation applied to values
to a base constant specified by an external base operation evaluation function
(which requires and returns only base constants, not nulls). The App rule is standard
-reduction. Two rules reduce a
. When the scrutinee is
, the
reduces to the term in the
branch (Case-Null). When the scrutinee is a lifted value
, the
reduces to the term in the non-null branch, with
substituted for the parameter
(Case-Lift). The Wrap rule defines
-reduction for a function wrapped in a cast, ensuring that the argument
and the final result of the function application are cast accordingly. During reduction, the argument will first be cast from
, then the function
will be applied to it, and finally the result will be cast from
. There are four rules for reducing casts from a nullable type
. A cast of
to another nullable type
reduces to just
(Cast-Null). A cast of
to a non-nullable type
reduces to
(Downcast-Null). A cast of a lifted value
from type
to a non-nullable type
evaluates to
wrapped in a cast from
(Downcast-Lift). When such a lifted value is cast to a nullable type
, this result is additionally lifted (Cast-Lift). A cast from base type to itself is the identity (Cast-Base). A grammar of evaluation contexts
ensures call-by-value reduction in function applications, inside casts, cases, lift operations, and base type operations. The Ctx rule specifies reduction inside an evaluation context. The Err rule specifies that a failure inside an evaluation context floats up to the top level, terminating the reduction sequence.

Fig. 3.
reduction rules.
3 Properties of the explicit language 
3.1 Type safety
We prove type safety of by proving preservation and progress (Wright and Felleisen, Reference Wright and Felleisen1994). For each result, we specify the name of the corresponding result in the Coq mechanization accompanying the paper.
Proposition 1 (Preservation). (Coq: preservation)
If and
Proof The proof is by induction on the reduction relation. The App and Case-Lift cases depend on a substitution lemma, which is shown below. The Wrap case depends on symmetry of the compatibility relation .
Lemma 2 (Substitution). (Coq: substitution)
If and
, then
Proof The proof is standard, by induction on the typing of N. The Var case depends on a weakening lemma, also proved by straightforward induction.
Lemma 3 (Compatibility Symmetry). (Coq: compat_sym) If then
Proof The proof is by straightforward induction on the derivation of .
Proposition 4 (Progress). (Coq: progress)
If then either
is a value,
for some
, or
for some
Proof The proof is by induction on the typing derivation. The App case depends on a canonical forms lemma for function types, which is shown below.
Lemma 5 (Canonical Forms Arrow). (Coq: canonical_forms_arrow)
If , then either
for some
, or
for some
, and
Proof The proof is by straightforward induction on the typing derivation.
3.2 Blame safety
In addition to type safety, we have also proved blame safety following the approach of Wadler and Findler (Reference Wadler and Findler2009) (see also Wadler (Reference Wadler, Ball, Bodík, Krishnamurthi, Lerner and Morrisett2015) for a more accessible summary of the approach). The applicability of this standard approach is one of the benefits of relative to the calculus of Reference Nieto, Rapoport, Richards, Lhoták, Hirschfeld and PapeNieto et al. (2020a
The approach depends on four subtyping relations, defined for in Figure 4. Intuitively, a cast between types related by positive subtyping cannot give rise to positive blame (blame with the same label as the cast) and a cast between types related by negative subtyping cannot give rise to negative blame (blame with a label that is the complement of that on the cast). Ordinary subtyping is an intersection of these two relations, so a cast between types related by ordinary subtyping cannot give rise to any blame. We will discuss naive subtyping and its relationship to the other three subtyping relations in Section 3.3. Positive, negative, and ordinary subtyping on functions are contravariant in the domain and covariant in the range, while naive subtyping is covariant in both the domain and the range.

Fig. 4.
subtyping rules.
We make the intuitive understanding of positive and negative subtyping precise as follows:
Definition 6 (Safe Term). (Coq: safe) A term is safe for blame label
, written
, if
has no subterm of the form
, every cast in
of the form
, and every cast in
of the form
. An explicit inductive definition is given in Figure 5.

