Published online by Cambridge University Press: 11 February 2009
1 Andrew, C. M. and Kanya-Forstner, A. S., ‘The French “Colonial Party”: Its Composition, Aims, and Influence, 1885–1914’, The Historical Journal, XIV, 1 (03. 1971), 99–129.CrossRefGoogle Scholar For another article emphasizing French policy-making and imperialist expansion, see Newbury, C. W. and Kanya-Forstner, A. S., ‘French Policy and the Origins of the Scramble for West Africa’, Journal of African History, X, 2 (1969), 253–67.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
2 Andrew and Kanya-Forstner, ‘The French Colonial Party’, p. 101.
3 Ibid. pp. 102, 104.
4 Ibid. p. 126.
5 Stuart M. Persell, ‘La Mise en Valeur des Colonies: The Colonial Ideas of Joseph Chailley-Bert’, presented at the Stanford University symposium on Francophone Africa: Impact and Reaction, 22–24 June 1971
6 Betts, Raymond, Assimilation and Association in French Colonial Theory, 1890–1914 (New York, 1961), p. 147.Google Scholar
7 Brown, Roger Glen, Fashoda Reconsidered, The Impact of Domestic Politics on French Policy in Africa, 1893–1898 (Baltimore, 1970), p. 22.Google Scholar
8 Jolly, Jean, Dictionnatre parliamentaire, T. III (Paris, 1960), p. 249.Google Scholar
9 Hartel, William C., ‘The French Colonial Party, 1895–1905’ (Ph.D. thesis, Ohio State University, 1965), pp. 299–310.Google Scholar Chailley-Bert was also a director of the Ecole coloniale as well as editor of the Journal des Débats from 1888 to 1893, and he continued after that year to write articles in the Journal expressing the Union coloniale française viewpoint.
10 ‘We have admitted as axiomatic’, Chailley-Bert wrote in 1896, ‘that our colonies were conquered for our merchants and industrialists and that funds were accorded by deputies who believed that new markets would be opened to our products though expansion. The answer now to insure the prosperity of our merchants and industrialists is not to close off these markets but to develop colonial economies by large infusions of capital.’ (Oú en est la Politique coloniale de la France? (Paris, 1896), pp. 12–13.)Google Scholar
11 Questions deplomatiques et coloniales, x (1900), 222–3.Google Scholar
12 La Quinzaine coloniale, 10 Jan. 1897.
13 Bulletin du Comité de l'Afrique française, Aug. 1893 (hereafter cited as C.A.F.).
14 D'Anfreville, L., ‘La renaissance coloniale de la France’, Revue politique et farlementairt, XIX (1899), p. 346.Google Scholar
15 Lorin, Henri, La France, Puissance coloniale (Paris, 1906), p. 458.Google Scholar
16 La Revue française, XXII (1897).Google Scholar
17 La Quinzaine coloniale, 25 Sept. 1901.
18 It is well known that the ComitÉ de l'Afrique française was the most active colonial society in sponsoring exploration missions. Only after 1897 did the Union coloniale française's programs and Chailley-Bert's books and articles begin to exert a greater influence than the Comité by emphasizing development over expansion.
19 La Quinzaine coloniale, 10 Dec. 1904.
20 Laffey, John F., ‘Roots of French Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century: The Case of Lyon’, French Historical Studies, VI, 1 (1969), 78–93.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
21 Archives du Ministère des colonies, Dahomey, IV, 2 (23 05 1891). (Hereafter cited by area.)Google Scholar
22 La Quinzaine coloniale, 10 Jan. 1897.
23 For a fuller description of Jules Siegfried's colonialist activities, see Siegfried, André, Mes souvenirs de la III République, Jules Sieg/ried, 1837–1922 (Paris, 1942).Google Scholar
24 La Quinzaine coloniale, 10 Jan. 1897.
25 Bulletin de I'Vnion coloniale française, 10 Jan. 1893.
26 Among these were Charles Depincé, Albert Decrais and Camille Guy. Guy was the author of Les colonies françaises, La mise en valeur de noire domaine coloniale (Paris, 1900).Google Scholar
27 Chailley-Bert, J., ‘Comment tirer parti de nos colonies?’ La Quinzaine coloniale, 10 09. 1897.Google Scholar
28 Chailley-Bert, J., ‘Faites des spécialistes’, La Quinzaine coloniale, 25 Sept. 1897.Google Scholar
29 Ibid. no. 2, 10 Oct. 1897.
30 Chailley-Bert, J., Dix années de politique coloniale (Paris, 1902), pp. 43–4.Google Scholar
31 Journal des Débats, 18 Sept. 1896.
32 Hartel, , ‘French Colonial Party’, p. 276.Google Scholar
33 Michel, Georges, ‘L'initiative privée et la colonisation’, L'Economiste français (1896), II, 277.Google Scholar
34 La Dépêche coloniale, 12 Dec. 1896; Chailley-Bert, J., ‘L'emploi des capitaux. Les cultures profitables’, La Quinzaine coloniale, 10 Sept. 1899.Google Scholar
