Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 March 2009
The relative unreliability of Bouyoucos's suction method for moisture equivalent determinations is a consequence: (1) of the variation of the suction force maintained with the nature of the soil, (2) of bad reproducibility of the results.
Constant and equal suction for all soils is secured by Schofield's silt-suction method, which may also be made to give fairly well reproducible results. The moisture content at pF 2·9 determined by this method should give a fairly close measure of the moisture equivalent.
While investigating this possibility it was found that the pF curves of stored soil samples may shift considerably with time. In the samples studied the pF at the moisture equivalent has dropped from 2·9 to about 2·4 in 7 years. In view of this shifting the reliability of the silt-suction method for moisture-equivalent determinations has not been definitely ascertained by the experiments reported.