Fig. 5. Definition of safe terms.
With this definition, we can prove blame safety of , that when
cannot reduce to
in any number of steps. Note, however, that
can reduce to
with a different label
, and, in particular,
can reduce to
Proposition 7 (Safe Term Preservation). (Coq: safe_preservation)
If and
, then
Proof The proof is by induction on the derivation of . Each case is straightforward except in the App and Case-Lift cases, we need the following lemma to show that the safety relation is preserved by substitution.
Lemma 8 (Substitution Preserves Safe Terms). (Coq: subst_pres_safe)
If and
, then
Proof By straightforward induction on the structure of .
Corollary 9 (Safe Term Progress). (Coq: safe_progress)
If and
, then
Proof This follows directly from Proposition 7 and the definition of .
Proposition 10 (Blame Safety). (Coq: safety)
If and
, then
Proof The proof is by induction on the transitive reduction relation. In the inductive case, it uses Propositions 1 and 7.
3.3 Naive subtyping and the Tangram lemma
Naive subtyping relates types according to how definite they are in the sense of gradual typing. Where we write , Siek et al. (Reference Siek, Vitousek, Cimini, Boyland, Ball, Bodík, Krishnamurthi, Lerner and Morrisett2015) write
. In our specific setting,
is a naive subtype of
if they have the same structure, but some non-nullable components
may be replaced by nullable components
. One function is a naive subtype of another if both the domains and ranges are naive subtypes; note that this is covariant in both the domain and range of the function, as opposed to the other three subtyping relations which are contravariant in the domain and covariant in the range.
The Tangram Lemma of Wadler and Findler (Reference Wadler and Findler2009) relates these four subtyping relations. Part 1 concerns ordinary subtyping and part 2 concerns naive subtyping; note that we have in part 1 and
in part 2. We show that the Tangram Lemma holds for the relations defined in Figure 4.
Proposition 11 (Tangram Lemma). (Coq: tangram)
if and only if
if and only if
Proof Each of the four cases is proved by a straightforward induction on the derivation of , the derivation of
, or mutual induction on the derivations of
The practical consequence of the Tangram Lemma is that if and
is safe for
, then the two casts
are also safe for
. When we study interoperability between languages with implicit and explicit nulls in Section 5, we will use second half of the Tangram Lemma to conclude that all such casts are safe for blame labels that assign blame to the language with explicit nulls. If something goes wrong, it will be blamed on the language with implicit nulls.
4 The implicit language 
Having defined , an explicit language with casts (like Scala), we now define an implicit language that ignores nullability in its types (like Java). We call the implicit language
for short.
4.1 Syntax
The syntax of is defined in Figure 6. Following the advice of Patrignani (Reference Patrignani2021), we use a
to distinguish elements of
. The syntax of
mirrors that of
, but omits lifting, case, casts, and blame, since those are useless without the distinction between nullable and non-null types.

Fig. 6.
Types of
are not distinguished as nullable or non-null. All types in
admit the null constant.
4.2 Typing
The typing rules of are standard and are shown in Figure 7. The
constant can have any type

Fig. 7.
typing rules.
4.3 Semantics
We define the semantics of by translation to
, whose operational semantics we defined in Section 2. The translation is presented in Figure 8.

