The causes of dementia continue to be the subject of huge research efforts, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has recently gained attention as a possible contributor. PTSD is considered to be present if the sufferer develops persistent re-experiencing, avoidance and emotional numbing and symptoms of increased arousal not present before the sufferer was exposed to a traumatic incident. PTSD is now classified in DSM-5 as a trauma- and stressor-related disorder, unlike DSM-IV where it was previously categorized as an anxiety disorder, lending it more prominence now as a stress-related condition. However, it remains placed near the anxiety, obsessive compulsive and dissociative disorders in recognition of the close relationship with these other diagnoses. The nosology of PTSD is interesting as the symptoms can vary considerably. Some individuals with PTSD exhibit anxious or fear-based symptoms, while others can experience anhedonic, dysphoric, aggressive or dissociative symptoms (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).