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The Availability of Research Tools in Public International Law, Especially for Documents and Publications of Intergovernmental Organizations
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 February 2019
Gaining access to materials of public international law is more difficult than to materials relating to the national law of single states. The greatest part of the publications relating to the law of a particular state is published within this state. The duty to deliver a depository copy, which exists in many countries, makes the publications relating to the law of this country available in the national library (arranged alphabetically and by subject). In addition, there is frequently a printed national bibliography, which makes these publications readily available.
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1. Public International Law. A current bibliography of articles. Völkerrecht. Laufende Bibliographie der Aufsatzliteratur. Ed.: Hermann Mosler, Rudolf Bernhardt. … Comp. … under the dir. of Werner Morvay. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer, 1975- (Max-Planck-Institut fur ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht.) 1. 1975. 165 p. 2-6. 1976-1980. 382, 119 p. 7. 1981.Google Scholar
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3. United Nations Library. Geneva. Monthly Bibliography. Part II, Selected Articles. Compare as well the cumulative edition: League of Nations and United Nations Monthly List of Selected Articles. Cumulative 1920-1970. Ed. by Norman S. Field. Political questions. Vol. 1-5. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana, 1971-72.Google Scholar
4. Marine Affairs Bibliography. A comprehensive index to marine law and policy literature. Comp. and ed. by Wiktor, Christian L. and Foster, Leslie A. Vol. 1- Halifax: Dalhousie Law School, 1980-.Google Scholar
5. Merrills, J.G.: A Current Bibliography of International Law. London: Butterworth, 1978. 277 p.Google Scholar
6. Doimi di Delupis, Ingrid: Bibliography of International Law. London, New York: Bowker, 1975. 670 p.Google Scholar
7. Robinson, Jacob: International Law and Organization. General sources of information. Leyden: Sijthoff, 1967. 560 p.Google Scholar
8. In his Bio-Bibliography Nr. 1617 he refers to his “Biographical Note” and his list of publications in: Recueil des Cours, vol. 94 (1958, II), p. 494–496.Google Scholar
9. Biographical Dictionary of Internationalists, ed. by Kuehl, Warren F. Westport, Conn., London: Greenwood Press, 1983. 934 p.Google Scholar
10. Meždunarodnoe pravo. Bibliografija 1917-1972 gg. Otv. red.: D. I. Fel'dman. (Sostaviteli: G. I. Kurdjukov, V.A. Al'tsuller, A.A. L'vova.) Moskva: “Jurid-lit.”, 1976. 597 p. Compare as well: Sowjetunion und Völkerrecht 1917 bis 1962. Eine bibliographische Dokumentation. Hrsg. von Boris Meissner. Koln: Verl. Wissenschaft und Politik, 1963. 622 p. Sowjetische Literatur des internationalen Rechts. Bibliographie 1917-1957. Unter d. Red. von V.N. Durdenevskij. ‘59. p. 121-421 Uschakow, A.: Sowjetische Literatur des Völkerrechts. Bibliographie 1958-1962. ('63.) p. 426-597. Dass. … 1962-1973. Bibliographie und Analyse. Hrsg. von Boris Meissner, Dietrich Frenzke, Erika Chilecki. (1977). 575 p.Google Scholar
11. Rauschning, Dietrich: Bibliographie des deutschen Schrifttums zum Völkerrecht 1945-1964. Hamburg: Hansischer Gildenverlag, 1966. 569 p.Google Scholar
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12. Ibler, Vladimir: Bibliographie des jugoslawischen Schrifttums zum Völkerrecht 1945-1968. Hamburg: Hansischer Gildenverlag, 1970. 380 p.Google Scholar
