Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 March 2009
Two varieties of okra were sown at approximately 14-day intervals from 1 April to 1 June for 2 years during the main rainy season in Nigeria. Low soil temperature and moisture, which resulted from a combined effect of high solar radiation, high atmospheric temperature and low rainfall, led to poor seedling emergence at the early sowing dates.
The growth of the fewer plants of the early sowing dates were more vigorous than those of later sowing dates and they attained 50% flowering earlier and had a longer harvest duration. This resulted in increases in number of pods per plant, pod length, pod diameter, pod volume, pod weight and pod yield per ha, indicating compensatory growth by the fewer plants in the early plantings. The relatively lower values obtained for these variables with the late sowing dates were also attributed to possible poor soil aeration arising from the increased rainfall during their growth period.
Sowing dates did not generally affect the percentage moisture, oil and protein in the pods. The effects of varieties on the variables measured were more uniform than those of sowing dates and mostly not significant.