Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 March 2009
Variations in the host–parasite relationship of bacterial blight of cotton, caused by Xanthomonas malvacearum, E. F. Smith (Dowson), axe elucidated in terms of the three main components of variation, namely, genetic variation in the host, genetic variation in the parasite and variations in environment.
Although the relative resistance shown by host varieties differed both with the culture of the pathogen used for inoculation and with the environmental conditions, over-riding patterns of host resistance could be detected, showing that certain varieties maintained their resistance over a wide range of conditions.
It was found that phage type in X. malvacearum was not related to virulence. Moreover, none of the cultures of the pathogen which had been isolated from different sources, could be shown to be identical when inoculated into a range of host varieties under a range of environmental conditions. It was concluded that the pathogen showed continuous variation in virulence and that it would be difficult and of little value to attempt to define races.
Some success was achieved in relating observed variations in the host–parasite relationship to easily measured components of the environment, by using multiple regression analyses. It is suggested that this might provide a means of characterizing the complex variations observed and that the host–parasite relationship could be regarded as a dynamic system, in which disease expression is a function of the interactions of environmental factors and two polygenic systems, that of the host and that of the parasite.
Intrapopulation variances were also studied in the host varieties. A population which showed little variation for resistance under one set of conditions might show considerable variation in a different environment or when inoculated with a different culture. It is suggested that selection for resistance under conditions which favour the expression of variation can lead, by repeated selection and inbreeding, to the production of resistant populations which retain their resistance under conditions in which the parental stocks showed no worthwhile resistance. These conclusions are discussed in relation to problems in resistance breeding and genetics.