13. Bibliografija na bulgarskata pravna Literatura. Durzavno, administrativno i finansovo pravo. (Sustaviteli: Marija Kabakcieva, Kina Bonceva.) Sofija: (Sofijski universitet “Kliment Ochridski”) [Bulgar.:] Bibliographie der bulg. Rechtsliteratur. Staats-, Verwaltungs- und Finanzrecht. 5. Völkerrecht … 1944-1975. 1976. 127 p.Google Scholar
14. Wiktor, Christian L.: Canadian Bibliography of International Law. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 1984. 767 p.Google Scholar
15. Heere, Wybo P.: International Bibliography of Air Law 1900-1971. Leiden: Sijthoff; Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana Publ., 1972. 569 p. Suppl. 1972-1976. 1976. 169 p. Suppl. 1977-1980. 1981. 356 p.Google Scholar
16. Schutter, Bart de: Bibliographie on International Criminal Law, with the collaboration of Christian Eliaerts, with a forew. by Hans-Heinrich Jescheck. Leiden: Sijthoff, 1972. 423 p.Google Scholar
17. Kujath, Karl: Bibliographie zur europäischen Integration. - mit Anmerkungen. Bibliographie sur l'integration européenne. - Annotée. - Bibliography on European Integration. - With annotations. Vorw./pref./pref. Walter Hallstein. Bonn: Europa Union Verlag, 1977. 777 p.Google Scholar
18. Saggio bibliografico sulla seconda guerra mondiale e conflitti successivi. Roma: Tipografica Regionale, 1939-1948. 1949. 209 p. Suppl. 1-2. 1948/1950-1950/1952. 1. (1948-1950.) 1951. 109 p. 2. (1950-1952.) 1952. 162 p. 2. 1955-1965. 1966. 243 p. 3. 1966-1968. 1969. 293 p. 4. 1969-1970. 1971. 241 p. 5. 1972. 298 p. 6. 1974. 288 p. 7. 1976. 287 p.Google Scholar
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19. Hüfner, Klaus/Naumann, Jens: The United Nations System — International Bibliography. Das System der Vereinten Nationen-lnternationale Bibliographie. München: Verlag Dokumentation. 1. Learned Journals and Monographs, 1945-1965. 1976. 519 p. 2A. Learned Journals 1965-1970. 1977. 286 p. 2B. Learned Journals, 1971-1975. 1977. 436 p. 3A. Monographs and Articles in Collective Volumes, 1965-1970. 1978. 491 p. 3B. Monographs and Articles in Collective Volumes, 1971-1975. 1979. 692 p.Google Scholar
20. United Nations Juridical Yearbook 1981. United Nations. New York: 1984. 235 p. (Doc.) ST/LEG/SER.C/19 (UN Sales Publ. No. E. 84.V.1) last edition available.Google Scholar
21. Legal Aspects of Apartheid: A selective bibliography of books and articles and UN documentation in English, 1950-1983. New York: April 1984, I, 49 p. (Doc.) ST/LIB/SER. B/34.Google Scholar
22. The New World Information and Communication Order: A Selective Bibliography. New York: 1984. 152 p. (Doc.) ST/LIB/SER.B/35.Google Scholar
23. Bibliography of the International Court of Justice. The Hague. A new series began with number 35. 1981. Number 35 has 29 pages.Google Scholar
24. Bibliography of publications on UNESCO. Division of the UNESCO Library. Archives and Documentation Services. Paris: April 1984. 433 p. (Doc.) LAD-84/WS/3.Google Scholar
25. Williams, John W.: Research Tips in International Law. Washington, D.C.: 1981, in: The Journal of International Law and Economics. Vol. 15, nr. 1. 1981. p. 1–321. (Bibliographies of International Law see page 210 ff.), Bernal, Marie Louise H. Reference Sources in International Law in: Law Library Journal vol. 76 (1983) 427-435.Google Scholar
