Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 November 2012
Histories of the late Victorian working-class family focus overwhelmingly on mothers. When men feature in family dynamics, it is within the context of their obligation to provide. Despite the familiarity of this model of family life, it is problematic, not least because it is partial. Written from a women's history perspective, such analyses have inevitably, and understandably, focused on the ‘dark side’ of breadwinning and privileged women's experiences as wives and mothers. Further, they have tended to make husbands synonymous with fathers. Drawing on working-class autobiography, this article revisits the cliché of the ‘good provider’ to suggest that children could invest the normative paternal obligation to provide with intimate and individual meaning, reimagining breadwinning as an act of devotion that distinguished particular father–child relationships within a context of more general working-class values. It does not suggest that women were not oppressed by the breadwinner ideal, or that attachment to mothers and fathers was the same. Rather, it calls for recognition of the fluidity of a sexual division of affective labour whereby, in memory at least, fathers' obligation to provide could be deeply embedded within an understanding of the emotional dynamics of everyday life.
I am grateful to Megan Doolittle, Daniel Miller, Michael Sanders, members of the Institute of Historical Research ‘Life Cycles’ seminar, and anonymous readers for the Historical Journal for feedback on verbal or written versions of this article. Financial support was provided by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (grant ref: AH/I001875/1).
1 The literature on breadwinning is vast. See Seccombe, W., ‘Patriarchy stabilized: the construction of the male breadwinner wage norm in nineteenth-century Britain’, Social History, 11 (1986), pp. 53–76CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Horrell, S. and Humphries, J., ‘The origins and expansion of the male breadwinner family: the case of nineteenth-century Britain’, International Review of Social History, 42 (1997), pp. 25–64CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Creighton, Colin, ‘The rise of the male breadwinner family: a reappraisal’, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 38 (1996), pp. 310–37CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Creighton, C., ‘The rise and decline of the “male breadwinner family” in Britain’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 23 (1999), pp. 519–41CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Janssens, A., ‘The rise and decline of the male breadwinner family? An overview of the debate’, International Review of Social History, 42 (1997), pp. 1–23CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Lewis, J., ‘The decline of the male breadwinner model: the implications for work and care’, Social Politics, 8 (2001), pp. 152–70CrossRefGoogle Scholar. For breadwinning and marriage, see Joanna Bourke's lively account of women's imaginative navigation of power dynamics within the family, Bourke, Joanna, Working-class cultures in Britain, 1890–1960: gender, class and ethnicity (London, 1993), pp. 67–71Google Scholar. Ellen Ross's insightful analysis of working-class marriage notes that ‘good men’ were common but focuses on women's difficulties and resentments towards the ‘family’ wage, Ross, Ellen, Love and toil: motherhood in outcast London, 1870–1918 (Oxford, 1993), pp. 72–6Google Scholar. See also Roberts, Elizabeth, A woman's place: an oral history of working-class women, 1890–1940 (Oxford, 1995)Google Scholar; Chinn, Carl, They worked all their lives: women of the urban poor, 1880–1939 (Manchester, 1988)Google Scholar; August, Andrew, Poor women's lives: gender, work and poverty in late-Victorian London (London and Cranbury, 1999)Google Scholar; Honeyman, Katrina and Goodman, Jordan, ‘Women's work, gender conflict and labour markets in Europe, 1500–1900’, Economic History Review, 44 (1991), pp. 608–28CrossRefGoogle Scholar; and Megan Doolittle, ‘Fatherhood and family shame: masculinity, welfare and the workhouse in late-nineteenth-century England’, in L. Delap, B. Griffin and A. Wills, eds., The politics of domestic authority in Britain since 1800 (Basingstoke and New York, NY, 2009), pp. 84–108.
2 See C. Pateman, ‘The patriarchal welfare state’, in C. Pateman, ed., The disorder of women: democracy, feminism and political theory (Cambridge, 1989), pp. 179–209; Clark, Anna, ‘The New Poor Law and the breadwinner wage: contrasting assumptions’, Journal of Social History, 34 (2000), pp. 261–82CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Levine-Clark, M., ‘The gendered economy of family liability: intergenerational relationships and poor law relief in England's Black Country, 1871–1911’, Journal of British Studies, 45 (2006), pp. 72–89CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
3 Warren, Tracey, ‘Conceptualising breadwinning work’, Work, Employment and Society, 21 (2007), pp. 317–36CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
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7 This is the classic social history line on family and household economy. See Roberts, A woman's place; Bourke, Working-class cultures; Davies, A., Leisure, gender and poverty: working-class culture in Salford and Manchester, 1900–1939 (Milton Keynes, 1992)Google Scholar; Ittmann, Karl, Work, gender and family in Victorian England (London, 1994)Google Scholar; Seccombe, W., Weathering the storm: working-class families from the industrial revolution to the fertility decline (London, 1993)Google Scholar.
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9 For use of autobiography as empirical evidence of childhood see Humphries, Jane, Childhood and child labour in the British industrial revolution (Cambridge, 2010)CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
10 Ross, Love and toil, pp. 3–10.
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13 Vincent, D., Bread, knowledge and freedom: a study of nineteenth-century working-class autobiography (London and New York, NY, 1981), pp. 62–86Google Scholar.
14 To the workers of the world: an appeal for personal religion by eight members of parliament (London, 1913), p. 34.
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21 Lawson, Man's life, pp. 9–11.
22 Roper, Michael, The secret battle: emotional survival in the Great War (Manchester, 2009)Google Scholar, p. 23.
23 Taylor, Uphill all the way, p. 4.
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25 Gagnier, Subjectivities, p. 144.
26 Lawson, Man's life, p. 13.
27 Ibid., pp. 9–10.
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65 Ross, Love and toil, pp. 166–94.
66 Eldred, I love the Brooks, pp. 161–5.
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