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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 January 2008
By any measure the single most important development across the field of Community competition law during the period under review (Spring 2001–Autumn 2003) is the adoption of Regulation 1/2003, by which the Pope abandoned the Vatican for the embrace of the Free Presbyterian Church. Regulation 17 has been the bedrock of the enforcement of the Community rules since 1962.1 Fundamental changes to it, first proposed by the Commission in 1999,2 were so startling as to be likened to ‘a lifelong devout Catholic suddenly converting him/herself to Protestantism’.3 Yet they were adopted by the Council in late 2002, and published early in 2003 as Regulation 1/20034—the Council here, maybe, missing a trick in not waiting a fortnight so as to adopt it as Regulation 17/2003. The new regulation is to apply from 1 May 2004—the date also scheduled for the formal accession of the ten new Member States.
1 JO (1962) 204.Google Scholar
2 White Paper on Modernization of the Rules Implementing Arts 85 and 86 of the EC Treaty, OJ (1999) C132/1.Google Scholar
3 Nazerali, J and Cowan, D ‘Modernising the Enforcement of EU Competition Rules—Can the Commission Claim to be Preaching to the Converted?’ [1999] ECLR 422, at 422.Google Scholar
4 OJ (2003) Ll/1.Google Scholar
5 (2000) 49 ICLQ 232–4.Google Scholar
6 Regulation 1/2003, Art 1(2).Google Scholar
7 Art 11.Google Scholar
8 Art 16.Google Scholar
9 Case C-344/98 Masterfoods v HB Ice Cream [2000] ECR1–11369.Google Scholar
10 OJ (2003) C243/3. The regulation will replace Regulation 2842/98 OJ (1998) L354/18, which itself replaced the original procedure regulation, Regulation 99/63 JO (1963) 2268.Google Scholar
11 Stellungnahme der Bundesregierung zum Weissbuch der Europäaischen Kommission üuber die Modernisierung der Vorschriften zur Anwendung der Artikel 81 und 82 EGV, 29 Okt 1999; ÖOsterreichische Position zum Weissbuch der Europaischen Kommission üuber die Modernisierung der Anwendung der Art 81 und 82 EG-V, undated.Google Scholar
12 Art 83 EC.Google Scholar
13 Notice on the non-imposition or the mitigation of fines in cartel cases, OJ (1996) C207/4.Google Scholar
14 Notice on immunity from fines and reduction of fines in cartel cases, OJ (2002) C45sol;3.Google Scholar
15 European Commission, XXXIInd Report on Competition Policy 2002, para 34.Google Scholar
16 Decision 2003sol;2 (Vitamins) OJ (2003) L/1.Google Scholar
17 Plasterboard cartel, decision of 27 Nov 2002, not yet published.Google Scholar
18 Carbonless paper cartel, decision of 20 Dec 2001, not yet published.Google Scholar
19 Decision 2003/675 (Nintendo) OJ (2003) L255/33.Google Scholar
20 Guidelines on the method of setting fines pursuant to Art 15(2) of Regulation No 17 and Art 65(5) of the ECSC Treaty, OJ (1998) C9/3.Google Scholar