Fig. 8. Translation from to
Types of are translated to types in
that are equivalent in that they admit equivalent sets of values: in particular, the translated types admit the null constant.
In the translation of terms of , we will make frequent use of
. We introduce as shorthand the Elvis operator
(as in Kotlin and other languages) that takes a term
of nullable type
and reduces to
evaluates to
and to
evaluates to
Variable references and the constant are just translated to themselves. Base constants
, base operations
, and function abstractions
have types in
that translate to nullable types in
, so these terms are translated to lifted terms in
. The translation of a base operation
uses the Elvis operator to check the whether the operands
are null before performing the operation
. The blame label
is used to signal that a null check in a base operation failed. (Some might prefer the blame labels
to indicate that the fault lies with the containing context, but arguably the blame lies with the contained term for not providing a non-null value. In any event, the desirability of using overbars is not clear in the absence of a cast, so we follow the advice of Tufte (Reference Tufte2001) to minimize the ink on the page.) Similarly, the translation of a function application
first checks whether
(the function) evaluates to null before evaluating the argument
and performing the application.
4.4 Type preservation of the translation
The translation from to
preserves typing:
Proposition 12 (Translation Preserves Typing). (Coq: desugaring_typing)
If , then
, where a typing context
is obtained by replacing each binding of the form
Proof The proof is by induction on the derivation of . The Imp-Abs rule is parameterized by an arbitrary fresh variable
, so a proof for this case must be valid for any such fresh
. To prove this case, we need to show that the translation function
commutes with
-renaming of variables. In fact, we prove a stronger result that this function commutes with substitution of an arbitrary term for a free variable, which we show below in Lemma 13. All other cases are straightforward.
Lemma 13 (Substitution Commutes With Translation). (Coq: open_trm_of_itrm)
Proof The proof is by straightforward induction on the structure of .
5 Interoperability
In this section, we will explore how terms of can use terms of
and vice versa.
5.1 Implicit terms within explicit terms
To use a term of
within a term of
, we just translate the
term first and use
within the
term. However, the translated term has an inconvenient type, so it cannot be used directly. For example, the translated
constant term
has the nullable type
, so it cannot be an operand of the
operator, which requires operands of type
. Similarly, the translated
function term
has the nullable type
is a type of the body
), so it cannot be used directly in a function application.
We can use an term
of type
directly by embedding it within a cast to the desired type:

Here, is a naive translation of the
, defined in general as follows:

The naive translation maps a base type of to a base type of
, and it maps a function type of
to a function type of
. Thus, the cast enables the
to be used in
directly with a definite base or function type. The blame label
indicates that the cast is from
The cast could fail but only with positive blame, blaming the subterm
rather than the surrounding
context. This is because
is a naive subtype of
Proposition 14 ( Naive Subtyping). (Coq: imp_naive_subtyp)
For every type
Proof The proof is by straightforward induction on the structure of .
Then by the Tangram Lemma, term (1) may reduce to but can never reduce to
5.2 Explicit terms within implicit terms
To use a term of
within a term of
, we need to apply the translation to the
context that surrounds
. In symbols, our approach is to translate a mixed term
into the
using a natural extension of the translation from Figure 8 to contexts.
In comparison, the approach taken in the previous section was to translate a mixed term into the
. That only required applying the translation to the
rather than to an
Suppose the subterm
has some type
. Typing the surrounding
requires an
type for the term intended to plug the hole. We define the erasure of a type from
as follows:

We then say that an subterm of type
can be used within an
context that can be typed under the assumption that an
term that plugs its hole has type
When we translate the context
, the resulting
will be typable assuming that the term that plugs its hole has type
. Note that it is possible to define
directly as follows:

We can use an term
of type
directly by embedding it within a cast to the desired type:

The cast could fail but only with negative blame, blaming the surrounding context rather than the
. This is because
is a naive subtype of
Proposition 15 ( Naive Subtyping). (Coq: exp_naive_subtyp)
For every type
Proof The proof is by straightforward induction on the structure of .
Then by the Tangram Lemma, term (2) may reduce to but can never reduce to
5.3 Metatheory of contexts
So far, we have taken for granted that when a term is embedded in a context, C[M], the term M can refer to free variables bound in the context C. This deserves to be established formally, particularly when we mix contexts and subterms from and
. We make this precise in this section.
One may be tempted by a simpler construction. In an earlier version of this paper, we used the construct , where
is the type of
. However, that approach has the significant disadvantage of requiring
to be closed. Here, in the mixed term
, the subterm
can refer to free variables bound in the context
, an important generalization.
Figure 9 defines grammars of and
contexts following the syntax of terms, but with a hole
that can be plugged by a subterm.

Fig. 9. Syntax of and
We introduce the notation for typing judgments for
contexts and similarly for
contexts. Such a judgment is to be interpreted as follows: if the hole
in context
is filled with some term
such that
, then the term that results from plugging the hole in context
with the term
has type
in typing context
. Inductive definitions of the typing relations for
contexts are presented in Figures 10 and 11. By design, both the
context typing rules satisfy the intended property:

Fig. 10.
context typing rules.