36 Roberts, Stephen H., The History of French Colonial Policy, 1870–1925, v.II (London, 1929), 189–95.Google Scholar
36 Ibid, II, 216–17.
37 Chailley-Bert, J., ‘L'agriculture algérienne et le crédit agricole’, La Quinzaine coloniale, 25 July 1903.Google Scholar
38 Savary, Alain, Nationalisme algÉrien et grandeur française (Paris, 1960), pp. 14, 27.Google Scholar
39 Ibid.
40 Chailley-Bert, J., ‘L'agriculture algÉrienne’, 25 July 1903.Google Scholar
41 Chailley-Bert, J., ‘Les Établissements de crédit’, no. 2, La Quinzaine coloniale, 25 Aug. 1903;Google Scholar ‘Le nouveau régime de la colonisation’, 25 Sept. 1904.
42 Chailley-Bert, J., ‘Le rapport sur le Budget de 1'Algérie. L'agriculture et la colonisation — Colons et indigènes’, La Quinzaine coloniale, 10 Dec. 1907.Google Scholar
43 Chailley-Bert wrote seven articles in La Quinzaine coloniale in 1899 and 1900 on the subject of French agriculture in Tonkin urging government aid for French agriculture there.
44 Chailley-Bert, J., ‘Faites des chemins de fer’, no. 1, La Quinzaine coloniale, 10 Dec. 1897.Google Scholar
45 Choutard, J., Les chemins de fer de l'Ajrique occidental française (Paris, 1909), pp. 4–7.Google Scholar
46 Chailley-Bert, J., ‘Le chemin de fer du Soudan’, La Quinzaine coloniale, 10 Feb. 1902.Google Scholar
47 Chailley-Bert, J., ‘Le Sahara, le Soudan, et les chemins de fer transsahariens’, La Quinzaine coloniale, 25 Feb. 1905.Google Scholar
48 Cathrine Coquery-Vidrovitch, ‘L'échec d'une tentative économique: L'impôt de capitation au service des compagnies concessionnaries du “Congo francais” (1900–1909)’, Cahiers d'études ajricaines, VIII (1968), 96–110.Google Scholar
49 Chailley-Bert, J., ‘Les chemins de fer éthiopiens’, La Quinzaine coloniale, 25 Jan. 1902.Google Scholar
50 Chailley-Bert, J., ‘La Côte d'Ivoire. Chemin de fer et mines’, La Quinzaine coloniale, 25 Nov. 1901.Google Scholar
51 Chailley-Bert, J., ‘Les travaux publics dans les colonies et l'intervention de l'état’, no. 3, La Quinzaine coloniale, 10 Feb. 1899.Google Scholar
52 Chailley-Bert, J., ‘Les nouveaux chemins de fer africains’, La Quinzaine coloniale, 25 Mar. 1899.Google Scholar
53 In a speech before the Union coloniale franchise on 14 May 1913, Chailley-Bert thanked several legislators in the parti colonial for their co-operation with the Union toward the economic development of the empire.
54 Journal officiel, Annales de la Chambre des DéputÉs, 6 Mar. 1899 (hereafter cited as J.O., Deps.).
55 Chailley-Bert, J., ‘Faites des chemins de fer. Le chemin de fer à Madagascar et l'opinion publique’, La Quinzaine coloniale, 10 Feb. 1896.Google Scholar
56 La Quinzaine coloniale, 10 June 1913.
57 Charles-Roux, Jules, Les colonies el la marine marchande (Paris, 1899).Google Scholar
58 Chailley-Bert, J., ‘Les produits des colonies françhise et leur entrée en franchise dans la métropole’, La Quinzaine coloniale, 25 Oct. 1900.Google Scholar
59 Congrès colonial de Marseille (1906), Compte rendu des travaux, v.III (Marseille, 1906), 109–10.Google Scholar
60 Ibid.
61 Congrès des anciennes colonies (1909), Compte rendu des travaux, v.I (Paris, 1909), 9.Google Scholar
62 Artaud, Adrien, Introduction à la révision du rfgime douanier des colonies françaises (Marseille, 1925), pp. 219–39.Google Scholar See also A.O.F., xv, 18, 23 Jan. 1909, Governor-General Ponty to Trouillot.
63 Golob, Eugene, The Méline Tariff (New York, 1944).Google Scholar
64 La Dépêche coloniale, 10 Dec. 1897; Le Mois colonial, Jan. 1903.
65 A.O.F., xv, i8, 23 Jan. 1909.
66 J.O., Deps., 19 Dec. 1907. Report by Chailley-Bert to the Chamber on importation of colonial sugar.
67 Augier, Charles and Marvaud, Angel, La politique douanière de la France (Paris, 1911), pp. 395–5.Google Scholar
68 Girault, Arthur, The Colonial Tariff Policy of France (London, 1916), p. 135.Google Scholar
69 Augier and Marvaud, Politique douaniere, pp. 393–5