Published online by Cambridge University Press: 26 September 2014
This paper studies three thematic markers (TMs) in informal written French: pour ce qui est de, au niveau (de) and en matière de. We will demonstrate that they have different syntactico-semantic and discourse-functional properties and that the exact function of the TM construction results from the interplay between the inherent properties of the TM and the specific syntactic construction it appears in. We will demonstrate that TMs do not only introduce the aboutness-topics, but that they can also establish the frame in which the main clause holds or functions.
Tom Velghe is first (main) author of this paper, Karen Lahousse is co-author. Our thanks go to three anonymous reviewers of the Journal of French Language Studies, as well as to Francis Cornish, for their useful remarks and suggestions, and to Hendrik De Smet (KU Leuven) for the corpus data. Any errors remain ours.