21 Regulation 1400/2002 OJ (2002) L203/30, replacing Regulation 1475/95 OJ (1995) L145/25.Google Scholar
22 Regulation 2790/1999 OJ (1999) L336/21.Google Scholar
23 Regulation 358/2003 OJ (2003) L53/8, replacing Regulation 3932/92 OJ (1992) L398/7.Google Scholar
24 Regulation 2204/2002 OJ (2002) L337/3.Google Scholar
25 Regulation 240/96 OJ (1996) L31/2, Art 13.Google Scholar
26 Case C-41/90 Hofner & Elser v Uacrotron [1991] ECR1–1979, at para 17.Google Scholar
27 Bundeskartellamt, Jahresbericht (1961), S 61.Google Scholar
28 Case T-319/99 FENIN v Commission, judgment of 4 Mar 2003, not yet reported.Google Scholar
29 Ibid, paras 36–7.
30 See, eg, the discussion of A-G Jacobs in Case C-67/96 Albany International [1999] ECRI-5751, at paras 132–94 of his opinion, wherein he considers the difficulties in applying Art 81 to occupational pension schemes.Google Scholar
31 Case C-205/03P Federatióon Españnola de Empresas de Tecnologíia Sanitaria v Commission, pending.Google Scholar
32 Competition Act 1998, s 60.Google Scholar
33 BetterCare Group Ltd v Director General of Fair Trading [2002] CompAR 299.Google Scholar
34 Case 56/65 STM v Maschinenbau Ulm [1966] ECR 235; Case 5/69 Vöolk v Vervaecke [1969] ECR 295; see n 45 below and accompanying text.Google Scholar
35 Case T-112/99 Méetropole Téeléevision v Commission [2001] ECR 11–2459, at paras 72 and 74.Google Scholar
36 Case C-309/99 Wouters v Algemene Raad van de Nederlandse Orde van Advokaten [2002] ECR1–1577.Google Scholar
37 Ibid para 86.
38 Ibid para 94.
39 Ibid para 97; emphasis added.
40 Ibid para 107.
41 Case T-65/98 van den Bergh Foods v Commission, judgment of 23 Oct 2003, not yet reported, at para 106.Google Scholar
42 Cases C-159 and 160/91 Poucet et Pistre v Assurance Generates de France [1993] ECRI-637.Google Scholar
43 Case C-343/95 Diego Call e Figli v Servizi Ecologici Porto di Genova [1997] ECR 1–1547.Google Scholar
44 Case 120/78 Rewe-Zentrale v Bundesmonopolverwaltung fur Branntwein [1979] ECR 649.Google Scholar
45 OJ (2001) C368/13.Google Scholar
46 Regulation 4064/89 OJ (1990) L257/13.Google Scholar
47 Decision 2000/276 (Airtours/First Choice) OJ (2000) L93/1.Google Scholar
48 Tetra Laval/Sidel, decision of 30 Oct 2001, not yet published.Google Scholar
49 Schneider/Legrand, decision of 10 Oct 2001, not yet published.Google Scholar
50 Case T-342/99 Airtours v Commission [2002] ECR 11–2585.Google Scholar
51 Respectively Cases C-68/94 & 30/95 France and ors v Commission [1998] ECR 1–1375 and Case T-102/96 Gencor v Commission [1999] ECR 11–753.Google Scholar
52 Above n 50, para 61.Google Scholar
53 Ibid para 62.
54 Ibid para 63.
55 Ibid para 294.
56 Case T-5/02 Tetra Laval v Commission [2002] ECR 11–4381.Google Scholar
57 Case T-77/02 Schneider Electric v Commission [2002] ECR 11–4201.Google Scholar
58 Green Paper on review of Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89, COM (2001) 745 final.Google Scholar
59 Proposal for a Council Regulation on the control of concentrations between undertakings, OJ (2003) C20/4.Google Scholar
60 Art 1(2–3).Google Scholar
61 Art 2(3–4).Google Scholar
62 Art 2(2).Google Scholar
63 Preamble, 21st indent.Google Scholar
64 Arts 4(4–5), 22.Google Scholar
65 Art 26(2).Google Scholar
66 Case C-12/03P Commission v Tetra Laval, pending.Google Scholar
67 Tetra Laval/Sidel, decision of 13 Jan 2003, not yet published.Google Scholar
68 Case T-212/03 MyTravel Group v Commission, pending.Google Scholar
69 Case T-351/03 Schneider Electric v Commission, pending.Google Scholar
70 Decision 1999/243 (Transatlantic Conference Agreement) OJ (1999) L95/1.Google Scholar
71 Ibid para 525.
72 Cases T-191 etc/98 Atlantic Container Line and ors v Commission, judgment of 30 Sept 2003, not yet reported, paras 579–757.Google Scholar
73 Cases C-396 & 396/96P Compagnie Maritime Beige v Commission [2000] ECR1–1365.Google Scholar
74 Above n 72, para 1646.Google Scholar
75 Rules of Procedure of the CFI, Art 87(3).Google Scholar
76 Wettbewerbsgesetz-WettbG und ÄAnderung des Kartellgesetzes 1988, des Strafsgesetzbuches und des Bundesfinanzgesetzes 2002, BGB11 Nr 62/2002.Google Scholar
77 See, eg, in Denmark, Konkurrenceloven, §23; in Spain, Ley 16/1989, Art 10; in Italy, legge No 287 del 10 ottobre 1990, Art 15; in the Netherlands, Mededingingswet, Arts 56–68; in Sweden, Konkurrentslaget (1993:20), § 26.Google Scholar
