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Self-Defense in Islamic and International Law: Assessing Al-Qaeda and the Invasion of Iraq by Niaz A Shah [Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2008, 192 pp, ISBN-13: 978-0-230-60618-0, ISBN-10: 0-230-60618-0, $74.95 (h/bk)]
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 18 November 2008

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- Book Reviews
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- Copyright © 2008 British Institute of International and Comparative Law
4 EW Said, Orientalism (Vintage Books, New York, 2003) 176.
5 His first book was NA Shah, Women, the Koran and International Human Rights Law: The Experience of Pakistan (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, 2006).
6 On abrogation in Islam, see D Bukay, ‘Peace or Jihad?: Abrogation in Islam’ (2007) Middle East Quarterly <>.
7 For other discussions applying the law on the use of force rules to the 2003 armed conflict in Iraq, see D McGoldrick, From ‘9–11’ to the Iraq War 2003: International Law in an Age of Complexity (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2004) 47–86; A Bianchi, ‘Enforcing International Law Norms Against Terrorism: Achievements and Prospects’ in A Bianchi (ed), Enforcing International Law Norms Against Terrorism (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2004) 491, 502–03.
8 ‘Full Text: Bin Laden's “Letter to America,”’ Observer, 24 Nov 2002 <,11581,845725,00.html>.
9 ibid.
10 ibid. This second point includes ‘reject[ion of] the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling's [sic], and trading with interest.’ ibid.
11 S Rushdie, ‘Secular Values, Human Rights, and Islamism,’ Voices of Reason Lecture of Center for Inquiry (New York) 6, 11 Oct 2006 <>.
12 ‘Full Text’ (n 5).
13 The Charter of the United Nations requires Member States to ‘accept and carry out the decisions of the Security Council in accordance with the present Charter.’ Charter of the United Nations art 25.
14 SC Res 1806 (20 Mar 2008) pmbl.
15 SC Res 1790 (18 Dec 2007) pmbl.
16 SA A'la Mawdudi, ‘Understanding the Qur’ān – An Introduction' in ‘AY’ Alī (ed), The Meaning of the Holy Qur'ān (Islamic Foundation, Leicester, 2002) xiii, xxxvii.
17 For example, article 7 of Hamas' 1988 Charter of Allah: The Platform of the Islamic Resistance Movement states that ‘[t]he prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him! This will not apply to the Gharqad, which is a Jewish tree (cited by Bukhari and Muslim).’ <>.