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Primary Education in Third Republic France: Recent French Works
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 February 2017

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- Essay Reviews
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- Copyright © 1986 by the History of Education Society
The reviewer would like to thank Jack Reece, Linda Clark, and Betty Bergen for helpful comments on an earlier version of this essay.Google Scholar
1 Crubellier, Maurice reviews fifteen of these works in “Où en est l'histoire de l'école primaire?” Histoire de l'éducation 14 (Apr. 1982): 1–22, and about twelve more books and various special numbers of journals in “L'histoire en crise d'une école en crise,” Histoire de l'éducation 18 (Apr. 1983):29–48. See also, among many others, Guilhaume, Philippe, Jules Ferry (Paris, 1980); Vial, Jean, Les instituteurs (Paris, 1980); Pisani-Ferry, Fresnette, Monsieur L'Instituteur: L'école primaire à 100 ans (Paris, 1981); Cent ans d'école, par le Groupe de Travail de la Maison d'Ecole à Monceau-les-Mines, textes de Pierre Caspard, Serge Chassagne, Jacques Ozouf, Antoine Prost, Yves Lequin, Guy Vincent, préface de Georges Duby (Macon, 1981).Google Scholar
2 Bourdieu, Pierre and Passeron, Jean-Claude, Les héritiers: Les étudiants et la culture (Paris, 1964), and see also by the same authors La reproduction: Elements pour une théorie du système d'enseignement (Paris, 1970). For an excellent discussion of the literature of this debate, see the introduction to Harrigan, Patrick with Neglia, Victor, Lycéens et collégiens sous le Second Empire (Paris, 1979).Google Scholar
3 Baudelot, Christian and Establet, Roger, L'école capitaliste en France (Paris, 1971); and idem, L'école primaire divise… (Paris, 1975). Elwitt, Sanford, The Making of the Third Republic: Class and Politics in France, 1868–1884 (Baton Rouge, La., 1975), 170–229.Google Scholar
4 Singer, Barnett, “Minoritarian Religion and the Creation of a Secular School System in France,” Third Republic/Troisième république 2 (Fall 1976):228–55; Harrigan, Patrick J., Mobility, Elites, and Education in French Society of the Second Empire (Waterloo, Ont., 1980); Prost, Antoine, Histoire de l'enseignement en France, 1800–1967 (Paris, 1968); Moody, Joseph N., French Education since Napoleon (Syracuse, N.Y., 1978); Bertocci, Philip, “Positivism, French Republicanism, and the Politics of Religion, 1848–1883,” Third Republic/Troisième république 2 (Fall 1976): 183–227; Ringer, Fritz, Education and Society in Modern Europe (Bloomington, Ind., 1979); Auspitz, Katherine, The Radical Bourgeoisie: The Ligue de l'enseignement and the Origins of the Third Republic, 1866–1885 (Cambridge, Eng., 1982).Google Scholar
5 Weber, Eugen, Peasants into Frenchmen: The Modernization of Rural France, 1870–1914 (Stanford, Calif., 1976); Zeldin, Theodore, France: 1848–1945: Intellect and Pride (Oxford, Eng., 1980), esp. 139–204; de Certeau, Michel, Julia, Dominique, and Revel, Jacques, Une politique de la langue: La Révolution française et les patois: L'enquête de Grégoire (Paris, 1975); Chervel, André,… et il fallut apprendre à écrire à tous les petits français: Histoire de la grammaire scolaire (Paris, 1970); Gueunier, Nicole, Genouvrier, Emile, and Khomsi, Abdelhamid, Les français devant la norme: Contribution à une étude de la norme du français parlé (Paris, 1978); Achard, Pierre et al., Discours biologique et ordre social (Paris, 1977); Furet, François and Ozouf, Jacques, Lire et écrire: L'alphabétisation des français de Calvin à Jules Ferry, 2 vols. (Paris, 1977). Achard, Pierre has an excellent survey of the literature in “History and the Politics of Language in France: A Review Essay,” History Workshop 10 (Autumn 1980): 175–83.Google Scholar
6 Legrand, Louis, L'influence du positivisme dans l'oeuvre scolaire de Jules Ferry (Paris, 1961); Bertocci, , “Positivism,” 186–88.Google Scholar
7 Lenzer, Gertrud, ed., Auguste Comte and Positivism: The Essential Writings (New York, 1975), xliii.Google Scholar
8 Ozouf, Mona, L'Ecole, l'Eglise, et la République, 1871–1914 (Paris, 1982), 93–102; Clark, Linda L., Schooling the Daughters of Marianne: Textbooks and the Socialization of Girls in Modern French Primary Schools (Albany, N.Y., 1984); idem, “The Molding of the Citoyenne: The Image of the Female in French Educational Literature, 1880–1914,” Third Republic/Troisième république 3–4 (Spring-Fall 1977):74–103; idem, “The Socialization of Girls in the Primary Schools of the Third Republic,” Journal of Social History 15 (Summer 1982):685–97; Quartararo, Anne T., “The Ecoles Normales Primaires d'Institutrices: A Social History of Women Primary School Teachers in France, 1879–1905” (Ph.D. diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 1982).Google Scholar
9 Ozouf, Jacques, ed., Nous, les maîtres d'école: Autobiographies d'instituteurs de la Belle Epoque (Paris, 1967).Google Scholar
10 In addition to the works of Linda Clark cited above, see Bonheur, Gaston, ed., Qui a cassé le pot au lait?: L'album de famille de toutes les Françaises (Paris, 1970); Hayes, Carlton J.H., France: A Nation of Patriots (New York, 1930); Dupuy, Aimé, “Les livres de lecture de G. Bruno,” Revue d'histoire économique et sociale 31 (1953):123–51; Decroux-Masson, Annie, Papa lit, maman coud: Les manuels scolaires en bleu et rose (Paris, 1979); Julia, Dominique, Les trois couleurs du tableau noir: La révolution (Paris, 1981); and for a study of the history books of the Catholic schools, Fressinet-Dominjon, J., Les manuels d'histoire de l'école libre, 1882–1959 (Paris, 1969).Google Scholar
11 Zeldin, Theodore, “The Conflict of Moralities,” in Conflicts in French Society: Anticlericalism, Education, and Morals in Nineteenth-Century France: Essays, ed. Zeldin, Theodore (London, 1970), 13–50.Google Scholar
12 See, for example, Clark, Linda L., “The Primary Education of French Girls: Pedagogical Prescriptions and Social Realities, 1880–1940,” History of Education Quarterly 21 (Winter 1981): 415–16; and idem, “The Socialization of Girls,” 685–87.Google Scholar
13 Ministère de l'instruction publique, Livres scolaires en usage dans les écoles primaires publiques, Mémoires et Documents Scolaires, no. 66 (Paris, 1889).Google Scholar
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