26. Encyclopedia of Public International Law. Publ. under the auspices of the Max-Planck-Institut for Comp. Public Law and International Law, under the dir. of Rudolf Bernhardt. Amsterdam, New York, Oxford: North-Holland Publ. Co. 1. Settlement of Disputes. (1981.) 209 p. 2. Decisions of international courts and tribunals and international arbitrations. 1981. 309 S. 3. Use of force. War and neutrality. Peace treaties. A - M. 1982. 299 p. 4. Use of force. War and neutrality. Peace treaties. N - Z. 1982. 377 p. 5. International organizations in general universal international organizations and cooperation. 1983. 427 p. 6. Regional cooperation, organizations and problems. 1983. 381 p. 7. History of international law. Foundations and principles of international law. Sources of international law. Law of treaties. 1984. 555 p.Google Scholar
27. Catalogue de la Bibliothèque du Palais de la Paix. Catalogue of the Peace Palace Library. Leyden: Sijthoff, 1916. Par P. C. Molhuysen et E. R. Oppenheim. ‘16. 1576 p. Suppl. 1. < 1922. > Par P.C. Molhuysen et D. Albers. ‘22. 1042 p. Suppl. 2. < 1929. > Par J. Ter Meulen et A. Lysen. 1930. 1554 S. Suppl. 3. < 1937. Acquisitions 1928/29-1936. > Par J. Ter Meulen et A. Lysen. 1937. 2742 p. Indices: Calatogue 1916 et Suppl. 1.2.< 1916-1929.>: Index alphabet par noms d'auteurs ou mots d'ordre du Catalogue < 1916 > et des suppl. < 1922 et 1929 >. ‘32. Index sommaire par ordre alphabet des matieres du Catalogue < 1916 > et des suppl. < 1922 et 1929 >. ‘33. Suppl. 3. < 1928/29-1936. >: Index alphabet. par noms propres du 3ieme suppl. < 1937 > < Acquisitions: 1928/29-1936. > ‘37. 1. 1954. -6. 1962.+Par+P.C.+Molhuysen+et+D.+Albers.+‘22.+1042+p.+Suppl.+2.+<+1929.+>+Par+J.+Ter+Meulen+et+A.+Lysen.+1930.+1554+S.+Suppl.+3.+<+1937.+Acquisitions+1928/29-1936.+>+Par+J.+Ter+Meulen+et+A.+Lysen.+1937.+2742+p.+Indices:+Calatogue+1916+et+Suppl.+1.2.<+1916-1929.>:+Index+alphabet+par+noms+d'auteurs+ou+mots+d'ordre+du+Catalogue+<+1916+>+et+des+suppl.+<+1922+et+1929+>.+‘32.+Index+sommaire+par+ordre+alphabet+des+matieres+du+Catalogue+<+1916+>+et+des+suppl.+<+1922+et+1929+>.+‘33.+Suppl.+3.+<+1928/29-1936.+>:+Index+alphabet.+par+noms+propres+du+3ieme+suppl.+<+1937+>+<+Acquisitions:+1928/29-1936.+>+‘37.+1.+1954.+-6.+1962.>Google Scholar
28. Catalog of International Law and Relations. Ed. by Margaret Moody. Harvard Law School Library, Cambridge, Mass. Cambridge, Mass.: (Harvard Univ. Print. Off.) 1. (A to Atn.) 1965 - 20. (W to Z) 1967.Google Scholar
29. International Legal Materials. Current documents. Washington, D.C.: The American Society of International Law 1962-. Cumulative Index. Vol. I-VIII/1969. 71. 131 p.Google Scholar
30. Digest of United States Practice in International Law. By Arthur W. Rovine. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Gov. Print. Office, 1973. ('74.)-1979. ('83.).Google Scholar
31. British Practice in International Law. Ed. by E. Lauterpacht. London: British Institute of Int. and Comp. Law, 1962-1967. Predecessor: The Contemporary Practice of the United Kingdom in the Field of International Law. 1956-62.Google Scholar
32. Kiss, Alexandre-Charles: Répertoire de la pratique française en matière de droit international public. Paris: Ed. du Centre National de la Recherche scientifique. 1. Le droit international et ses sources. 1962. 657 S. 2. Les sujets du droit international. 1966. 674 p. 3. Les relations entre Etats. 1964. 670 p. 4. (Les communications internationales et le commerce international.) 1962. 477p. 5. L'organisation internationale. 1962. 516 p. 6. 1-e partie: Le recours à la force en dehors de la guerre. 2-e partie: La guerre. 1969. 615 p. 7. Tables. 1972. 255 p.Google Scholar
