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1. Art and Text in Ancient Greek Culture. Cambridge Studies in New Art History and Criticism. Edited by Goldhill, Simon and Osborne, Robin. Cambridge U.P., 1994. Pp. xiii + 341, with 34 illustrations. £40.00Google Scholar.
2. The Poetics of Colonization. From City to Text in Archaic Greece. By Dougherty, Carol. Oxford U.P., 1993. Pp. x + 209, with 4 figures. £32.50Google Scholar.
3. The Liar School of Herodotos. By Pritchett, W. Kendrick. Gieben, , Amsterdam, , 1993. Pp. v + 359.Gld. 110Google Scholar.
4. Thucydides, History III. Edited with Translation and Commentary by Rhodes, P.J.. Aris, & Phillips, , Warminster, 1994. Pp. xiv + 273, with 1 figure and 5 maps. Cloth £35.00, limp £14.95Google Scholar.
5. Demosthenes, On the Crown (De Corona). Greek Orators, V. Translated with an Introduction and Commentary by Usher, S.. Aris & Phillips, Warminster, 1993. Pp. vi + 282. Cloth £35.00, limp £13.50Google Scholar.
6. The Phratries of Attica. Michigan Monographs in Classical Antiquity. By Lambert, S. D.. University of Michigan Press, 1993. Pp. xi + 424. $69.50Google Scholar.
7. Hippeis.The Cavalry of Ancient Greece. History and Warfare. By Worley, Leslie J.. Westview Press, Boulder, San Francisco, Oxford, 1994. Pp. xiii + 241, with 27 figures. £24.95Google Scholar.
8. Athenian Identity and Civic Ideology. Edited by Boegehold, Alan L. and Scafuro, Adele C.. Johns Hopkins U.P., 1994. Pp. vii + 239. £32.00Google Scholar.
9. Policing Athens. Social Control in the Attic Lawsuits, 420–320 B.C. By Hunter, Virginia J.. Princeton U.P., 1994. Pp. xv + 303, with 3 figures. £25.00Google Scholar.
10. The Shadow of Sparta. Edited by Powell, Anton and Hodkinson, Stephen. Routledge, London and New York, 1994. Pp. vii + 408. £35.00CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
11. Philip of Macedon. By Hammond, Nicholas. Duckworth, London, 1994. Pp. xviii + 235, with 16 plates and 10 figures. £35.00Google Scholar.
12. Ventures into Greek History. Edited by Worthington, Ian. Oxford UP., 1994. Pp. xxvi + 401, withGoogle Scholar 23 plates and 4 figures. £45.00.
13. Macedonia. From Philip II to the Roman Conquest. Edited by Ginouvès, René et al. Princeton U.P., 1994. Pp. 254, with 142 colour and 55 black-and-white illustrations. £50.00Google Scholar.
14. Cleopatras. By Whitehorne, John. Routledge, London and New York, 1994. Pp. x + 243, with 21 illustrations. £35.00Google Scholar.