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1. Lucretius, de Rerum Natura VI. Edited with Translation and Commentary by Godwin, John. Aris & Phillips, Warminster, 1991Google Scholar. Pp. vii + 196. Paper. Price not stated.
2. Catullus. By Martin, Charles. Yale U.P., 1992Google Scholar. Pp. xvi + 197. Hardcovers £22.50, paper £6.95.
3. Virgil. By Slavitt, David R.. Yale U.P., 1991. Pp. xviii + 181Google Scholar. Hardcover £22.50, paper £6.95.
4. From a Sabine Jar.Reading Horace, Odes 1.9. By Edmunds, Lowell. University of North Carolina Press, 1992. Pp. vii + 159. S27.45Google Scholar.
5. Aulobiographische Tierbilder bei Horaz. Altertumswissenschaftliche Texte und Studien Band 22. By Warmuth, Georg. Olms-Weidmann, Hildesheim, Zurich, New York, 1992. Pp. x + 232. Limp DM. 39, 80Google Scholar.
6. Ovid's Elegiac Festivals. Studien zur klassischen Philologie Band 55. By Miller, John F.. Peter Lang, Frankfurt, Bern, New York, Paris, 1991. Pp. x + 192. Paper SFr. 22Google Scholar.
7. Poetry and Civil War in Lucan's ‘Bellum Civile’. Cambridge Classical Studies. By Masters, Jamie. Cambridge U.P., 1992. Pp. xiv + 271, with 3 maps. £35.00Google Scholar.
8. M. Annaeus Lucanus, Bellum Civile Book III. A Commentary. By Hunink, Vincent. Gieben, Amsterdam, 1992. Pp. xxiv + 305. Limp Gld. 75Google Scholar.
9. Lucan, de Bello Civili Book II. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. Edited by Fantham, Elaine. Cambridge U.P., 1992. Pp. xii + 244, with 2 maps. Hardback £35.00, paperback £13.95Google Scholar.
10. Lucan, Civil War. Translated with Introduction and Notes by Braund, S. H.. Oxford U.P., 1992. Pp. lvi + 335, with 2 maps. £45.00Google Scholar.
11. Terence, the Comedies. Translated by Bovie, Palmer, Carrier, Constance, and Parker, Douglass. Johns Hopkins UP., 1992. Pp. xxii + 398. Hardcover £32.50, paperback £10.50Google Scholar.
12. Seneca, the Tragedies. Volume I. Edited and translated by Slavitt, David R.. Johns Hopkins U.P., 1992. Pp. xvi + 207Google Scholar. Hardcover £27.50, paperback £9.50.
13. The Satiric Voice. Program, Form and Meaning in Persius and Juvenal. Altertumswissenschaft liche Texte und Studien Band 23. By Wehrle, William Thomas. Olms-Weidmann, Hildesheim, Zurich, New York, 1992. Pp. vi + 155Google Scholar. Limp DM. 32, 80.