Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 February 2019
Iceland is a small country with a long legal history. Iceland, an island between Norway and G ree nland, has today appr. 250,000 inhab itants. The country was settled (mostly) by Norwegians in the 9th and 10th century. The parliament—the “Althing”—is more tha n 1,000 years old. The first Althing met in A.D. 930.
1 Iceland 1986: Handbook published by the Central Bank of Iceland / editors: Jóhannes Nordal [and] Valdimar Kristinsson. Rekjavík: Central Bank of Iceland, 1987, p. 38.Google Scholar
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4 There are a couple of exceptions to this. The references to Orfield Icelandic Law (see footnote 28) and Jónsson Friends in Conflict (see footnote 29) are only found in Modern Legal Systems Cyclopedia.Google Scholar
5 This section is based on information given on telephone from the Law School Secretary, Reykjavik, and from Sigurdsson, Johannes and Barry Keith Simmons: The Legal System of Iceland. P. 4.50.31-32. In: Modern Legal Systems Cyclopedia / general editor Kenneth Robert Redden. Buffalo, NY: William S. Hein & Co, 1989. Vol. 4.Google Scholar
6 Iceland. Pp. 198–217. In: Amos J. Peaslee: Constitutions of Nations. 2nd edition. (1956).Google Scholar
7 Stjórnartídindi. Reykjavík: Dómsmálaráduneytid, 1874-.Google Scholar
8 Althingstídindi. Rekjavík: Althingi, 1875-.Google Scholar
9 Benediktsson, Bjarni: The Two Chambers of the Icelandic Althing. Pp. 394–410. In: Festskrift til Frede Castberg = Legal Essays: A Tribute to Frede Castberg. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1963.Google Scholar
10 Lagasafn: Íslensk lög 1. október 1990. Reykjavík: Dóms- og kirkjumálaráduneytid, 1991. 2 Vol.Google Scholar
11 Hæstaréttardómar / útgefandi Hæstiréttur. Rekjavík: Félagsprentsmidjan H/F, 1920-.Google Scholar
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13 Dómareifanir: Borgardómar Rekjavíkur: 1987-. Reykjavík: Borgardómur, 1989-.Google Scholar
14 Dómar Félagsdóms. Reykjavík: Félagsdómur, 1939-.Google Scholar
15 Íslenzk bókaskrá: The Icelandic National Bibliography 1974-. Reykjavík: Landsbókasafn Íslands, 1975-.Google Scholar
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19 Íslenzk bókaskrá: The Icelandic National Bibliography 1974-1978. Reykjaví: Landsbókasafn Íslands, 1985. 320 pp.Google Scholar
20 Iceland 1986: Handbook published by the Central Bank of Iceland / editors: Jóhannes Nordal [and] Valdimar Kristinsson. Reykjavík: Central Bank of Iceland, 1987. p. 355–365.Google Scholar
21 Iceland. Pp. 821–828. In: The New Encyclopædia Britannica: Macropædia. 15th edition. Chicago: Encycl. Brit., 1985. Vol. 20.Google Scholar
22 Fridjón Skarphédinsson: Skrár um lagabókmenntir eftir Íslenska höfunda eda í íslenskum thydingum til ársloka 1955. Pp. 173–264. In: Timarit lögfrædinga. Reykjavík: Lögfrædingafélag Íslands, 1955.Google Scholar
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26 Scandinavian Legal Bibliography / prepared by Stig Iuul et al. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1961. 196 p.Google Scholar
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28 Sigurdsson, Johannes and Simmons, Barry Keith: The Legal System of Iceland. P. 4.50. In: Modern Legal Systems Cyclopedia / general editor Kenneth Robert Redden. Buffalo, NY: William S. Hein & Co, 1989. Vol. 4.Google Scholar
In the same Cyclopedia (p. 4.50.41) a 30 year old article by Lester B. Orfield is recommended as “very interesting and informative—although somewhat dated”. The article is: Icelandic Law. Pp. 42–87. In: Dickinson Law Review. Vol 56 (1951).Google Scholar
29 About the “Cod Wars”, see: Jónsson, Hannes: Friends in Conflict. London: C. Hurst, 1982.Google Scholar
30 Snævarr, Ármann: Iceland. Pp. 19–25. In: Scandinavian Legal Bibliography / prepared by Stig Iuul et al. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1961.Google Scholar
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36 Timarit lögfrcedinga. Reykjavík: Lögfradingafclag Islands, 1951-.Google Scholar
37 Úlfljótur. Reykjavík: Orator, 1947-.Google Scholar
38 Nordic Journal of International Law: Acta Scandinavia juris gentium. Copenhagen: The Journal, 1986-. (Forerunner is: Nordisk Tidsskrift for International Ret: Acta Scandinavia juris gentium. 1930-1985.)Google Scholar
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41 Nordisk Tidsskrift for Kriminalvidenskab. Copenhagen: De Nordiske kriminalistforeninger [The Nordic Criminalist Associations], 1949-.Google Scholar
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