Fig. 11.
context typing rules.
Proposition 16 ( Plugged Typing.) (Coq: typing_plugged)
For any context
and term
, if
for some typing contexts
and types
Proof The proof is by induction on the typing relation for contexts (Figure 10).
Proposition 17 ( Plugged Typing). (Coq: ityping_plugged)
For any context
and term
, if
for some typing contexts
and types
Proof The proof is by induction on the typing relation for contexts (Figure 11).
Having defined typing for contexts, we can state a formal criterion for allowing an term to be used within an
context, as we sketched in Section 5.2:
Definition 18 (Allowable term for
context). An
may plug an
if there exist
typing contexts
, and
such that
In the definition, records the types of the variable bindings in
. The
has some type
in the context
, which applies erasure to the types in
The context
needs to be typed under the assumption that the hole has type
, the naive translation of
, in the typing context
, which is the translation of the erased context
. To see why
is necessary instead of just
, consider that an
cannot distinguish whether
binds some variable
to a definite type such as
or a nullable type such as
; both are erased to
. Typing the hole in the translated erased typing context solves the problem, since
This criterion ensures that when an implicit term is plugged into an explicit context
, its translation
is well typed.
Proposition 19 (Typing of term in
context.) (Coq: nest_itrm_in_ctx)
For any context
that satisfy Definition 18 with
typing contexts

Proof This follows directly by Proposition 12 and Proposition 16. Proposition 14 is needed to justify the compatibility of the types and
in the cast.
Turning our attention to terms embedded in
contexts, we define a similar typing criterion for such mixed terms
Definition 20 (Allowable term for
context). An
may plug an
if there exist
typing contexts
, type
, and
such that
The term
is typed in a typing context
, which contains the variables bound in
, but with their types translated from
using the translation from Figure 8. In that context,
has some
, which erases to the
, so the
must be typable under the assumption that its hole has the erased type
We can apply the translation from Figure 8. to the context
to obtain an
. The translation of contexts is defined to be the same as the translation of terms, with the additional case that a hole translates to a hole. The resulting
context will satisfy
by the following proposition:
Proposition 21 (Translated Context Typing) (Coq: ictrm_desugaring_typing)
For any context
, types
and typing contexts
, if
, then
Proof The proof is by induction on the derivation of the context typing of . The case of function abstraction requires the following Lemma 22, an analog of Lemma 13 for contexts rather than terms.
Lemma 22 (Substitution Commutes With Translation of Contexts). (Coq: open_ctrm_of_ictrm)

Proof The proof is by straightforward induction on the structure of .
To plug the resulting context
with the term
, we must use a cast to adapt the type of
to the type
that the context
requires. We summarize the type safety of the translation as follows.
Proposition 23 (Typing of term in
context) (Coq: nest_trm_in_ictx)
For any context
that satisfy Definition 20 with
typing contexts
, and

Proof This follows directly by Proposition 21 and Proposition 16. Proposition 15 is needed to justify the compatibility of the types and
in the cast.
5.4 A defensive alternative
Although the casts presented in the previous two subsections always blame the implicit language when they fail, it is also possible to prevent any possibility of failure by using to explicitly test for null and manually (and tediously) providing explicit error-handling terms to be evaluated when a null value is encountered.
To show how tedious, consider the term
to be embedded in the
. The translated term
has type
, but the context requires the hole to be plugged by a term of type
. Instead of using a cast to mediate between
, we could interpose the context

The resulting term would be . The occurrences of
identify the places where
can occur at run time and could be replaced by user-defined defensive compensation code.
In the other direction, consider the term
to be embedded in the
. The term
has type
, but the translated context
requires the hole to be plugged by a term of type
. Instead of using a cast to mediate between
, we could interpose the context

The resulting term would be . The occurrences of
identify the places where
can occur at run time and could be replaced by user-defined defensive compensation code.
Given any pair of compatible types, we can synthesize the necessary compensation code using the following function, which follows the structure of the inductive definition of compatibility from Figure 2:

