Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 March 2009
Pelleted seed of the crisp lettuce variety Pennlake was sown on five occasions with units from either the experimental dibber drill designed by the National Institute of Agricultural Engineering or a Stanhay S870 drill. There were three dibber-drill treatments: seeds left in open holes or covered with peat–vermiculite or perlite. Seedling emergence and growth from each sowing of the four drill treatments were compared under different moisture regimes.
There were large differences between drill treatments in emergence percentage, time to emergence of 50% of the seedlings which emerged (t50) and seedling weight at all sowings but there was a significant effect of drill treatment on the standard deviation of seedling emergence times at only one sowing. Of the dibber-drill treatments, only very occasionally did open holes or perlite cover give significantly better emergence than peat-vermiculite cover, which gave the most consistent results. In general, the dibber drill with peat-vermiculite cover gave significantly faster and higher emergence and heavier seedlings than the Stanhay drill. Differences in percentage seedling emergence tended to be greater under dry conditions.