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page 225 note 1 Faber, , 1969. Pp. 213. 50s. net.Google Scholar
page 225 note 2 **Collected Papers. Edited by Webster, T. B. L. and Turner, E. G.. Cambridge U.P., 1969.Google Scholar Pp. x + 307, with a portrait. 80s. net.
page 225 note 3 Methuen, 1970. Pp. xiv + 223, with 11 illustrations. 50s. net.
page 225 note 4 Cambridge U.P., 1970. Pp. iv + 177. 35s. net.
page 225 note 5 Oxford U.P., 1970. Pp. viii + 165, with 1 plate. 25s. net.
page 226 note 1 Euripide: Médée. Published in 1970. Pp. 121. 15 F.Google Scholar
page 226 note 2 Ensayo de bibliografia pindárica. Instituto Antonio de Nebrija, 1969. Pp. xii + 354. 300 plates.
page 226 note 3 B**The Letters of Demosthenes. Columbia U.P., London, 1969.Google Scholar Pp. xii + 320. 108s. net.
page 226 note 4 By Wolohojian, Albert M.. Columbia U.P., London, 1969. Pp. 196Google Scholar, with 1 plate. 76s. net.
page 226 note 5 By Ballaira, G.. Edizioni dell'Ateneo, Rome, 1968.Google Scholar Pp. xlvii + 111, with 10 plates. L. 3,000.
page 226 note 6 CWK Gleerup, Lund, 1969. Pp. 160. 30 Sw. crowns.
page 227 note 1 Hutchinson's University Library, 1969. Pp. 153. 35s. net.
page 227 note 2 Sansoni-Accademia, , Florence, 1969. Pp. 345.Google Scholar No price stated.
page 227 note 3 By Rees, B. R. and Jervis, Margaret E.. Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1970. Pp. viii + 140. 18s. net.Google Scholar
page 227 note 4 Edizioni dell'Ateneo, Rome, 1970. Pp. 219. L. 3,300.
page 227 note 5 BLucretius: On the Nature of Things. Sphere Books Ltd., 1969. Pp. 254. 6s. net.
page 227 note 6 L'Arte Tipografica, Naples, 1966. Pp. 24. No price stated.
page 227 note 7 The Poems of Catullus. A Bilingual Edition. University of California Press, 1969. Pp. 330. 72s. net.Google Scholar
page 228 note 1 BThe Art of the Aeneid. By William S. Anderson. Prentice-Hall Inc., New York, 1969. Pp. 121. $3.95.
page 228 note 2 On Translating Virgil (the second Jackson Knight Memorial Lecture). By Day-Lewis, C.. Albery Press, Abingdon, 1970. Pp. 23. 5s. net.Google Scholar
page 228 note 3 Published in 1969. Pp. 227, with 56 plates (incl. 4 coloured). No price stated.
page 228 note 4 A Commentary on Horace: Odes, Book I. By R. G. M. Nisbet and Margaret Hubbard. Oxford U.P., 1970. Pp. lviii + 440. 84s. net.
page 229 note 1 By Reckford, Kenneth J.. New York, 1969. Pp. 171.Google Scholar No price stated.
page 229 note 2 New York, 1970. Pp. 158. No price stated.
page 229 note 3 Archon Books, 1970. Pp. 115. $5.00.Google Scholar
page 229 note 4 Claudian. Poet of declining Empire and Morals. By Dilke, O. A. W.. Leeds U.P., 1970. Pp. 19Google Scholar, with a map. 3s. 6d. net.
page 229 note 5 Cambridge U.P., 1970. Pp. ix + 252. 90s. net.
page 230 note 1 BFlavii Cresconii Corippi Johannidos Libri 239–40. Edited by Diggle, J. and Goodyear, F. R. D.. Cambridge U.P., 1970.Google Scholar Pp. xii + 198. 80s. net.
page 230 note 2 Edizioni dell'Ateneo, Rome, 1969. Pp. 342. L. 3,000.
page 230 note 3 Edizioni dell'Ateneo, Rome, 1970. Pp. 236. L. 4,000.
page 230 note 4 From the beginnings to the close of the second century A.d. University of Michigan Press, 1969. Pp. 372. $12.50.
page 230 note 5 Princeton and Oxford U.P., 1970. Pp. xxviii + 500. 35s. net (paperback).
page 230 note 6 BNouns meaning ‘River’ in Curtius Rufus. Published in 1969. Pp. 74.Google Scholar No price stated.
page 231 note 1 B**Late Latin Writers and their Greek Sources. By Pierre Courcelle. Harvard and Oxford U.P., 1969. Pp. xii + 467. 145s. net.
page 231 note 2 Ancient Culture and Society Series. Published in 1970. Pp. xiv + 155, with 4 plates, 4 figures, and 6 maps. 21s. net (10s. p.b.).
