Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 March 2009
The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere of a potato clamp varied between 0·06 and 0·86%. The sum of CO2 and oxygen concentrations remained approximately constant at 21%. The CO2 concentration increased with time from December to April. This was attributed to increase in the rate of respiration of the potatoes caused by rise of temperature. Wind blowing in the direction normal to the face of the clamp reduced the COa concentration, presumably by causing external air to flow through the clamp coverings. A multiple regression of CO2 concentration on temperature of the potatoes at the time of sampling, and on the mean component of wind velocity normal to the clamp face estimated over a period of 3 hr. before the time of sampling, accounted for 64% of the variance between sampling occasions.
Unsaturated compounds were detected in the clamp atmosphere by absorption in bromine; the concentration of these, expressed as ethylene, varied between 0·004 and 0·025%.
The magnitude of CO2 accumulation and oxygen depletion in the clamp atmosphere was too small to produce effects of practical importance on the storage behaviour of the potatoes. If the unsaturated compounds were ethylene, the concentration present was sufficient to cause appreciable retardation of sprouting.