Bishnupriya Gupta has begun her first year editing the Eurasian submissions. Eric Hilt is entering his third year editing the non-Eurasian submissions. John Parman is the book review editor for the Americas. Juan Flores Zendejas is the book review editor for the rest of the world. The Journal is fortunate in having Lily Welch continue as the Journal’s Editorial Assistant and Sally Sztrecska as its Production Editor.
The Journal has benefited greatly from the expert guidance and advice of our Editorial Board and more than 323 referees who contributed their time and expertise to maintaining and enhancing the Journal’s quality. Editorial Board members typically serve three-year terms. Those departing from the Board this year are Mark Koyama, Leigh Gardner, Steven Nafziger, Lisa Cook, and Noam Yuchtman. We have four new board members, Denis Cogneau, Amanda Gregg, James Kung, and Suresh Naidu. We also recognize and appreciate numerous scholars’ contributions to the Journal’s book reviews. The editorial office is grateful to all who have worked on behalf of the Journal over this past year.
The number of new submissions to the Journal in recent years is shown in Table 1. From 2013 to 2018, the average number of submissions per year was approximately 160, but there was a noticeable jump in the number of submissions to 195, 209, and 206 in 2019, 2020, and 2021. In 2022, submissions fell somewhat to 186, but remained well above the 2013–2018 average. The Journal published 29 articles in total in 2022, not counting John Wallis’ presidential address.

The “published” count includes refereed articles and notes. It does not include the presidential address, which is published in June, nor “reviews and reflections” articles.
The publication ratio displayed in Table 1 is the number of refereed papers and notes published in the current year divided by the number of new manuscripts submitted in the previous year. In 2022, the publication ratio was 0.14 (29/206), the same as it was in 2021. This ratio is lower than it had been in the years 2018 and earlier, reflecting the greater number of submissions.
Table 2 reports the response-time statistics for the corresponding submissions. To place the numbers into context, our goal is to have a decision back to the author within 90 days. In 2022, the median response time for all submissions (included revised manu- scripts) was the same as it was for 2021, 63 days. However, for new submissions, this past year’s performance has been somewhat slower than previous years, with a median response time of 75 days. Unfortunately, a small number of papers have taken longer to review. We apologize to authors of manuscripts that experienced substantial delays. We continuously work to reduce the time for this small number of manuscripts, taking into consideration that we are primarily focused on the quality of editorial decisions, rather than their speed.

The distributions of submissions are documented in subsequent tables. We show the data for eras in Table 3 and for topics in Table 4. The data on regions is shown in Table 5. Each of these tables presents data for 2017 through 2022, the period for which we have consistent data.



The Journal’s coverage remains broad. Table 3 shows that the distribution of submis- sions over eras has been fairly steady in recent years, with the nineteenth and twentieth centuries accounting for the bulk of submissions. Table 4 shows that submissions in political economy and growth continue to be particularly strong. Labor has remained the third most-common topic. Nonetheless, the top-three topic areas together account for only about 40 percent of all submissions, reflecting broadly dispersed interests within the field. Table 5 shows that manuscripts on Western Europe and the United States are most common, and account for about half of all submissions. Manuscripts focused on Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America together accounted for another 30 percent of submissions.
Book reviews are an important component of the Journal, and we sincerely thank the many reviewers. We also remind our membership to have their press send a copy of any new books to the relevant book review editor. In recent years, the Journal has also sought occasional “reviews and reflections” synthetic articles, extended book reviews, and roundtable book reviews when appropriate. In 2022, the Journal published one “reviews and reflections” article, entitled “Indigenous Nations and the Development of the U.S. Economy: Land, Resources, and Dispossession,” by Ann M. Carlos, Donna L. Feir, and Angela Redish.
