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page 240 note 1 *A History of Greek Literature (2nd ed.). Translated from the German by Willis, J. and de Heer, Cornelis. Methuen, 1966. Pp. xviii + 921. 105s. net.Google Scholar
page 240 note 2 Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1966. Pp. xii + 284, with 55 illustrations. 55s. net.
page 240 note 3 Homer and the Epic. By Kirk, G. S.. C.U.P., 1965. Pp. x + 243, with 4 plates. 17s. 6d. net.Google Scholar
page 240 note 4 Dent, 1966. Pp. xxxviii + 250, with 2 maps, 12s. 6d.. net.
page 240 note 5 Rampant Lions Press, Cambridge, 1965. Pp. 36. 7s. 6d. net.
page 241 note 1 Four Plays by Sophocles. O.U.P., New York, 1966. Pp. xv + 173. 14s. net.
page 241 note 2 **Sophocles. A Collection of Critical Essays. Prentice-Hall International, 1966. Pp. 179. 32s. or 16s. with paper covers, net.
page 241 note 3 BLonginus': On Sublimity. O.U.P., 1965. Pp. xx + 56. 7s. 6d. net.
page 241 note 4 BThe Origin and Early Form of Greek Tragedy. Harvard & Oxford, 1966. Pp. x + 127. 26s. net.
page 241 note 5 BTerence: Andria. By Shipp, G. P.. O.U.P., 1966. Pp. vii + 212. 21s. net.Google Scholar
page 241 note 6 Published 1966. Pp. 207, with 2 maps. 30s. or 12s. 6d. net (paperback).
page 241 note 7 Published 1966. Pp. 155. 28s. net.
page 241 note 8 BThe Plants of Virgil's Georgia. By Abbe, Elfriede. Cornell & Oxford, 1965. Pp. xvii + 217, with 63 engravings and line-drawings. 60s. net.Google Scholar
page 241 note 9 Published 1966. Pp. vii + 529. 15s. net.
page 242 note 1 Published 1966. Pp. 463. 15s. net.
page 242 note 2 BVergil: Eclogues, Georgics, Aeneid. Barren, 's Simplified Approach. New York, 1966. Pp. 206, with one plate. $0.95.Google Scholar
page 242 note 3 The Palatine Classics. By Tilly, Bertha. University Tutorial Press, 1966. Pp. viii + 117, with 4 plates. 10s. net (with vocab.).Google Scholar
page 242 note 4 Published 1966. Pp. vii + 185. 18s. net.
page 242 note 5 The New Poets and the Augustans. Yale U.P., 1965. Pp. viii + 258. 48s. net.
page 243 note 1 Ovid as an Epic Poet. C.U.P., 1966. Pp. xiv + 411. 65s. net.
page 243 note 2 C.U.P., 1966. Pp. vii + 171. 25s. net.
page 243 note 3 By Watling, E. F.. Published 1966. Pp. 319. 6s. net.Google Scholar
page 243 note 4 Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1965. Pp. x + 229, with 9 illustrations. 40s. net.
page 243 note 5 BThe World of Ancient Times. Charles Scribner & Sons, New York, 1966. Pp. xxv + 758, with numerous illustrations and 21 maps. No price stated.
page 244 note 1 By Jones, Tom B.. Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago, 1964. Pp. xiv + 478, with 36 plates, 28 maps, and 16 charts. No price stated.Google Scholar
page 244 note 2 By Caldwell, Wallace E. and Gyles, Mary F.. Holt, Reinhart & Winston Inc., New York, 1966. Pp. xiv + 654, with many maps and illustrations. No price stated.Google Scholar
page 244 note 3 BThe Civilisation of Greece. By Chamoux, François; translated by Maguinness, W. S.. George Allen & Unwin, 1965. Pp. 395, with 229 illustrations, 20 maps and plans. 75s. net.Google Scholar
page 245 note 1 *The Civilizations of Europe. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1966. Pp. 325, with 17 maps, 96 pp. of black and white photographs, and 8 pp. in colour. 63s. net.
page 245 note 2 Edited by Rzepecki, Arnold M.. Published 1966. Pp. vi + 50. $2.00 post paid.Google Scholar
page 245 note 3 Published 1965. Pp. 68, with 3 maps. 8s. 6d. net.
page 245 note 4 BAncient Crete. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1965. Pp. ix + 197, with 5 plates. 35s. net.
page 245 note 5 By Huxley, G. L.. Faber & Faber, 1966. Pp. 220, with 3 maps. 45s. net.Google Scholar
page 245 note 6 Published 1966. Pp. xi + 372, with 4 maps. 18s. net.