78 Regulation 17, Art 15(4).Google Scholar
79 Regulation 1/2003, Art 23(5).Google Scholar
80 Code de Commerce, Art L420–6.Google Scholar
81 Enterprise Act 2002, s 188.Google Scholar
82 Ibid, s 190(1).
83 Ibid, s 188(1).
84 Competition Act, 2002, s 6(2)Google Scholar
85 Enterprise Act 2002, s 188(1).Google Scholar
86 See Guidance as to the Appropriate Amount of a Penalty, OFT423.Google Scholar
87 Enterprise Act 2002, s 190(4); see The Cartel Offences: Guidance on the Issue of No-action Letters for Individuals, OFT513. No-action letters do not (and cannot) pre-empt prosecution in Scotland, but the Lord Advocate may take the cooperation into account.Google Scholar
88 Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986, s 9A (as amended by the Enterprise Act); see Competition Disqualification Orders, OFT510.Google Scholar
89 OFT510, paras 4.27, 4.12.Google Scholar
90 Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986, s 9A(9).Google Scholar
91 Competition Act, 2002 (No 14 of 2002), ss 6(1) and 7(1).Google Scholar
92 Ibid, s 8(2).
93 Ibid, ss 6(1), 6(2) and 8(l)(ii).
94 Ibid, s 8(3).
95 Ibid, s 3(3)(a).
96 Ibid, s 6(2).
97 Competition (Amendment) Act, 1996 (No 19 of 1996), s 2(c)(i).Google Scholar
98 See Cases 100–103/80 Musique Diffusion Frangaise v Commission [1983] ECR 1825, per A-G Slynn, at 1930–1 and Case C-199/92P Hüuls v Commission [1999] ECR 1–4287.Google Scholar
99 Competition Act, 2002, s 11.Google Scholar
100 Enterprise Act 2002, s 190(3).Google Scholar
101 Competition Act, 2002, ss 6(1) and 7(1).Google Scholar
102 Constitution of Ireland, Art 15.2.1°.Google Scholar
103 §142 KartG.Google Scholar
104 §186b StGB.Google Scholar
105 §2IIWettbG.Google Scholar
106 §44 KartG.Google Scholar
107 §50 KartG.Google Scholar
108 §35 KartG.Google Scholar
109 §143 KartG.Google Scholar
110 Competition Act, 2002, ss 16–28 (replacing the Mergers, Take-overs and Monopolies (Control) Act, 1978) and Enterprise Act 2002, ss 22–130 (replacing (what is left of) the Fair Trading Act 1973).Google Scholar
111 §§42a–42e KartG; § 17 WettbG.Google Scholar
112 Competition Act, 2002, s 29; Enterprise Act 2002, s 1.Google Scholar
113 Competition Act, 2002, s 45.Google Scholar
114 Enterprise Act 2002, ss 192–202; see Powers of Investigating Criminal Cartels, OFT505.Google Scholar
115 Competition Act 1998, s 47A.Google Scholar
116 Cf the Competition Act, 2002, s 14, which provides expressly for a right of action for injunction, declaration or damages, including exemplary damages, for injury caused by an infringement of Irish or EC competition rules. See also Competition Act 1998, s 58A.Google Scholar
117 See Case C-128/92 Banks v British Coal Corporation [1994] ECR 1–1209, per A-G van Gerven.Google Scholar
118 Competition Act, 2002, s 46; § 10 WettbG.Google Scholar
119 Competition Act, 2002, s 4(2, 5).Google Scholar
120 Ibid, s 4(3).
121 Ibid, ss 6(1), 7(1), 8(9), 14(2).
122 §§ 2 II, 3 WettbG; § 42f KartG.Google Scholar
123 Regulation 1/2003, Arts 5 and 35.Google Scholar
124 Lov nr 416 af 31. maj 2000 (Lov om ajndring af konkurrenceloven); Lag (1994:1845) om tilläampningen av Europeiska gemenskapernas konkurrens- och statsstöodsregeler, § 2 (ÄAndring 2000:1023).Google Scholar
125 Enterprise Act 2002, s 209.Google Scholar
126 Modernisation—consultation on the government's proposals for giving effect to Regulation 1/2003 EC and for re-alignment of the Competition Act 1998, 008/03 (Apr 2003).Google Scholar