As before, occurrences of can be replaced by user-defined defensive compensation code.
6 Connections with other languages
Now that we have presented our explicit and implicit languages in full, we briefly discuss the connections with the languages of Reference Nieto, Rapoport, Richards, Lhoták, Hirschfeld and PapeNieto et al. (2020a ) and with complete languages like Scala and Java.
6.1 Connections with
Recall that the core language
of Reference Nieto, Rapoport, Richards, Lhoták, Hirschfeld and PapeNieto et al. (2020a
) defines three function types, which correspond to types in
as follows:
$\#(S \to T)$ in
$\lambda_\texttt{null}$ corresponds to
$?(S \to T)$ in
$\lambda_\texttt{null}$ corresponds to
$!(S \to T)$ in
$\lambda_\texttt{null}$ corresponds to
Here, we assume that S and T correspond to and
The semantics of safe application
is analogous to the
, where s, t, u correspond to
. This term requires
to be of type
, while standard function application requires a term of type
. Since a
term of type
$!(S \to T)$
can be used in both forms of application, it does not correspond to any one type in
, but more closely to the
: values of that type include both
and functions, and terms of that type can be used in
function application.
This illuminates a key difference between and
. In
, all implicit features have been desugared away into casts, and casts are the only terms that can fail with blame. In contrast,
retains unsafe nullable function types, an implicit language feature, so applications there can also fail with blame. This difference motivates the various auxiliary relations needed in
, such as blame assignment and normalization.
The surface language
terms that enable an explicit term to be used within an implicit term and vice versa, like the embeddings that we discussed in Sections 5.1 and 5.2. A key difference is that the
typing rules require the embedded subterms to be closed, so they cannot refer to variables bound in the surrounding context in the other sublanguage.
6.2 Connections with Scala and Java
In this section, we briefly compare the core explicit and implicit languages with Scala and Java.
The types of the implicit language correspond to the reference types of Java, in that every type admits the null value. The nullable types of the explicit language correspond to union types T|Null in Scala, where T is a Scala type corresponding to the definite type
. Thus, interoperability between Scala and Java directly follows the interoperability between the explicit and implicit languages. We can embed a Java term, such as a call to a Java method, in Scala following the translation from Section 5.2. We can embed a Scala term, such as a call to a Scala method, in Java following the translation from Section 5.1. Such embedded terms are not limited to calls and can refer to variables bound in the surrounding context in the opposite language, to model higher-level language features such as terms referring to fields and variables defined in other classes, including in code written in the opposite language. The same applies to Kotlin instead of Scala, where a nullable type is written as T?.
There is a minor difference in the values. The explicit language distinguishes a value of definite type
and a lifted value
of nullable type
. In Scala, both values have the same runtime representation and the lifting operation is a no-op at run time.
As core calculi based on simply typed lambda calculus, the explicit and implicit languages obviously omit many features present in Scala and Java, notably objects, classes and class types, and generic methods and generic class types. The calculi serve as a foundation to guide the design of null safety for these additional language features. In particular, one practical challenge in a full language arises when a single type describes a large, linked data structure, such as a linked list or tree. If the type does not say anything about null values within the structure, such values could occur anywhere within it. Extensions of the core languages for classes and objects would add casts to identify places where blame must be assigned for inter-language operations on objects. Those casts would identify the places in practical programs where nulls can arise.
7 Related work
Findler and Felleisen (Reference Findler, Felleisen, Wand and Peyton Jones2002) introduced the concept of blame to function contracts, allowing to assign responsibility for a runtime failure either to a function itself or to the arguments passed to the function. Siek and Taha (Reference Siek and Taha2006, Reference Siek and Taha2007) introduced the concept of gradual typing to enable interoperability between parts of a program with and without static types. Wadler and Findler (Reference Wadler and Findler2009) combined the two concepts and proved that in a gradually typed program, any cast failure on the boundary can always be blamed on the untyped (or, more generally, the less-precisely typed) part of the program. They generalized their result in the Tangram Lemma, which can be instantiated for other gradually typed calculi. Also see Wadler (Reference Wadler, Ball, Bodík, Krishnamurthi, Lerner and Morrisett2015).
