Once again cases concerned with the threshold questions of private international law, such as characterisation and jurisdiction, have dominated the scene.
1. [2000] 1 F.C.R. 225; [2000] 2 All E.R. 1. 187
2. Re N [2000] 2 F.C.R. 512.
3. [2000] 3 F.C.R. 84.
4. Re J (a minor) (abduction: custody rights) [1991] F.C.R. 129; [1990] 2 A.C. 562.
5. Re S [1994] 1 F.C.R. 83.
6. Re KM [1996] 2 F.C.R. 333.
7. O.J. 2000 LI60/19.
8. Council Regulation 1346/2000, O.J. 2000 L160/1.
9. The Commission shares the right of initiative of legislation with the Member States during the first five years after entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam.
10. The published draft of the Brussels I Regulation moves non-recognition grounds to a position among the provisions on enforcement. Amendment of the Insolvency Regulation to fit in with the Brussels I Regulation when adopted will need to take account of this.
11. Council Regulation 1348/2000/EC, O.J. 2000 LI 60/37, considered previously in (1999) 48 I.C.L.Q. 466.Google Scholar
12. O.J. 2000 L178/1. See also Commission Recommendation 98/257/EC 1998 O.J. L115/31.
13. O.J. 1998 L166/51.
14. Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 (Amendment) Order 2000 (SI 2000 No. 1824).
15. [1981] E.C.R. 1391.
16. [2000] All E.R. (E.C.) 653.
17. To be found in Case 24/76, Salotti v. RUWA [1976] E.C.R. 1831; Case 25/76, Segoura v. Bonakdarian [1976] E.C.R. 1851; Case C–106/95, MSGv. Gravières Rhénanes [1997] E.C.R. 1–911.
18. Case 71/83, Tilly Russ v. Nova [1984] E.C.R. 2417.
19. [000] 4 All E.R. 268,
20. [2000] 1 W.L.R. 1004.
21. [1987] A.C. 460.
22. [1984] 2 Lloyd' Rep. 91.
23. [1999] 1 A.C. 119.
24. 12 Oct. 2000.
25. [1992] Q.B. 502; [1992] 2 All E.R. 450.
26. [2000] 1 W.L.R. 1741; [2000] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 234.
27. 18 May 2000 C.A.
28. Hobhouse J in Midland International Trade Services Ltd v. Al Sudairy 11 Apr. 1990.
29. 26 May 2000.