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1. Business Managers in Ancient Rome. A Social and Economic Study of Institores, 200 B.C.–A.D. 250. Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition Vol. XXI. By Aubert, Jean-Jacques. Brill, Leiden, New York, Cologne, 1994. Pp. xv + 520. Gld. 220Google Scholar.
2. Money and Government in the Roman Empire. By Duncan-Jones, Richard. Cambridge U.P., 1994. Pp. xix + 300, with 11 plates, 59 figures, and 110 tables. £45.00CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
3. Meats Temporum. Zur Bedeutung von Angst in Politik und Gesellschaft der römischen Kaiserzeit des 1. und 2. Jhdts. n. Chr. By Kneppe, Alfred. Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1994. Pp. 410. Limp DM. 128Google Scholar.
4. The Antonines. The Roman Empire in Transition. By Grant, Michael. Routledge, London and New York, 1994. Pp. xiii + 210, with 27 illustrations and 6 maps. £25.00Google Scholar.
5. Carausius and Allectus: the British Usurpers. By Casey, P. J.. Batsford, London, 1994. Pp. 213, with 19 plates and 17 figures. £35.00Google Scholar.
6. Theodosius: the Empire at Bay. By Williams, Stephen and Friell, Gerard. Batsford, London, 1994. Pp. 238, with 19 plates and 4 maps. £30.00Google Scholar.
7. Justinian. The Medieval World. By Moorhead, John. Longman, London and New York, 1994. Pp. ix + 202, with 1 map. Paper £9.99Google Scholar.
8. Plutarch's Lives of Galba and Otho. A Companion. Classical Studies Series. By Little, Douglas and Ehrhardt, Christopher. Bristol Classical Press, London, 1994. Pp. vi + 113. Paperback £7.95Google Scholar.
9. Livy, ab Urbe Condita Book VI. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. Edited by Kraus, Christina Shuttleworth. Cambridge U.P., 1994. Pp. x + 356, with 1 map. Hardback £40.00, paperback £14.95Google Scholar.
10. Historiography and Imagination. Eight Essays on Roman Culture. Exeter Studies in History No. 33. By Wiseman, T. P.. University of Exeter Press, 1994. Pp. xiv + 167, with 8 illustrations. Paper £13.95Google Scholar.