page 245 note 7 Alexander the Great: The Main Problems. Heffer, 1966. Pp. xii + 382. 45s. net.
page 245 note 8 BThe Greeks in India. Faber & Faber, 1966. Pp. 199, with 36 illustrations. 42s. net.
page 245 note 9 Speeches in Greek Historians. By Walbank, F. W.. Holywell Press, Oxford, 1965. Pp. 19. 6s. net.Google Scholar
page 246 note 1 Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora. By Meritt, Benjamin D.. Published 1966. Pp. 31, with 35 illustrations. $0.50.Google Scholar
page 246 note 2 Published 1965. Pp. xiv + 288, with 8 plates. 15s. net.
page 246 note 3 By Tarn, W. W. and Charlesworth, M. P.. C.U.P., 1965. Pp. xii + 167, with 2 maps. 11s. 6d. net.Google Scholar
page 246 note 4 Augustus and Nero. The Secret of Empire. Translated by Ortzen, Len. Phoenix House, London, 1966. Pp. xviii + 190. 25s. net.Google Scholar
page 247 note 1 Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1966. Pp. xiii + 354, with 16 plates and 3 maps. 50s. net.
page 247 note 2 By Smallwood, E. Mary. C.U.P., 1966. Pp. xii + 208. 42s. net.Google Scholar
page 247 note 3 Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1966. Pp. xiii + 194. 35s. net.
page 247 note 4 BThe Greek Mind. By Agard, Walter R.. An Anvil Original. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., Princeton, N.J., 1957. Pp. 190. $1.45.Google Scholar
page 247 note 5 BThe Roman Mind at Work. By MacKendrick, Paul. An Anvil Original. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., Princeton, N.J., 1958. Pp. 191. $1.45.Google Scholar
page 247 note 6 BThe Roman Republic. By Boren, Henry C.. An Anvil Original. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., Princeton, N.J., 1965. Pp. 191. $1.45.Google Scholar
page 247 note 7 By Hawthorn, J. R.. Macmillan, 1963.Google Scholar Pp.xiii + 298, with 5 maps. No price stated.
page 247 note 8 Heffer, , 1966.Google Scholar Pp. vii + 63. No price stated.
page 247 note 9 Hutchinson University Library, 1966. Pp. 196, with 9 figures and one photograph. 12s. 6d. net.
page 248 note 1 Problems in Ancient History. Vol. II: The Roman World. Macmillan, New York, 1966. Pp. xi + 431. No price stated.
page 248 note 2 BLeisure and Pleasure in Roman Egypt. Frederick Muller, 1965. Pp. xiv + 482, with numerous line-drawings. 55s. net.
page 248 note 3 By Pitt-Rivers, George. Allen & Unwin, 1966. Pp. 93Google Scholar, with 27 illustrations. 35s. net.
page 248 note 4 By Hepworth, Philip. Pergamon Press, 1966.Google Scholar Pp. xiv + 242. 20s. net.
page 248 note 5 The Hannibalic War's Effects on Roman Life. By Toynbee, Arnold J.. O.U.P., 1965. Vol. iGoogle Scholar: pp. xii + 643, with 4 maps; vol. ii: pp. x + 752, with 2 maps. 252s. net for the two volumes.
page 249 note 1 The Story of the Nabataeans. Cassell, 1966. Pp. xii + 650, with 220 plates, and maps and plans. 63s. net.
page 249 note 2 Published 1966. Pp. xl + 1168, with 15 maps. 140s. net.
page 250 note 1 Aristotle: Historia Animalium I: Books i–iii. Heinemann, 1965. Pp. c + 239. 25s. net.
page 250 note 2 Heinemann, , 1965.Google Scholar Pp. xii + 242. 25s. net.
page 250 note 3 Josephus. Vol. ix. Heinemann, 1965. Pp. x + 813, with 3 maps. 25s. net.
page 250 note 4 Babrius and Phaedrus. Heinemann, 1965. Pp. cii + 634. 25s. net.
page 250 note 5 By Sanford, E. M.. Heinemann, 1965. Pp. xvi + 509. 25s. net.Google Scholar
page 250 note 6 Heinemann, , 1966.Google Scholar Pp. xv + 650. 25s. net.
page 250 note 7 By SirBeazley, John D. and Ashmole, Bernard. C.U.P., 1966.Google Scholar Pp. xx + 111, with 248 illustrations. 40s. net.
