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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 18 May 2017
[Translated by William E. Butler, of the District of Columbia Bar.
[The Finnish and Russian texts of the Protocol were published in Suomen Asetuskokoelman Sopimussarja: Ulkovaltain Kanssa Tehdyt Sopimukset (Series of Agreements of the Collected Statutes of Finland: Agreements with Foreign States), No. 20, p. 127 (1966). The chart referred to in the agreement was not published.]
* [Translated by William E. Butler, of the District of Columbia Bar.
[The Finnish and Russian texts of the Protocol were published in Suomen Asetuskokoelman Sopimussarja: Ulkovaltain Kanssa Tehdyt Sopimukset (Series of Agreements of the Collected Statutes of Finland: Agreements with Foreign States), No. 20, p. 127 (1966). The chart referred to in the agreement was not published.]