Two experiments examined phonological priming in children and
adults, using a cross-modal picture-word interference task. Pictures of
familiar objects were presented on a computer screen, while interfering
words (IWs) were presented over headphones. In terms of their relation
to target pictures, IWs were either phonologically related, unrelated,
neutral (the word go), or identical. Ninety children (30 aged 4;11 to
5;11, 30 aged 6;11 to 7;11, and 30 aged 9;5 to 11;9) and 30 adults were
instructed to name the pictures as quickly as possible while ignoring the
IWs. In Experiment 1, related IWs shared onset consonants with the
names of the pictures. Across ages, participants named pictures faster
with related IWs than with unrelated IWs. In Experiment 2, related
IWs rhymed with the targets. Here, only the youngest children (five to
seven-year-olds) named pictures faster with related IWs than with
unrelated IWs. The results indicate that priming effects reach a peak
during a time when articulatory information is being consolidated in the
output phonological buffer. The disappearance of the rhyme priming
effect with age may reflect the gradual emergence of the onset as an
organizing structure in speech production. This increased prominence
of the onset can be viewed as one component of a just-in-time,
incrementalist approach to speech production that allows adults to speak
more fluently than children.