Published online by Cambridge University Press: 26 April 2006
Modulation of the growth rate of short capillary–gravity surface wind waves in the presence of a long wave with steepness much smaller than the maximum is studied theoretically. The Miles (1962) mechanism taking into account the viscous wave stresses in the air flow is considered to be the main process of short-wave generation. The short-wave growth rate is defined by the wind velocity gradient in the viscous sublayer of the logarithmic boundary layer. The long wave propagating on the wave surface induces an additional component of the wind velocity gradient oscillating with the length and time periods of the long wave, which results in modulation, with the same period, of the growth rate of the short wave riding on the long one. The growthrate modulation amplitude depends on the parameter M being of the order of the relation between the oscillating and the mean wind velocity gradients in the viscous sublayer \[M=\frac{2kac}{u^2_*}(ckv_{\alpha})^{1/2} \] (where c, k, a are the phase velocity, the wavenumber and the elevation amplitude of the long wave; va is the viscosity coefficient in the air; u* is the wind friction velocity). When M = O(1) (weak winds and long waves) the oscillating component of the shortwave growth rate is of the same order as the mean one. If M is much smaller than unity, then the relative amplitude of the growth rate is of the same order as the steepness of the long wave.