Readers will recall that at the 2013 meetings, the EHA board of trustees approved a policy to make publication conditional on archiving the data sufficient to replicate the results in accepted articles. The authors of all new submissions from 1 January 2016 onward that were accepted for publication have been required to post data and replication files to maintain and advance the Journal’s efforts to ensure transparency and scholarly integrity. A branded page can be found with openICPSR, and depositors can submit files into openICPSR per the instructions available at http://www.icpsr.umich. edu/files/openICPSR/JEH-deposit-instructions.pdf. The editorial office and ICPSR continue to work to enhance the interface.
Referees for 2021–2022 were:
Ran Abramitzky
Olivier Accominotti
Philipp Ager
Seven Ağır
Brian A’Hearn
Shameel Ahmad
Toke Aidt
Michael Alexeev
Guido Alfani
Douglas Allen
Jan Annaert
Belinda Archibong
Jaime Arellano-Bover
Luz Marina Arias
Leticia Arroyo Abad
Vellore Arthi
Miriam Artiles
Cihan Artunç
Elliot Ash
Jeremy Atack
Liang Bai
Michael Bailey
Charlotte Bartels
Jean-Pascal Bassino
Jerome Baudry
Nathan Baum-Snow
Guillaume Bazot
Brian Beach
Anne Beck Knudsen
Sascha O. Becker
Stephane Becuwe
Cliff Bekar
Erik Bengtsson
Thor Berger
Nicola Bianchi
Arthur Blouin
Lars Boerner
Monica Bozzano
Fabio Braggion
Sebastian Braun
Gabriel Brea Martinez
Stephen Broadberry
John Brown
Liam Brunt
Paolo Buonanno
Richard Burdekin
Davide Cantoni
Mark A. Carlson
Juan Carmona
Elizabeth Cascio
Alexandra Cermeño
David Chambers
Jonathan Chapman
Latika Chaudhary
David Chilosi
Cornelius Christian
Carlo Ciccarelli
Karen Clay
Denis Cogneau
William J. Collins
Dylan Connor
Sergio Correia
Gustavo Cortes
Metin Cosgel
Dora Costa
Gary Cox
Neil Cummins
Tomas Cvrcek
Alan de Bromhead
Pim de Zwart
Vincent Delabastita
Tracy K. Dennison
Ellora Derenocourt
John Devereux
Kara Dimitruk
Mark Dincecco
Alexander Donges
Mauricio Drelichman
Yannick Dupraz
Xavier Duran
Alan Dye
Jari Eloranta
Paul Erdkamp
Katherine Eriksson
Jose-Antonio Espin-Sanchez
Sergio Espuelas
Rui Esteves
Giovanni Federico
James Feigenbaum
Emanuele Felice
Marta Felis-Rota
James Fenske
Andy Ferrara
Daniel Fetter
Alexander Field
David Fielding
Price Fishback
Martin Fiszbein
Ignacio Flores
Caroline Fohlin
Johan Fourie
Raphael Franck
Ewout Frankema
Pei Gao
Leigh Gardner
Kathryn Gary
Victor Gay
Gabriel Geisler Mesevage
Vincent Geloso
Michela Giorcelli
Sun Go
Dror Goldberg
Rowena Gray
Amanda Gregg
Sarah Gregg
Timothy Guinnane
Bishnupriya Gupta
Christopher Hanes
Walker Hanlon
Leslie Hannah
Casper Hansen
Yu Hao
Enda Hargaden
C. Knick Harley
Wenkai He
Leander Heldring
Jonas Helgertz
Philip Hoffman
Sok Chul Hong
Richard Hornbeck
Erik Hornung
Michael Huberman
Thilo Huning
Mark Hup
Douglas Irwin
