When this article was originally published in Hypatia, it contained the following error: The author wrote “In Divine Quechua, I call in the Sacred Four Winds: Pacha Mama, Mama Kia, Weera Kocha, and Inti (Miro-Quesada 2016).” It should read “In Divine Quechua, I call in the Sacred Gods of the Four Directions: PachaMama, Mama Killa, Wiraqocha, and Tayta Inti (Miro-Quesada 2016).”
Also in error, the author wrote: “My protected grimoire features a sacred Inca prayer in Quechua; I chant twenty-one times:
Teksee-mooyo Thaithanchis Weera-kocha,
Pacha kamak Hampooi, Hampooi”
It should read “My protected grimoire features a sacred Inca prayer in Quechua; I chant twenty-one times:
Teksee-mooyo, Taytanchis, Wiraqocha,
Pachakamaq, Hampuy, Hampuy”
The author apologizes for the spelling errors and thanks Dr. Cynthia Ingar in making the corrections.