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Works on the Far East and Central Asia Published in the U.S.S.R., 1937–47

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  23 March 2011

Rudolf Loewenthal
Cornell University
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This list of publications was extracted by the translator from a typescript bibliography on all the Oriental countries, compiled in the U.S.S.R. The translator has been unable to verify or to annotate the titles listed here, because, unfortunately, comparatively few of them are available in this country. He gladly acknowledges his indebtedness to Professor Owen Lattimore, who elucidated some doubtful points. The main contributions of Russian research on the Far East and on Central Asia have again been made in the fields of Sinology and Mongol studies. Among the senior authors of international repute, the academicians V. V. Struve and V. M. Alexeev must be mentioned, who have carried on the tradition of Russian scholarship.

Copyright © The Association for Asian Studies, Inc. 1949

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