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1. B*Claudius. By Levick, Barbara. Batsford, London, 1990. Pp. xvi + 256, with 30 illustrations and 8 maps. £25.00Google Scholar.
2. B*The Cambridge Ancient History. Volume VII, Part 2 The Rise of Rome to 220 B.C. Edited by Walbank, F. W., Astin, A. E., Frederiksen, M. W., and Ogilvie, R. M.. Cambridge U.P., 1989. Pp. xvii + 811, with 64 text-figures, 15 maps, and 10 tables. £55.00Google Scholar; The Cambridge Ancient History. Volume VIII Rome and the Mediterranean to 133 B.C. Edited by Astin, A. E., Walbank, F. W., Frederiksen, M. W., and Ogilvie, R. M.. Cambridge U.P., 1989. Pp. xiii + 625, with 8 text-figures and 16 maps. £50.00CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
3. B**Symploke. Das Übergreifen der römischen Expansion auf den griechischen Osten. By Vollmer, Dankward. Hermes Einzelschriften Heft 54. Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1990. Pp. 183, with 1 plate and 3 maps. Paper DM 68Google Scholar.
4. BThe Limits of Empire. The Roman Army in the East. By Isaac, Benjamin. Oxford U.P., 1990. Pp. xiv + 492, with 13 figures and 5 maps. £50.00Google Scholar.
5. *Pliny the Younger, Correspondence with Trajan from Bithynia (Epistles X). Translated, with an Introduction and Commentary, by Williams, Wynne. Aris & Phillips, Warminster, 1990. Pp. xii + 159Google Scholar. Paper. Price not stated.
6. B**Structure and Scale in the Roman Economy. By Duncan-Jones, Richard. Cambridge U.P., 1990. Pp. xvi + 245, with 29 figures and 51 tables. £35.00CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
7. BThe Local Magistrates of Roman Spain. Phoenix Suppl. Vol. XXVIII. By Curchin, Leonard A.. University of Toronto Press, 1990. Pp. xii + 275, with 3 maps and 7 tables. £40.00Google Scholar.
8. B*Slavery and Rebellion in the Roman World 140 B.C.-70 B.C. By Bradley, Keith R.. Indiana U.P. and Batsford, London, 1989. Pp. xiii + 186, with 2 maps. £17.95Google Scholar.