We are excited to release the first issue of High Power Laser Science and Engineering (abbreviated HPLaser) at the beginning of 2013, Year of the Snake in the Chinese calendar. First of all, I would like to give our sincere thanks to those who have contributed to the publishing of the new journal.
Since the invention of laser in 1960, the requirements of scientific research have driven the development of high power laser technology. Laser output power continues to increase dramatically through the development of laser technology, and many new research topics are being discovered and created.
The science and engineering of high power lasers have always been closely connected, largely because of the development of laser fusion and research in high energy density physics. Research in these fields has been strongly supported in many countries, and many high power laser facilities have been built or will be built in the near future. We expect this global interest to continue, considering the important role of this cutting-edge, sensitive technology.
The new journal, titled High Power Laser Science and Engineering, will promote research in the above-mentioned and other related fields. HPLaser is expected to help communication in the fields of high power lasers, high energy density physics, advanced laser technology and applications, and laser components. HPLaser will be open-access, and can be downloaded freely anytime, anywhere.
The collaboration between Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM), Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Cambridge University Press will strengthen the international reach of the new journal and promote its visibility around the world.
You are warmly welcome to submit your latest research results to HPLaser. Regular papers, rapid communications and reviews are accepted. We will try our best to bring readers interesting and important papers, following rigorous peer-review and publication.
We hope you enjoy HPLaser!