33. Répertoire Suisse de droit international public. Documentation concernant la pratique de la Confédération en matière de droit int. public, 1914-1939. Prés. par ordre du Conseil féd. Suisse par Paul Guggenheim. Avec le concours de Lucius Caflisch u.a. Bale: Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 1975. 1. Les sources du droit int. Les rapports entre le droit int. et le droit interne. Les sujets du droit internal. 566 p. 2. La protection dipl. et le droit des étrangers. Le territoire étatique. p. 569-1284. 3. La succession d'Etats. Les organes du droit internat. L'acte illicite Internat. Le règlement des différends internationaux. p. 1285-1966. 4. Le droit de la guerre. Le droit de la neutralité. p. 1967-2531. 5. (Index). p. 2533-2623.Google Scholar
34. Practice of Japan in International Law 1961-1970. Ed. by Shigeru Oda and Hisashi Owada. With the ass. of Kazuya Hirobe. Tokyo: The Univ. of Tokyo Pr. 1982. 471 p.Google Scholar
35. Societá italiana per l'organizzazione internazionale. Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche. La prassi italiana di diritto internazionale. Serie 1 < 1861-1887 >. 1. 1970. 523 p. 2. 1970. p. 527-1171. Serie 2 < 1887-1918 >. 1. 1979. 656 p. 2. 1979. p. 659-1162. 3.1979. p. 1165-1773. 4. 1980. p. 1777-2446. Indice della la e della 2a serie <1861-1918 >. 1980. 779 p. 36. Materiaal betreffende de Nederlandse staatspraktijk in het volkenrecht. Verzameld en systematisch gerangschikt door de Afdeling(en) Volkenrecht (1964-1968: en het Recht der Europese Organisaties) van het Interuniversitair Instituut voor internationaal recht—T.M.C. Asser Instituut—te ‘s-Gravenhage. 1964/66—'s-Gravenhage: Interuniversitair Instituut voor internationaal recht—T.M.C. Asser Instituut [1967]- [Loose-Leaf]..+1.+1970.+523+p.+2.+1970.+p.+527-1171.+Serie+2+<+1887-1918+>.+1.+1979.+656+p.+2.+1979.+p.+659-1162.+3.1979.+p.+1165-1773.+4.+1980.+p.+1777-2446.+Indice+della+la+e+della+2a+serie+<1861-1918+>.+1980.+779+p.+36.+Materiaal+betreffende+de+Nederlandse+staatspraktijk+in+het+volkenrecht.+Verzameld+en+systematisch+gerangschikt+door+de+Afdeling(en)+Volkenrecht+(1964-1968:+en+het+Recht+der+Europese+Organisaties)+van+het+Interuniversitair+Instituut+voor+internationaal+recht—T.M.C.+Asser+Instituut—te+‘s-Gravenhage.+1964/66—'s-Gravenhage:+Interuniversitair+Instituut+voor+internationaal+recht—T.M.C.+Asser+Instituut+[1967]-+[Loose-Leaf].>Google Scholar
37. Detailed information about the publications of the Court is given in the “Yearbook” of the International Court of Justice, chapter “Publications of the Court”.Google Scholar
38. The Court however decided in 1967 that the annexes to the pleadings would no longer be printed in cases which had been removed from the General List either because the application instituting proceedings disclosed that the other side had not accepted the jurisdiction of the Court or because there had been a settlement or a discontinuance of the case. (“Yearbook”, chapter “Publications of the Court”).Google Scholar
39. Hambro, Edvard: The case law of the International Court. A répertoire of the judgments, advisory opinions and orders…Leyden: Sijthoff, 1952- 1. 1923-1952. A repertoire of…the Permanent Court of International Justice and of the International Court of Justice. With a bibliography prep by J. Douma and an index prep by Audrey Welsby. 1952. 699p. 2. 1952-1958. A repertoire of…the International Court of Justice. With a bibliography prep by J. Douma. 1960. 376 p. 3. Individual and dissenting opinions 1947-1958. A-B. 1963. A. 479p. B. p. 480-1147. 4. …including dissenting and separate opinions. 1959-1963. ‘66 A. 511 p. B. p. 512-1081. C. Douma, J.: Bibliography on the International Court Including the Permanent Court 1918-1964. ‘66. 387 p. 5. 1964-1966. ‘68. A. 659 p. B. p. 662-1096. 6. 1967-1970. ‘72. A. 637 p. B. p. 640-1284. 7. 1971-1972. 1974. A. 633 p. B. p. 636-991. 8. 1973-1974. ‘76. 582 p. Unlike volume I-VII, vol. VIII has been prepared in English only, rather than in English and French.Google Scholar