Garcia et al. (Reference Garcia, Clark, Tanter, Bodík and Majumdar2016) used the framework of abstract interpretation (Cousot and Cousot, Reference Cousot, Cousot, Graham, Harrison and Sethi1977) to explain what it means for part of a program to be more-precisely or less-precisely typed. This abstract interpretation notion of the precision of a type is identical to naive subtyping. Estep et al. (Reference Estep, Wise, Aldrich, Tanter, Bader, Sunshine, Møller and Sridharan2021) applied this methodology to a static analysis that determines which expressions in a program may evaluate to null at run time. Their baseline static analysis works for an intermediate language in which every variable is explicitly annotated to be either non-null or nullable; they systematically derive a gradual static analysis that works for an intermediate language that allows a subset of variables to be left unannotated. Malewski et al. (Reference Malewski, Greenberg and Tanter2021) applied the abstract interpretation framework to a calculus with algebraic data types (ADTs) to systematically derive a calculus with gradual ADTs. Their (open) gradual datatype designates expressions that evaluate to a value of some ADT, but the specific ADT and its set of constructors is not known statically and can even be open in the sense of allowing extension with new constructors.
Reference Nieto, Rapoport, Richards, Lhoták, Hirschfeld and PapeNieto et al. (2020a ) instantiated the concepts of gradual typing and blame for their explicit-null extension of the Scala language (Reference Nieto, Zhao, Lhoták, Chang, Pu, Hirschfeld and PapeNieto et al., 2020b ). There, the less-precisely typed parts of a program are those written in Java or older versions of Scala, and the more-precisely typed parts are those written in the new version of Scala in which the possibility of a reference being null is made explicit in its type.
Similar issues occur in other languages that make nulls explicit in their type system but interoperate with older code in type systems agnostic to null.
The Kotlin language (JetBrains, 2022) aims for null safety within Kotlin code but adapts Java types to avoid any compile-time errors related to nullability at the boundary between code written in Kotlin and Java. It uses a concept called platform types, which are a subtype of a non-null type but a supertype of a nullable type, to avoid reporting errors in both covariant and contravariant contexts. Platform types are inherently unsound since, by transitivity, they make a nullable type a subtype of the corresponding non-null type, but they are necessary in practice to avoid the overwhelming number of compile-time errors that would result if we insisted on static null safety at the boundary between Java and Kotlin.
Recent versions of the C# language (Microsoft, 2022) have nullable types that indicate that a reference can be null. Types in code written in older versions of the language are interpreted to mean that references are non-null. To enable interoperability, conversions from a nullable to a non-null type and vice versa are allowed but generate a compile-time warning in areas of code designated to issue such warnings. A null value may still flow at run time to a context in which a non-null value is expected, resulting in a run-time exception.
The Swift language (Apple, 2022) has optionals similar to discriminated options like Scala’s Option and Haskell’s Maybe, and implicitly unwrapped optionals which are automatically cast to a non-null type in contexts that require one. When Swift code interoperates with code in Objective-C, which does not make nullability explicit in its types, Objective-C expressions are given an implicitly unwrapped optional type in Swift. Attempting to use an implicitly unwrapped optional that is nil at run time results in a run-time exception.
8 Conclusion
We have defined a pair of core calculi for modeling interoperability between languages that track null references explicitly in their type systems and ones that do not. Our definitions follow the standard blame calculus of Wadler and Findler (Reference Wadler and Findler2009); in particular, their Tangram Lemma approach can be used to assign blame for cast failures to the less precise language whose type system ignores nullability. These core calculi can serve as a basis for modeling nullness interoperability in larger languages, in the same way that foundations such as Featherweight Java (Igarashi et al., Reference Igarashi, Pierce and Wadler2001) and DOT (Amin et al., Reference Amin, Grütter, Odersky, Rompf, Stucki, Lindley, McBride, Trinder and Sannella2016) have guided the design of Java and Scala. Our development is formalized in Coq and is included as an artifact accompanying the paper.
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The authors report no conflict of interest.
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