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1. Patterns of Redemption in Virgil's ‘Georgics’. Cambridge Classical Studies. By Morgan, Llewelyn. Cambridge U.P., 1999. Pp. x + 255CrossRefGoogle Scholar. £37.50.
2. Virgil's Experience. Nature and History; Times, Names, and Places. By Jenkyns, Richard. Oxford UP., 1998. Pp. xiii + 712Google Scholar. £50.00.
3. Clothed in Purple Light. Studies in Vergil and in Latin Literature, including Aspects of Philosophy, Religion, Magic, Judaism, and the New Testament Background. By Brenk, Frederick E.. Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1999. Pp. 256Google Scholar, with frontispiece and cover illustration. Limp DM. 98.
4. Horace. Poetics and Politics. By Kiernan, V. G.. Macmillan, Basingstoke, 1999. Pp. xi + 204Google Scholar. £30.00.
5. The Erotics of Domination. Male Desire and the Mistress in Latin Love Poetry. By Greene, Ellen. Johns Hopkins U.P., 1998. Pp. xvi + 142Google Scholar. Price not stated.
6. A Discourse of Wonders. Audience and Performance in Ovid's Metamorphoses. By Wheeler, Stephen M.. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999. Pp. x + 272Google Scholar. £37.50.
7. Amor: Roma. Love & Latin Literature. Eleven Essays (and One Poem) by Former Research Students presented to Kenney, E. J. on his Seventy-Fifth Birthday. Cambridge Philological Society Suppl. Vol. no. 22. Edited by Braund, Susanna Morton and Mayer, Roland. Cambridge Philological Society, Cambridge, 1999. Pp. 208Google Scholar, with 2 illustrations. Paper. Price not stated.
8. Aspects of the Language of Latin Poetry. Proceedings of the British Academy 93. Edited by Adams, J. N. and Mayer, R. G.. Oxford U.P., 1999. Pp. viii + 447Google Scholar. £40.00.
9. Latin Fiction. The Latin Novel in Context. Edited by Hofmann, Heinz. Routledge, London and New York, 1999. Pp. xi + 277Google Scholar. £45.00.
10. Langages du Roman Latin. Spudasmata Band 71. By Callebat, Louis. Olms, Hildesheim, Zürich, New York, 1998. Pp. 301Google Scholar. DM 98.
11. Archaic Latin Prose. American Philological Association, American Classical Studies No. 42. By Courtney, Edward. Scholars Press, Atlanta, 1999. Pp. xi + 164Google Scholar. Cloth $19.95, paper $12.95.