40. Handbuch der Entscheidungen des Internationalen Gerichtshofs. Répertoire des décisions de la Cour internationale de Justice. Digest of the Decisions of the International Court of Justice. Berlin: Heymann, 1931-1964. Heidelberg, New York: Springer, 1978-. 1922-1930. Ernst Schmitz, A. H. Feller, B. Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg. 1931. 260 p. 1931-1934. Ernst Schmitz, B. Schenk Graft von Stauffenberg. 1935. 108 p. 1934-1940. Rudolf Bernhardt, Otfried Ulshofer. 1964. 268 p. 1947-1958. Rudolf Bernhardt, Wilhelm Karl Geck. 1961. 663 p. 1959-1975. Rudolf Bernhardt, Michael Bothe, Josef Jurina, Karin Oellers-Frahm, p. 1.2. 1978. p. 1. 431 p. p. 2. p. 433-836. (fontes Juris Gentium. Ser. A. Sec. I. T. 1. 3. 4. 5. 6.).Google Scholar
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57. Case Law of the World Bank Administrative Tribunal. C.F. Amerasinghe, August 1983. Office of the Executive Secretary of the World Bank Administrative Tribunnal. 1983. 60 p.Google Scholar
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70. British International Law Cases. A collection of decisions of courts in the British Isles on points of international law, prep under the auspices of the International Law Fund and the British Institute of International and Comparative Law. (Under the ed. dir. of Clive Parry). London: Stevens; New York: Oceana Publications. 1. States as International Persons. 1964. 691 p. 2. States as International Persons < cont.>. State Territory. 1965. 959 p. 3. Jurisdiction. 1965. 892 p. 4. The Individual in international law. 1966. 854 p. 5. The Individual in international law. [cont.]. Aliens: extradition fugitive offenders. 1967. 731 p. 6. Diplomatic and Consular Agents treaties addendum. 1967. 984 p. 7. Supplement 1951-60. By Clive Parry. 1969. 1270 p. 8. Supplement 1960-65. By Clive Parry. 1971. 1002 p. 9. Supplement 1966-70. By Clive Parry and J.A. Hopkins. 1973. 996 p..+State+Territory.+1965.+959+p.+3.+Jurisdiction.+1965.+892+p.+4.+The+Individual+in+international+law.+1966.+854+p.+5.+The+Individual+in+international+law.+[cont.].+Aliens:+extradition+fugitive+offenders.+1967.+731+p.+6.+Diplomatic+and+Consular+Agents+treaties+addendum.+1967.+984+p.+7.+Supplement+1951-60.+By+Clive+Parry.+1969.+1270+p.+8.+Supplement+1960-65.+By+Clive+Parry.+1971.+1002+p.+9.+Supplement+1966-70.+By+Clive+Parry+and+J.A.+Hopkins.+1973.+996+p.>Google Scholar
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73. Parry, Clive, Commonwealth International Law Cases, vol. 1 (1974), p. 9.Google Scholar
74. Ruiz Moreno, Isidoro: Instituto Argentino de Derecho Internacional. Centro de Estudios de Derecho Int. Público. El derecho internacional público ante la Corte Suprema. 2d ed. Buenos Aires: EUDEBA, 1970. 280 p.Google Scholar
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75. La giurisprudenza di diritto amministrativo e trihutario internazionale. A cura die Roberto Barsotti e Antonio Cassese. Napoli: Jovene, 1973. 1. 1861-1879. 596 p. 2. 1880-1890. p. 598-1267.Google Scholar
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164. Yearbook of the International Law Commission 1981. vol. I, Summary records of the meetings of the thirty-third session, 4 May-24 July 1981. United Nations, New York 1982, XVI, 297 p. vol. II, part one, Documents of the thirty-third session (excluding the report of the Commission to the General Assembly) United Nations. New York, 1983, IV, 195 p. vol. II, part two, Report of the Commission to the General Assembly on the work of its thirty-third session. United Nations, New York, 1982. III, 206 p. (Doc.) A/CN.4/SER.A 1981 (= vol. I) A/CN.4/SER.A 1981/Add. 1 (Part 1 and Part 2) (= vol. II) (UN Publ. Sales No.: E.82.V.3 (= vol. 1) E.82.V.4 (Part I) (Part II) (= vol. II)).Google Scholar
