Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 July 2018
A distanza di molti anni, è tuttora difficile contestare la famosa affermazione di Stanley Hoffmann secondo la quale le Relazioni Internazionali (Ri) sono una disciplina americana (Hoffmann 1977). Basti notare che larghissima parte degli articoli pubblicati su riviste di Ri americane o europee oggi sul mercato sono scritti da autori americani (Wæver 1998, 696-701), che la storia degli sviluppi teorici della disciplina è raccontata soprattutto in riferimento a dibattiti teorici (i Great Debates) che solo raramente si svolgono in Europa continentale (J⊘rgensen 2000), e infine che le tendenze quanto a citazioni e adozione di teorie prodotte altrove rivelano un rapporto fortemente sbilanciato tra le Ri americane e quelle europee continentali.
Is IR still «an American discipline»? We share the view that there is such a thing as IR theorising beyond the Channel, but that Continental IR are still little known and tend to suffer from undeniable weaknesses. This article wants to contribute to the «Continental IR» debate by investigating IR theory in one of the islands of the Continental IR archipelago, most successful in keeping secret its vices and virtues: Italy. Here theoretical IR has proven to be unable to fully exploit post-Cold war opportunities to establish itself as a discipline with higher visibility. Italian theoretical IR tend to produce few efforts at «theory-building» and some recent theoretical developments never reached the Peninsula, furthermore Italian IR suffer from a certain detachment from broader IR trends both in terms of «import» and - far more - in terms of «export» of literature. We suggest that in order to understand the Italian situation it is necessary to develop an account that goes beyond the traditional purely «external» explanation of IR developments in a given community, and also draws on the cultural-institutional context, that is, on the organizational characteristics of the research environment, the habits of interaction among national professionals and between them and the external market, the political culture of the country.