David Jacks
Matthew Jaremski
Saumitra Jha
Clemens Jobst
Noel Johnson
Daniel Jones
Tobias Jopp
Ezra Karger
Ian Keay
Morgan Kelly
Felix Kersting
Duol Kim
Heeho Kim
Oliver Kim
Christopher Kingston
Alexander Klein
Daniel Klerman
Jane Knodell
Atsushi Kobayashi
Christoph Koenig
Choon Hwee Koh
Edward Kosack
Paul Kosmetatos
Mark Koyama
Yuzuru Kumon
James Kai-sing Kung
Timur Kuran
Alvaro La Parra-Perez
Jean Lacroix
Francois Lafond
Markus Lampe
Marc Law
Woong Lee
Sibylle Lehmann-Hasemeyer
Conor Lennon
Joshua Lewis
Nicholas Lillo
Trevon Logan
Jason Long
Ernesto López Losa
Paul Lovejoy
Paul Lowood
Stephan Luck
Chicheng Ma
Debin Ma
William Mack
Jakob Madsen
Sebastiaan Maes
Mikołaj Malinowski
Robert Margo
Andrei Markevich
Gabriel Mathy
Noel Maurer
Stephan Maurer
Anne E. C. McCants
Eoin McGuirk
Arnaud Mehl
Meng Miao
Chris Minns
Anna Missiaia
David Mitch
Carolyn Moehling
Eric Monnet
Adrien Montalbo
Lyndon Moore
Chiaki Moriguchi
Aldo Musacchio
Alain Naef
Steven Nafziger
Greg Niemesh
Therese Nilsson
Johannes Norling
Cormac Ó Gráda
Mary O’Sullivan
Kota Ogasawara
Sheilagh Ogilvie
Ola Olsson
Massimiliano Onorato
Kim Oosterlinck
Peter Ormosi
Arianna Ornaghi
Omer Ozak
Craig Palsson
Sevket Pamuk
Laura Panza
Giuliana Pardelli
John Parman
Jorje Pedreira
Santiago Perez
Faustine Perrin
Per Pettersson-Lidbom
Steven Pfaff
Janneke Pieters
Santiago Piquero Zarauz
Florian Ploeckl
Jonathan Pritchett
Didac Queralt
Sarah Quincy
William Quinn
Ahmed Rahman
Fernando Ramos-Palencia
J. Mark Ramseyer
Vigyan Ratnoo
Itzchak Raz
Angela Redish
Paul Rhode
Gary Richardson
Kilian Rieder
William Roberds
Evan Roberts
Klas Rönnbäck
Jonathan Rose
Jean-Laurent Rosenthal
Mauro Rota
Peter Rousseau
Tirthankar Roy
Jared Rubin
Valeria Rueda
Gianluca Russo
Soham Sahoo
Mohamed Saleh
Laura Salisbury
Eric Schneider
Peter Scott
Andrew Seltzer
Edson Severnini
Jerome Sgard
Allison Shertzer
Carol Shiue
James Simpson
M Sinkinson
Tuan-Hwee Sng
Kenneth A. Snowden
Michael Stamm
Walter Steingress
Judy Stephenson
Espen Storli
Jochen Streb
William Summerhill
Nathan Sussman
Anand Swamy
Marco Tabellini
Federico Tadei
Hui Ren Tan
John Tang
Masayuki Tanimoto
Taco Terpstra
Patrick Testa
Sara Torregrosa
Alex Trew
Francesca Trivellato
Ali Coşkun Tunçer
John Turner
Francisco Urzúa
Christiaan van Bochove
Marlous van Waijenburg
Michelangelo Vasta
Jessica Vechbanyongratana
Francois Velde
Gertjan Verdickt
Fabian Wahl
Daniel Waldenstrom
Patrick Wallis
Randall Walsh
Leone Walters
Tianyi Wang
Yuhua Wang
Zachary Ward
Meng We
Simone Wegge
Mark Weidemaier
Marc Weidenmier
Matthias Weigand
David Weiman
Jacob Weisdorf
Alex Whalley
Warren Whatley
Max Winkler
Nikolaus Wolf
Brian Wright
Gavin Wright
Chenzi Xu
Guo Xu
Hiroyuki Yamada
David Yang
Dongwoo Yoo
Noam Yuchtman
Nicolas Ziebarth
Ariell Zimran