165. United Nations Commission on International Trade Law. Yearbook. United Nations. New York. Vol. XIII, 1982 (1984). 432 p. (Doc.) A/CN.9/SER.A/1982 (UN Sales Publ. No. E.84.V.5).Google Scholar
166. Yearbook on Human Rights for 1977-1978. United Nations. New York 1982. 274 p. (UN Sales Publ. No. E.81.XIV.1). last available edition.Google Scholar
167. The United Nations Disarmament Yearbook. Vol. 7. 1984. Department for Disarmament Affairs. 1983. 632 p. (UN Publ. Sales No. E.83.IX.7).Google Scholar
The predecessors of the Yearbook, which began in 1976, are: The United Nations and Disarmament, 1945-1970 (UN Publ. Sales No. 70.IX.1) and the United Nations and Disarmament, 1970-1975 (UN Sales No. E.76.IX.1).Google Scholar
168. Compiled in: Agreements between the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency. United Nations, New York: 1961.V, 113 p. (Doc.) ST/SG/14 (UN Publ. Sales No.: 61.X.1) (The text cited is mostly contained in Art. II).Google Scholar
169. Bureau International du Travail. Série Lègislative, Genève.Google Scholar
170. The Consolidated Index to the I.L.O. Legislative Series (1919-1970). Ed. by Mina Pease. Unifo Publishers. New York, Oxford: Microform Publications Oxford, 1975. 264 p. and Bureau International du Travail. Série Législative. Index Chronologique des Lois et Règlements 1919-1975. Genève 1975. without pag. (by country).Google Scholar
171. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, Italy. Food and Agricultural Legislation.Google Scholar
172. World Health Organization. Geneva. International Digest of Health Legislation.Google Scholar
173. United Nations Fund for Population Activities. 220 East 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. 10017. Annual Review of Population Law. last edition: vol. 9.1982. For the preparation of the 1983 and 1984 editions the Harvard Law School will be assuming responsibility.Google Scholar
174. UNESCO List of Documents and Publications…1977-1980. UNESCO, 1984. Vol. 1. Annotated List. 909 p. (Documents by title) Vol. 2. Indexes. 733 p. (Subject index, Personal name index, Conference index) (Doc.) SiD.84/D.3 (1,2).Google Scholar
Predecessors: Bibliography of Titles Issued by UNESCO or Under its Auspices 1946-1971. UNESCO List of Documents and Publications 1972-1976.Google Scholar
175. International Bibliography. Publications of Intergovernmental Organizations. UNIPUB New York. 1972- about 400 pages per year.Google Scholar
176. Dag Hammarskjöld Library. UNDOC: Current Index. United Nations Documents Index. 1982 Cumulative Edition. United Nations. New York. 1983. vol. 1. Checklist of Documents. Official Records. Sales Publications. 545 p. vol. 2. Subject Index. 545 p. vol. 3. Author Index. Title Index. Documents Republished. New Document Series Symbols. United Nations Maps Reproduced in Documents. List of Periodicals. 279 p. (Doc.) ST/LIB/SER.M/CUM.4, vol. 1-3.Google Scholar
177. For the predecessors of UNDOC, see Steiner, p. 27–30.Google Scholar
178. Yearbook of the United Nations. 1980. Vol. 34. Department of Public Information. United Nations. New York. (UN Publ. Sales No. E. 83.1.1.).Google Scholar
179. Paper version: Directory of United Nations Information Systems. Inter-Organization Board for Information System. Geneva, 1980. vol. 1. Information Systems and Data Bases, 465 p. vol. 2. Information Sources in Countries, 215 p.Google Scholar