page 231 note 3 Ancient Culture and Society Series. Translated from the French by Janet Lloyd. Published in 1970. Pp. ix + 126, with 4 plates and 2 maps. 21s. net (10s. p.b.).
page 231 note 4 BNero: Reality and Legend. Ancient Culture and Society Series. Published in 1970. Pp. xii + 180, with 1 plate and 3 maps. 21s. net (10s. p.b.).
page 232 note 1 Ancient Culture and Society Series. By R. M. Ogilvie. Published in 1970. Pp. vii + 135, with 4 plates and 2 plans. 21s. net (10s. p.b.).
page 232 note 2 Roman Colonization under the Republic. Aspects of Greek and Roman Life Series. By E. T. Salmon. Thames & Hudson, 1969. Pp. 208, with 61 illustrations and 13 figures. 45s. net.
page 232 note 3 Scipio Africanus: Soldier and Politician. Aspects of Greek and Roman Life Series. By Scullard, H. H.. Thames & Hudson, 1970. Pp. 299Google Scholar, with 40 illustrations and 13 figures, 50s. net.
page 232 note 4 Bodley Head Press, 1970. Pp. 174, with maps and figures. 21s. net.
page 233 note 1 By Gruen, Erich S.. Harvard and Oxford U.P., 1969.Google Scholar Pp. xii + 337. 109s. 6d. net.
page 233 note 2 Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1969. Pp. xii + 396, with 1 plate. 167s. net.
page 233 note 3 Pp. 271, with 4 plates and 6 maps. 42s. net.
page 234 note 1 BConstantine. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1970. Pp. 263Google Scholar, with 16 illustrations. 50s. net.
page 234 note 2 B**Scholae Palatinae. Published in 1969.Google Scholar Pp. xii + 259. No price stated.
page 234 note 3 Studies in Latin Literature and its Influence. Edited by T. A. Dorey. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1969. Pp. xii + 180, with 2 plates. 35s. net.
page 235 note 1 BLe Storie di G. Velleio Patercolo and BEpitome e Frammenti di L. Anneo Floro. U.T.E.T., 1969. Pp. 707Google Scholar, with 8 plates. L. 8,000.
page 235 note 2 Faber, , 1969. Pp. 294Google Scholar, with 9 plates and 11 figures. 70s. net.
page 235 note 3 B*The Architecture of Italy. Chatto & Windus, 1970. Pp. 128, with 8 plates and 287 figures. 30s. net.
page 235 note 4 Elek Books, 1970. Pp. 108Google Scholar, with 43 colour plates and 37 b/w plates, 70s. net.
page 236 note 1 BPalmyra. Pall Mall Press, 1970. Pp. 30Google Scholar, with 88 plates. 48s. net.
page 236 note 2 New Aspects of Antiquity. With a Preface by the General Editor, Sir Mortimer Wheeler. By Vassos Karageorghis. Thames, & Hudson, , 1970. Pp. 212Google Scholar, with 17 colour plates, 128 b/w plates, and 33 figures. 84s. net.
page 236 note 3 BMinoan Stone Vases. Cambridge Classical Studies. By Peter Warren. Cambridge U.P., 1970. Pp. xiv + 280, with 633 illustrations, 328 figures, 8 text figures, and 14 tables. 160s. net.
page 236 note 4 Hamlyn, Paul, 1969. Pp. 141Google Scholar, with 24 colour plates and 100 b/w plates. 25s. net.
page 237 note 1 A Documentary History of Politics, Society and Thought. Revised Edition. Edited by Harry J. Carroll, Jr., Ainslie T. Embree, Knox Mellon, Jr., Arnold Schrier, and Alastair M. Taylor. Scott, Foresman & Company, Glenview, Illinois, 1969. vol. i, 532 pp.; vol. ii, 534 pp. $5.00 each volume.
page 237 note 2 U.T.E.T., 1969. Pp. 862, with 8 plates. L. 10,000.
page 237 note 3 Pp. xxix + 366. 7s. 6d. net.
page 237 note 4 B*The Nature of Roman Poetry. Pp. viii + 189. 10s. net.
page 237 note 5 Methuen, 1970. Pp. xviii + 214, with 24 plates. 45s. net.
page 237 note 6 Methuen, 1970. Pp. xv + 320. 18s. net.
page 237 note 7 Cambridge U.P., 1970. Pp. x + 163, with 2 plates and 17 figures, 9s. net.
page 238 note 1 By Grant, Michael. Pp. xvii + 512, with 12 plates, 120s. net.Google Scholar
page 238 note 2 Methuen, 1970. Pp. xv + 492, with 4 maps. 28s. net.
page 238 note 3 Methuen, 1970. Pp. xii + 424, with 4 maps. 30s. net.
page 238 note 4 La Nuova Italia, Florence, 1970. Pp. 289. L. 3,000.
page 238 note 5 La Nuova Italia, Florence, 1970. Pp. 323. L. 2,600.