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On April 1, 1999 our colleague, Lic.jur. Lotte Kunz, unexpectedly passed away at the age of 75. She died of a stroke at her home in Bern, Switzerland.
1 Latin, English and French.Google Scholar
2 Recently this Association was renamed “Vereinigung juristischer Bibliotheken der Schweiz”, which is a chapter of the Association of Libraries and Librarians of Switzerland (Verband der Bibliotheken und der Bibliothekarinnen/Bibliothekare der Schweiz.Google Scholar
3 The Association has two Presidents, one from the German-speaking part, the other from the French-speaking part of Switzerland. Bern, where Lotty lived and worked, is situated in the German-speaking part of the country.Google Scholar
4 Kunz: Vom Debattierclub zum Datenlieferanten. Die Entwicklung der schweizerischen Arbeitsgruppe Rechtsbibliothekare, aus den Quellen zusammengestellt. In: Bibliothek und Recht - international. Libraries and law - international. Festschrift Ralph Lansky. Ed. by Jürgen C. Gödan, Holger Knudsen. Hamburg, Augsburg 1991. (Arbeitshefte der AjBD. Nr. 15.) Pp. 173-199.Google Scholar
5 The reports for the meetings 1989-1998 are published in Recht, Bibliothek, Dokumentation, the journal of AjBD, from vol. 19 (1989) to vol. 28 (1998).Google Scholar
6 Lic. iur. Sibylle von Andrian-Werburg from the Central Library of Luzern succeeded her in this function. - The author of this obituary wishes to thank her, Dr. Martin Good (Bern) and Dr. Peter Kunz (Liebefeld) for providing some details for Lotty's curriculum vitae.Google Scholar
7 See Kunz, supra, footnote 4, Pp. 171-172.Google Scholar
8 8 See von Andrian-Werburg / Kunz in 26 Recht, Bibliothek, Dokumentation Pp. 95-104 (1996).Google Scholar
9 See also obituary by Dr. Hans-Peter Ziegler, Chairman of AjBd, 29 Recht, Bibliothek, Dokumentation Pp. 122-125 (1999).Google Scholar