page 250 note 8 Methuen's Handbooks of Archaeology, 1966. Pp. xxviii + 217, with 68 plates and 40 text-figures. 84s. net.
page 251 note 1 BA History of Classical Architecture. Pitman, 1965. Pp. xiii + 215, with 99 plates. 50s. net.
page 251 note 2 C.U.P., 1965. Pp. xii + 272, with 53 figures in the text. 25s. net.
page 251 note 3 Archaeology and Types of Greek Coins. Argonaut Publishers, Chicago, 1965. Pp. xvi + 234, with 16 plates. $15.00.
page 251 note 4 By G. A. Mansuelli. Translated by Ellis, C. E.. Methuen, 1966. Pp. 255Google Scholar, with 72 figs, and 57 pls. (in colour). Also an appendix of 15 black-and-white photographs. 55s. net.
page 252 note 1 B *The Art of the Romans. Ancient Peoples and Places Series, edited by Daniel, Glyn. Thames & Hudson, 1965. Pp. 271Google Scholar, with 91 plates. 35s. net.
page 252 note 2 Faber & Faber, London, 1965. Pp. 35–41, with 3 plates. No price stated.
page 252 note 3 Published 1965. Pp. viii + 176. 28s. net.
page 252 note 4 Published 1965. Pp. xii + 452. 70s. net.
page 252 note 5 *The Ancient World. Prentice-Hall International, 1966. Pp. xi + 180. 16s. net.
page 252 note 6 Harvard and Oxford, 1966. Pp. 279, with 4 plates. 60s. net.
page 253 note 1 An Archaeological Guide. Benn, Ernest, 1966. Pp. 288Google Scholar, with 75 plates, 53 illustra tions in the text, and a map. 50s. net.
page 253 note 2 Hutchinson, , 1966. Pp. 191Google Scholar, with 63 plates (26 of them in colour) and a map. 63s. net.
page 253 note 3 Athens, , 1965. Pp. 117. No price stated.Google Scholar
page 253 note 4 Athens, , 1965. Pp. 120. $5.Google Scholar
page 253 note 5 BMétaphores, Personnifications et Comparaisons dans l'œuvre d'Aristophane. Warsaw, , 1964. Pp. 210.Google Scholar zł. 35.
page 253 note 6 dell'Ateneo, Edizioni, 1965. Pp. 130. L. 1,200.Google Scholar
page 253 note 7 Saggio sul misticismo greco. dell'Ateneo, Edizioni, 1965. Pp.235.Google Scholar L. 2,000.
page 253 note 8 Elementi spettacolari nei rituali festivi romani. 1965. Pp. 174. L. 2,000.
page 254 note 1 BIl Sentimento di Cesare. Liviana Editrice in Padova, 1966. Pp. 181. L. 1,800.
page 254 note 2 From Aevum, Anno xxxviii (1964), fasc. 3–4, 5–6; and Anno xxxix (1965), fasc. 1–2. Milan, , 1965. Pp. 100.Google Scholar No price stated.
page 254 note 3 L'Agora di Cirene. I: I lati nord ed est della platea inferiore. By Sandro Stucchi. ‘L'Erma’ di Bretschneider, 1965. Pp. 382, with 65 plates and 237 figures. No price stated.
page 254 note 4 L'Insula di Giasone Magno a Cirene. By Mingazzini, Paolino and Fiandra, Enrica. ‘L'Erma’ di B., 1966. Pp. 153Google Scholar, with 39 pls., 53 figs., 4 plans. L. 20,000.
page 254 note 5 BStudi in onore di Luisa Banti. ‘L'Erma’ di B., 1965. Pp. xvii + 355, with a photograph, 79 pls. & figs. No price stated.
page 254 note 6 By Giancarlo Susini. Bologna, , 1966. Pp. 103Google Scholar, with 6 figs. No price stated.
page 254 note 7 Studia Archaeologica—5. By Nocentini, Simonetta. ‘L'Erma’ di B., 1965. Pp.82Google Scholar with 21 plates. No price stated.
page 254 note 8 ‘L'Erma’ di B., 1966. Pp. 117, with 27 pls. and 2 maps. No price stated.
page 254 note 9 Faenza, , 1966Google Scholar, Pp. viii + 255. No price stated.
page 254 note 10 Faenza, , 1966.Google Scholar Pp. v + 169. with many figures. No price stated.
page 254 note 11 Bucharest, , 1965. Pp. 54Google Scholar, with 45 plates. Lei 44.